Pie Charts
Chart |
Chart data in JTable |
Sample code
PieChart2D |
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ChartGenerator_JTable chartMaker = new ChartGenerator_JTable();
int[][] pairs = new int[1][2];
pairs[0][0] = 1; // value
pairs[0][1] = 0; // name
chart = chartMaker.getPieChart(chartTitle, dataTable, pairs,"");
chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart, false);
PieChart3D with rotation |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing |
ChartGenerator_JTable chartMaker = new ChartGenerator_JTable();
int[][] pairs = new int[1][2];
pairs[0][0] = 1; // value
pairs[0][1] = 0; // name
chart = chartMaker.getPieChart(chartTitle, dataTable, pairs,"3D counter_clockwise");
chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart, false);
RingChart |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing |
ChartGenerator_JTable chartMaker = new ChartGenerator_JTable();
int[][] pairs = new int[1][2];
pairs[0][0] = 1; // value
pairs[0][1] = 0; // name
chart = chartMaker.getPieChart(chartTitle, dataTable, pairs,"ring");
chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart, false);
JFreeChart getPieChart(java.lang.String title, javax.swing.JTable table, int[][] pairs, java.lang.String other)
Options for the getPieChart method are: 2D/3D/ring, clockwise/counter_clockwise. 2D is the default.
Bar Charts
Chart |
Chart data in JTable |
Sample code
Bar2D |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing |
ChartGenerator_JTable chartMaker = new ChartGenerator_JTable();
int no_series = dataTable.getRowCount()-1;
int no_category = dataTable.getColumnCount()-2;
int[][] pairs = new int[no_category][2];
for (int i=0; i<no_category; i++){
pairs[i][0] = i+1; //column i store category i
pairs[i][1] = 0; //column 0 stores series name
chart = chartMaker.getCategoryChart("Bar",
chartTitle, "Category", "value", dataTable, no_category, pairs,
chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart, false);
Bar2D Horizontal Layout |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing |
ChartGenerator_JTable chartMaker = new ChartGenerator_JTable();
int no_series = dataTable.getRowCount()-1;
int no_category = dataTable.getColumnCount()-2;
int[][] pairs = new int[no_category][2];
for (int i=0; i<no_category; i++){
pairs[i][0] = i+1; //column i store category i
pairs[i][1] = 0; //column 0 stores series name
chart = chartMaker.getCategoryChart("Bar",
chartTitle, "Category", "value", dataTable, no_category, pairs,
chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart, false);
Bar3D |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing |
ChartGenerator_JTable chartMaker = new ChartGenerator_JTable();
int no_series = dataTable.getRowCount()-1;
int no_category = dataTable.getColumnCount()-2;
int[][] pairs = new int[no_category][2];
for (int i=0; i<no_category; i++){
pairs[i][0] = i+1; //column i store category i
pairs[i][1] = 0; //column 0 stores series name
chart = chartMaker.getCategoryChart("Bar",
chartTitle, "Category", "value", dataTable, no_category, pairs,
chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart, false);
Layered Bar |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing |
ChartGenerator_JTable chartMaker = new ChartGenerator_JTable();
int no_series = dataTable.getRowCount()-1;
int no_category = dataTable.getColumnCount()-2;
int[][] pairs = new int[no_category][2];
for (int i=0; i<no_category; i++){
pairs[i][0] = i+1; //column i store category i
pairs[i][1] = 0; //column 0 stores series name
chart = chartMaker.getCategoryChart("Bar",
chartTitle, "Category", "value", dataTable, no_category, pairs,
chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart, false);
Stacked Bar |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing |
ChartGenerator_JTable chartMaker = new ChartGenerator_JTable();
int no_series = dataTable.getRowCount()-1;
int no_category = dataTable.getColumnCount()-2;
int[][] pairs = new int[no_category][2];
for (int i=0; i<no_category; i++){
pairs[i][0] = i+1; //column i store category i
pairs[i][1] = 0; //column 0 stores series name
chart = chartMaker.getCategoryChart("Bar",
chartTitle, "Category", "value", dataTable, no_category, pairs,
chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart, false);
Waterfall Bar |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing |
ChartGenerator_JTable chartMaker = new ChartGenerator_JTable();
int no_series = dataTable.getRowCount()-1;
int no_category = dataTable.getColumnCount()-2;
int[][] pairs = new int[no_category][2];
for (int i=0; i<no_category; i++){
