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== How to use the SOCR Motion Charts? ==
== How to use the SOCR Motion Charts? ==
# '''Graph Tab''':
## Right click to show the pop-up menu.
## To zoom in: Choose "ZoomIn" from the pop-up menu or hold on the left mouse button and focus on the area you want to zoom in and drag toward lower_right corner.  
# You can select table cells and use the '''COPY/PASTE''' button to copy/paste data in the data table.
## To zoom out: Choose "ZoomOut" from the the pop-up menu or hold on the left mouse button and drag toward upper_left corner.
# You also can use the '''FILE OPEN''' button to import data into the table cells from a comma-separated or tab-delimited plain text file(Note, the first line with # sign at the front will be read in as table headings).
## To change chart properties such as background color, Font, outline stroke:  Choose "Properties" from the pop-up menu and make the change to Title/Plot.
# To add a extra row to the data table, hit "enter" key in the last cell. Hit "tab" key in the last cell will add a extra column.
## To '''play''' the motion chart click Play button. You can also go back and forward using hte corresponging buttons.
# To search for a chart from the SOCRCharts list, use the '''SEARCH''' button and enter a keyword before click "OK". The related chart in the SOCRCharts list will be highlighted.
## Bring mouse over a blob, and/or double-click a blob, to get more information.
# The '''SNAPSHOT''' button can be used to save a snapshot of the graph to your own computer.
# '''Data Tab''':
# To report bugs or make recommendations please visit: [http://www.socr.ucla.edu SOCR Home Page].
## Paste data with first row representing the column headings
# SOCRChart is based on JFreeChart and uses it's rendering engine to render the chart image. See [http://www.jfree.org/jfreechart  JFreeChart] for more information.
## Copy data from any spreadsheet (e.g., [[SOCR_Data]]).
# '''Mapping'''
## Map your time variable to K''Key'' and any other measurements you are interessted in visualizing to the other variables (''X'' and ''Y'' axes, ''color'', ''size'', etc.) ''Category'' is a label for discreminating different blobs (e.g., state, country, geographic unit, etc.)
# Refer to the [[About_pages_for_SOCR_Chart_List | Complete List of SOCR Charts]] and the [[SOCR_Videos_Charts | Charts Video Tutorials]]
<center>Include a snapshot here.</center>
==See also==
==See also==

Revision as of 17:19, 18 January 2009

Introduction: The SOCR Motion Charts provide an interactive and dynamic visualization of temporal and longitudinal data

  1. This applet allows the visualization of multivariate and high-dimentional data that has a temporal or longitudinal dimension.
  2. SOCR Motion Charts use categorical, ordinal, nominal, discrete and continuous types of variables.

How to use the SOCR Motion Charts?

  1. Graph Tab:
    1. Right click to show the pop-up menu.
    2. To zoom in: Choose "ZoomIn" from the pop-up menu or hold on the left mouse button and focus on the area you want to zoom in and drag toward lower_right corner.
    3. To zoom out: Choose "ZoomOut" from the the pop-up menu or hold on the left mouse button and drag toward upper_left corner.
    4. To change chart properties such as background color, Font, outline stroke: Choose "Properties" from the pop-up menu and make the change to Title/Plot.
    5. To play the motion chart click Play button. You can also go back and forward using hte corresponging buttons.
    6. Bring mouse over a blob, and/or double-click a blob, to get more information.
  2. Data Tab:
    1. Paste data with first row representing the column headings
    2. Copy data from any spreadsheet (e.g., SOCR_Data).
  3. Mapping
    1. Map your time variable to KKey and any other measurements you are interessted in visualizing to the other variables (X and Y axes, color, size, etc.) Category is a label for discreminating different blobs (e.g., state, country, geographic unit, etc.)
  4. Refer to the Complete List of SOCR Charts and the Charts Video Tutorials
SOCR MotionCharts Dinov 011709 Fig1.png

See also

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