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==[[SMHS_LinearModeling|SMHS Linear Modeling]] - Statistical Software ==
==[[SMHS_LinearModeling|SMHS Linear Modeling]] - Statistical Software ==
===[[SMHS_LinearModeling_StatsSoftware|Statistical Software]]===
This section briefly describes the pros and cons of different statistical software platforms.
This section briefly describes the pros and cons of different statistical software platforms.
===[[SMHS_LinearModeling_QC|Quality Control]]===
Discussion of data Quality Control (QC) and Quality Assurance (QA) which represent important components of data-driven modeling, analytics and visualization.
===[[SMHS_LinearModeling_MLR |Multiple Linear Regression]]===
Review and demonstration of computing and visualizing the regression-model coefficients (effect-sizes), (fixed-effect) linear model assumptions, examination of residual plots, and independence.
===[[SMHS_LinearModeling_MLR |Linear mixed effects analyses]]===
Scientific inference base don fixed and random effect models, assumptions, and mixed effects logistic regression.
==[[SMHS_LinearModeling|SMHS Linear Modeling]] - Machine Learning Algorithms==

Revision as of 11:00, 1 February 2016