pairs[i][0] = i+1; //column i store category i
pairs[i][1] = 0; //column 0 stores series name
chart = chartMaker.getCategoryChart("Bar", "Product Cost Breakdown",
"Expense Category",
"Cost Per Unit", dataTable, no_category, pairs,
chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart, false);
Statistical Bar |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing |
ChartGenerator_JTable chartMaker = new ChartGenerator_JTable();
int no_series = dataTable.getRowCount()-1;
int no_category = dataTable.getColumnCount()-2;
int[][] pairs = new int[no_category][2];
for (int i=0; i<no_category; i++){
pairs[i][0] = i+1; //column i store category i
pairs[i][1] = 0; //column 0 stores series name
chart = chartMaker.getCategoryChart("BarStat",
chartTitle, "Type", "value", dataTable, no_category, pairs,
chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart, false);
Statistical Bar with Raw Data |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing |
ChartGenerator_JTable chartMaker = new ChartGenerator_JTable();
int no_series = dataTable.getRowCount()-1;
int no_category = dataTable.getColumnCount()-2;
int[][] pairs = new int[no_category][2];
for (int i=0; i<no_category; i++){
pairs[i][0] = i+1; //column i store category i
pairs[i][1] = 0; //column 0 stores series name
chart = chartMaker.getCategoryChart("BarStatRaw",
chartTitle, "Type", "value", dataTable, no_category, pairs,
chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart, false);
XY BarChart using XYDataset |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing |
ChartGenerator_JTable chartMaker = new ChartGenerator_JTable();
int no_series = (dataTable.getColumnCount()-2)/2;
int[][] pairs = new int[no_series][2];
for (int i=0; i<no_series; i++){
pairs[i][0] = i*2; //column 1 stores value
pairs[i][1] = i*2+1; //column 0 stores time
chart = chartMaker.getXYChart("Bar",
chartTitle, "Category", "value", dataTable, no_series, pairs,
chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart, false);
Bar chart can be created using either getCategoryChart or getXYChart method depend on the data.
JFreeChart getCategoryChart(java.lang.String chartType, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String xLabel, java.lang.String yLabel, javax.swing.JTable table, int numberOfCategory, int[][] pairs, java.lang.String other)
Options for the getXYChart method's parameterchartType are: bar/barstat/barstatraw/line/linestat/linestatraw/step/area/areatime/eventfreq/spiderweb. bar is the default.
Options for the getCategoryChart method's parameterother are: horizontal/vertical, 3D, stacked/layered/waterfall, year/month/day/minute. Vertical is the default.
JFreeChart getXYChart(java.lang.String chartType, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String xLabel, java.lang.String yLabel, javax.swing.JTable table, int numberOfSeries, int[][] pairs, java.lang.String other)
Options for the getXYChart method's parameterchartType are: line/bar/linetime/lineqq/lineqqdd/area/areatime/step/nd/differencetime/symbolicaxis/polar. line is the default.
Options for the getXYChart method's parameterother are: horizontal/vertical, noline/nofill/noshape, year/month/day/minute. Vertical is the default.
Line Charts
Chart |
Chart data in JTable |
Sample code
Line chart using CategoryDataset |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing |
ChartGenerator_JTable chartMaker = new ChartGenerator_JTable();
int no_series = dataTable.getRowCount()-1;
int no_category = dataTable.getColumnCount()-2;
int[][] pairs = new int[no_category][2];
for (int i=0; i<no_category; i++){
pairs[i][0] = i+1; //column i store category i
pairs[i][1] = 0; //column 0 stores series name
chart = chartMaker.getCategoryChart("Line",
"Category Chart", "Release", "Class Count", dataTable, no_category, pairs,
chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart, false);
Line Chart using XYDataset |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing |
ChartGenerator_JTable chartMaker = new ChartGenerator_JTable();
int no_series = (dataTable.getColumnCount()-2)/2;
int[][] pairs = new int[no_series][2];
for (int i=0; i<no_series; i++){
pairs[i][0] = 2*i; //column x
pairs[i][1] = 2*i+1; //column y
chart = chartMaker.getXYChart("Line",
chartTitle, "X", "Y", dataTable, no_series, pairs,
chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart, false);
Scatter Line Chart |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing |
ChartGenerator_JTable chartMaker = new ChartGenerator_JTable();
int no_series = (dataTable.getColumnCount()-2)/2;
