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hist(x.norm, main="N(10,20) Histogram") | hist(x.norm, main="N(10,20) Histogram") | ||
hist(x.norm, main="N(10,20) Histogram") | hist(x.norm, main="N(10,20) Histogram") | ||
− | mean(data_1$age) | + | mean(data_1$$$age) |
− | sd(data_1$age) | + | sd(data_1$$$age) |
Revision as of 15:56, 20 January 2016
Scientific Methods for Health Sciences - Data Simulation
Importing observed data for exploratory analytics
Using the SOCR Health Evaluation and Linkage to Primary (HELP) Care Dataset we can extract some sample data (00_Tiny_SOCR_HELP_Data_Simmulation.csv).
# data_1 <- read.csv('00_Tiny_SOCR_HELP_Data_Simmulation.csv',as.is=T, header=T) # data_1 = read.csv(file.choose( )) # data_1 <- read.table('00_Tiny_SOCR_HELP_Data_Simmulation.csv', header=TRUE, sep=",", row.names="ID")
attach(data_1) # to ensure all variables are accessible within R, e.g., using age instead of data_1$$age # i2 maximum number of drinks (standard units) consumed per day (in the past 30 days range 0–184) see also i1 # treat randomization group (0=usual care, 1=HELP clinic) # pcs SF-36 Physical Component Score (range 14-75) # mcs SF-36 Mental Component Score(range 7-62) # cesd Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression scale (range 0–60) # indtot Inventory of Drug Use Con-sequences (InDUC) total score (range 4–45) # pss_fr perceived social supports (friends, range 0–14) see also dayslink # drugrisk Risk-Assessment Battery(RAB) drug risk score (range0–21) # satreat any BSAS substance abuse treatment at baseline (0=no,1=yes) ==='"`UNIQ--h-2--QINU`"'Fragment of the data=== <center> {| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center; " border="1" |- ! ID ||i2 ||age ||treat ||homeless ||pcs ||mcs ||cesd ||indtot ||pss_fr ||drugrisk ||sexrisk ||satreat ||female ||substance ||racegrp |- | 1 ||0 ||25 ||0 ||0 ||49 ||7 ||46 ||37 ||0 ||1 ||6 ||0 ||0 ||cocaine ||black |- | 2 ||18 ||31 ||0 ||0 ||48 ||34 ||17 ||48 ||0 ||0 ||11 ||0 ||0 ||alcohol ||white |- | 3 ||39 ||36 ||0 ||0 ||76 ||9 ||33 ||41 ||12 ||19 ||4 ||0 ||0 ||heroin ||black |- | … || || || || || || || || || || || || || || || |- | 100 ||81 ||22 ||0 ||0 ||37 ||17 ||19 ||30 ||3 ||0 ||10 ||0 ||0 ||alcohol ||other |} </center> ==='"`UNIQ--h-3--QINU`"'Testing section=== summary(data_1) x.norm <- rnorm(n=200, m=10, sd=20) hist(x.norm, main="N(10,20) Histogram") hist(x.norm, main="N(10,20) Histogram") mean(data_1$$$age) sd(data_1$$$age)
Simulate new data to match the properties/characteristics of observed data
i2 [0: 184] age m=34,sd=12 treat {0,1} homeless {0,1} pcs 14-75 mcs 7-62 cesd 0–60 indtot 4-45 pss_fr 0-14 drugrisk 0-21 sexrisk satreat (0=no,1=yes) female (0=no,1=yes) racegrp (black, white, other) # Demographics variables Sex <- ifelse(runif(NumSubj)<.5,0,1) Weight <- as.integer(rnorm(NumSubj, 80,10)) Age <- as.integer(rnorm(NumSubj, 62,10)) # Diagnosis: Dx <- c(rep("PD", 100), rep("HC", 100), rep("SWEDD", 82)) # Genetics chr12_rs34637584_GT <- c(ifelse(runif(100)<.3,0,1), ifelse(runif(100)<.6,0,1), ifelse(runif(82)<.4,0,1)) # NumSubj Bernoulli trials chr17_rs11868035_GT <- c(ifelse(runif(100)<.7,0,1), ifelse(runif(100)<.4,0,1), ifelse(runif(82)<.5,0,1)) # NumSubj Bernoulli trials # Clinical # rpois(NumSubj, 15) + rpois(NumSubj, 6) UPDRS_part_I <- c( ifelse(runif(100)<.7,0,1)+ifelse(runif(100)<.7,0,1), ifelse(runif(100)<.6,0,1)+ ifelse(runif(100)<.6,0,1), ifelse(runif(82)<.4,0,1)+ ifelse(runif(82)<.4,0,1) ) UPDRS_part_II <- c(sample.int(20, 100, replace=T), sample.int(14, 100, replace=T), sample.int(18, 82, replace=T) ) UPDRS_part_III <- c(sample.int(30, 100, replace=T), sample.int(20, 100, replace=T), sample.int(25, 82, replace=T) ) # Time: VisitTime – done automatically below in aggregator # Data (putting all components together) sim_PD_Data <- cbind( rep(Cases, each= NumTime), # Cases rep(L_caudate_ComputeArea, each= NumTime), # Imaging rep(Sex, each= NumTime), # Demographics rep(Weight, each= NumTime), rep(Age, each= NumTime), rep(Dx, each= NumTime), # Dx rep(chr12_rs34637584_GT, each= NumTime), # Genetics rep(chr17_rs11868035_GT, each= NumTime), rep(UPDRS_part_I, each= NumTime), # Clinical rep(UPDRS_part_II, each= NumTime), rep(UPDRS_part_III, each= NumTime), rep(c(0,6,12,18), NumSubj) # Time ) # Assign the column names colnames(sim_PD_Data) <- c( "Cases", "L_caudate_ComputeArea", "Sex", "Weight", "Age", "Dx", "chr12_rs34637584_GT", "chr17_rs11868035_GT", "UPDRS_part_I", "UPDRS_part_II", "UPDRS_part_III", "Time" ) # some QC summary(sim_PD_Data) dim(sim_PD_Data) head(sim_PD_Data)

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