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The following textbooks utilize SOCR resources and reference SOCR tools as part of their concept demonstrations.
The following textbooks utilize SOCR resources and reference SOCR tools as part of their concept demonstrations.
===[http://books.google.com/books?id=O0lvP7iczzsC Cases on Online and Blended Learning Technologies in Higher Education: Concepts and Practices]
===[http://books.google.com/books?id=O0lvP7iczzsC Cases on Online and Blended Learning Technologies in Higher Education: Concepts and Practices]===
* Title: Cases on Online and Blended Learning Technologies in Higher Education: Concepts and Practices
* Title: Cases on Online and Blended Learning Technologies in Higher Education: Concepts and Practices
* Author: Yukiko Inoue
* Author: Yukiko Inoue

Revision as of 17:37, 9 October 2009

SOCR Educational Materials - SOCR Books

SOCR Concepts & Methods

Electronic SOCR Books

Books Referencing SOCR Resources

The following textbooks utilize SOCR resources and reference SOCR tools as part of their concept demonstrations.

Cases on Online and Blended Learning Technologies in Higher Education: Concepts and Practices

  • Title: Cases on Online and Blended Learning Technologies in Higher Education: Concepts and Practices
  • Author: Yukiko Inoue
  • Publisher: Idea Group Inc (IGI), 2009
  • ISBN 160566880X, 9781605668802, Length 333 pages

Standardsoftware für das Business Forecasting

  • Title: Standardsoftware für das Business Forecasting
  • Author: Carsten Schmierer
  • Publisher: GRIN Verlag, 2009
  • ISBN 3640318668, 9783640318667, Length 76 pages

Bacterial and bacteriophage genetics

  • Title: Bacterial and bacteriophage genetics
  • Author: Edward Asahel Birge
  • Edition: 5, illustrated
  • Publisher: Birkhäuser, 2006
  • ISBN: 0387239197, 9780387239194, Length 577 pages

Homeschool Your Child for Free: More Than 1,400 Smart, Effective, and Practical Resources for Educating Your Family at Home

  • Authors: LauraMaery Gold, Joan M. Zielinski
  • Edition: 2, revised
  • Publisher: Random House, Inc., 2009
  • ISBN: 0307451631, 9780307451637,Length 480 pages

Food Security, Poverty and Nutrition Analysis: Statistical Methods and Policy Application

The International Food Policy Research Institute, a publicly funded, not-for-profit international research institution, whose main audience is located in developing countries, used the SOCR T-distribution table in a recently published book.

  • Authors: IFPRI researchers, Suresh Babu and Prabuddha Sanyal.
  • Book Title: Food Security, Poverty and Nutrition Analysis: Statistical Methods and Policy Application.
  • Publisher: Elsevier.
  • Publication date: December 2008.

Playful Math

  • Author: Arturas Medonis
  • Summary: Playful Math is intended as a series of notebook type publications gradually introducing basic math concepts in a playful environment. Examples, grid space for self-discoveries, hands-on activity templates will provide you opportunity to drill the same technique with different numbers. Random numbers here are brought exactly for this specific purpose. On the way, your inner prodigy will be nurtured. 1+3+5=3*3: those numbers are not ordinary numbers. 5-year-old prodigy child discovered them. He had fun with numbers all his life and later was called Mozart of mathematics. You definitely want to follow the discovery.
  • Published by Lulu.com, 2006
  • ISBN 1847283675, 9781847283672, 116 pages

Handbook of Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists

  • Authors: Andrei D. Polyanin, Alexander V. Manzhirov
  • Summary: The Handbook of Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists covers the main fields of mathematics and focuses on the methods used for obtaining solutions of various classes of mathematical equations that underlie the mathematical modeling of numerous phenomena and processes in science and technology. To accommodate different mathematical backgrounds, the preeminent authors outline the material in a simplified, schematic manner, avoiding special terminology wherever possible. This concise, comprehensive compendium of mathematical definitions, formulas, and theorems provides the foundation for exploring scientific and technological phenomena.
  • Published by CRC Press, 2007
  • ISBN 1584885025, 9781584885023, 1509 pages

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