int[][] pairs = new int[no_series][2];
for (int i=0; i<no_series; i++){
pairs[i][0] = 2*i; //column x
pairs[i][1] = 2*i+1; //column y
chart = chartMaker.getXYChart("Line",
"Line Chart", "X", "Y", dataTable, no_series, pairs,
chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart, false);
QQData2Data Chart |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing |
ChartGenerator_JTable chartMaker = new ChartGenerator_JTable();
int no_series = dataTable.getColumnCount()/2;
int[][] pairs = new int[no_series][2];
for (int i=0; i<no_series; i++){
pairs[i][0] = 2*i; //column x
pairs[i][1] = 2*i+1; //column y
chart = chartMaker.getXYChart("LineQQDD",
"QQD2D Chart", "Group1", "Group 2", dataTable, no_series, pairs,
chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart, false);
QQNormal Chart |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing |
ChartGenerator_JTable chartMaker = new ChartGenerator_JTable();
int no_series = dataTable.getColumnCount(); //one y column only
int[][] pairs = new int[no_series][2];
for (int i=0; i<no_series; i++){
pairs[i][0] = 0; // there is no x column
pairs[i][1] = 0; //column y
chart = chartMaker.getXYChart("LineQQ",
"QQNormalPlot Chart", "Data", "NormalDistribution of Data", dataTable, no_series, pairs,
chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart, false);
NormalDistrribution Chart |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing |
ChartGenerator_JTable chartMaker = new ChartGenerator_JTable();
int[][] pairs = new int[1][2];
pairs[0][0] = 0; //mean
pairs[0][1] = 1; // stdDev
chart = chartMaker.getXYChart("ND",
"Normaldistribution Chart", "X", "Y", dataTable, 1, pairs,
"noshape nofill ");
chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart, false);
StatisticalLine Chart |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing |
ChartGenerator_JTable chartMaker = new ChartGenerator_JTable();
int no_series = dataTable.getRowCount()-1;
int no_category = dataTable.getColumnCount()-2;
int[][] pairs = new int[no_category][2];
for (int i=0; i<no_category; i++){
pairs[i][0] = i+1; //column i store category i
pairs[i][1] = 0; //column 0 stores series name
chart = chartMaker.getCategoryChart("LineStat",
"LineChart", "Type", "value", dataTable, no_category, pairs,
chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart, false);
StatisticalLine Chart using raw data |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing |
ChartGenerator_JTable chartMaker = new ChartGenerator_JTable();
int no_series = dataTable.getRowCount()-1;
int no_category = dataTable.getColumnCount()-2;
int[][] pairs = new int[no_category][2];
for (int i=0; i<no_category; i++){
pairs[i][0] = i+1; //column i store category i
pairs[i][1] = 0; //column 0 stores series name
chart = chartMaker.getCategoryChart("LineStatRaw",
"LineChart", "Type", "value", dataTable, no_category, pairs,
chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart, false);
Step Chart |
Error creating thumbnail: File missing |
ChartGenerator_JTable chartMaker = new ChartGenerator_JTable();
int no_series = (dataTable.getColumnCount()-2)/2;
int[][] pairs = new int[no_series][2];
for (int i=0; i<no_series; i++){
pairs[i][0] = 2*i; //column x
pairs[i][1] = 2*i+1; //column y
chart = chartMaker.getXYChart("Step",
"Step Chart", "X", "Y", dataTable, no_series, pairs,
chartPanel = new ChartPanel(chart, false);
Line chart can be created using either getCategoryChart or getXYChart method depend on the data.
JFreeChart getXYChart(java.lang.String chartType, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String xLabel, java.lang.String yLabel, javax.swing.JTable table, int numberOfSeries, int[][] pairs, java.lang.String other)
Options for the getXYChart method's parameterchartType are: line/bar/linetime/lineqq/lineqqdd/area/areatime/step/nd/differencetime/symbolicaxis/polar. line is the default.
Options for the getXYChart method's parameterother are: horizontal/vertical, noline/nofill/noshape, year/month/day/minute. Vertical is the default.
JFreeChart getCategoryChart(java.lang.String chartType, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String xLabel, java.lang.String yLabel, javax.swing.JTable table, int numberOfCategory, int[][] pairs, java.lang.String other)
Options for the getXYChart method's parameterchartType are: bar/barstat/barstatraw/line/linestat/linestatraw/step/area/areatime/eventfreq/spiderweb. bar is the default.
Options for the getCategoryChart method's parameter other are: horizontal/vertical, 3D, stacked/layered/waterfall, year/month/day/minute. Vertical is the default.