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==One Sample T-Test Background==  
==One Sample T-Test Background==  
The theory used is [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Student%27s_t-test Student's T-distribution] (try opening in a new window so you can keep this page). A vector of data is to be tested if it's mean is significantly not equal to zero, or less than, or greater than zero.
The theory used is [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Student%27s_t-test Student's T-distribution] (try opening it in a new window so you can keep this page). A vector of data is to be tested if it's mean is significantly not equal to zero, or less than, or greater than zero.
==One Sample T-Test Example==
==One Sample T-Test Example==

Revision as of 15:20, 4 August 2007

SOCR Analyses Example on One Sample T-Test

This SOCR Activity demonstrates the utilization of the SOCR Analyses package for statistical Computing. In particular, it shows how to use One Sample T-Test with SOCR.

One Sample T-Test Background

The theory used is Student's T-distribution (try opening it in a new window so you can keep this page). A vector of data is to be tested if it's mean is significantly not equal to zero, or less than, or greater than zero.

One Sample T-Test Example

We will demonstrate One Sample T-Test with some SOCR built-in examples. This example is based on the data taken from the statistical program "R." For more information of the R program, please see CRAN Home Page. The dataset used here is "shoes" under R's "MASS" library. In the dataset, ten boys are given to the wear of shoes of materials A and B for one foot. The worn level is recorded and difference is obtained. We'd like to find if one material is better than the other. The difference is calcualted by B - A.

Here's the steps of the activity:

1. Click on One Sample T-Test at the left panel's combo box. And then, on the right panel, first click on EXAMPLE 3 and next click on "Data" to retreive the demonstrated example.

Error creating thumbnail: File missing

Error creating thumbnail: File missing

2. Click on the "Mapping" button to get to the "Mapping" panel. Click on "Add" under Dependent to add the variable for One Sample T-Test.

SOCR AnalysisActivities OneT Chu 051707 Fig3.jpg

3. Click on "Calculate" then "Result" to see the results.
