SOCR Events Aug2009
- 1 SOCR Events: It's Online, Therefore it Exists! 2009 SOCR Training & Development Workshop
- 2 Title: It's Online, Therefore it Exists! A Workshop on Technology-Enhanced Probability and Statistics Education Using SOCR Resources
- 3 Workshop Summary and Goals
- 4 Presenters
- 5 Attendees
- 6 Logistics, Application & Registration
- 7 Program
- 8 Sponsorship
- 9 Additional Workshop Resources
- 10 SOCR Teaching Statistics with Technology EBook
- 11 Postscript
SOCR Events: It's Online, Therefore it Exists! 2009 SOCR Training & Development Workshop
Title: It's Online, Therefore it Exists! A Workshop on Technology-Enhanced Probability and Statistics Education Using SOCR Resources
This Program is Still Under Development!!!
Workshop Summary and Goals
The 2009 SOCR training, continuing education and development workshop will extend the efforts that started at the 2007 SOCR/CAUSEway Workshop. The aims of this workshop are to demonstrate the functionality, utilization and assessment of the current SOCR resources in probability and statistics curricula at different levels. The SOCR Motto It's Online, Therefore it Exists! clearly indicates that all of these tools, activities and materials are freely available over the Internet to the entire community. This workshop will be of most value to AP teachers and college instructors of probability and statistics classes who have interests in exploring novel technology-enhances approaches for improving statistics education. The workshop will provide an interactive forum for exchange of ideas and recommendations for strategies to integrate computers, modern pedagogical approaches, the Internet and new student assessment techniques.
- Nicolas Christou, UCLA Statistics
- Ivo Dinov, UCLA Statistics and Center for Computational Biology
- Rahul Gidwani, UCLA Statistics
- Others
Workshop Attendees List & Workshop Email List.
Logistics, Application & Registration
We anticipate being able to host 30-40 workshop participants for this 3-day event. All participants will be partially supported to attend the workshop (room & board), by the NSF-funded SOCR Resource.
- Date: Mon-Wed, August 10-12, 2009
- Times: AM & PM Sessions (9AM - 12PM & 1PM - 4 PM)
- Venue/Place: Powell Library (CLICC Classroom C, Powell 320C, Powell Building Real-time WebCam, use only the North-West elevator/stairway)
- Accommodation - Rooms are reserved in UCLA Hedrick Hall for checking in at 4 PM on Sun 08/09/09 and checking out by 11 AM on Wed 08/12/09. UCLA Catering will provide housing and accommodation to all remote participants. Breakfast, lunch and dinner will be provided.
- Local Information: Maps & local visitor information, direct LAX-Westwood Fly-Away Shuttle (every 30 min)
- To Apply: Please register/submit your application, using this web-application form. Please include all the information requested. We will make any effort to invite as many people as we can physically accommodate, however, we can not guarantee that we have the resources to invite all applicants, or to respond to all applicants that may not be selected (we expect a large number of applicants). Women, minorities and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. We will be also web-casting the entire workshop. So, if we do not offer you a slot, you may view this event online. All applications received before May 01, 2009 will receive full consideration.
- Funding Support Details: Participants will be staying at UCLA Hedrick Hall for 3 nights (Aug. 09, 10, 11, 2009), these costs are covered by the conference organizers and will be paid directly. Only no-shows will be charged. All meals will be provided during the Workshop. There is no Workshop registration fee nor are there any charges for the Workshop materials which will be distributed. All transportation costs are the attendee's responsibilities.
Workshop Webcasting
- A live webcast (TBD!) of the entire Workshop will be available during the regular sessions
- Point your browser or your RealPlayer to this URL (TBD!)
- Mon August 10, 2009
- 9 AM - 12 PM Pacific Time (17:00 - 20:00 GMT)
- 1 - 4 PM Pacific Time
- Tue August 11, 2009
- 9 AM - 12 PM Pacific Time
- 1 - 4 PM Pacific Time
- Wed August 12, 2009
- 9 AM - 12 PM Pacific Time
- After the workshop the complete webcast will available at the California Digital Library (as MPEG video-stream files).
Day 1 (Mon 08/10/09)
Morning Session - Open, Diverse, Motivational, Interactive and Web-based SOCR Datasets (8AM - 12PM)
- Registration and Coffee (8:00 - 9:00 AM)
- Welcome, Ivo Dinov, SOCR Director (9:00 - 9:10 AM)
- Participants Introductions (9:10 - 9:20 AM)
- Guest Accounts (9:20 - 9:30 AM)
- The State of the SOCR Resource, Ivo Dinov, (9:30 - 9:40 AM)
- SOCR Open Motivational Datasets, Ivo Dinov (9:40 - 10:40 AM)
- Research-derived data
- Multi-disciplinary data understanding
- Morning Break (10:40 - 10:50 AM)
- SOCR Open Motivational Datasets (cont.), Ivo Dinov (10:50 - 11:30 AM)
- Interactive Discussion on generating data and curricular integration of datasets (11:30AM - 12:00 PM)
Lunch Break (12:00 - 1:00 PM)
Afternoon Session - SOCR Tools (1PM - 4PM)
- SOCR Distributions, Ivo Dinov (1:00 - 1:30 PM)
- SOCR Experiments, Nicolas Christou (1:30 - 2:00 PM)
- SOCR Games, Ivo Dinov (2:00 - 2:30 PM)
- Break (2:30 - 2:45 PM)
- SOCR Analyses, Nicolas Christou (2:45 - 3:15 PM)
- SOCR Modeler, Ivo Dinov (3:15 - 3:45 PM)
- SOCR Charts/EDA, Ivo Dinov (3:45 - 4:15 PM)
- Interactive Group Discussion on Tools for Probability & Stats Education - What works, what doesn't, how to extend the collection and enhance the experiences of others (4:15 - 4:30 PM)
6:00-8:30 PM at the Redwood Room in the UCLA Faculty Center
Day 2 (Tue 08/11/09)
Morning Session - SOCR Activities (9AM - 12PM)
- SOCR Analyses Activities, Ivo Dinov (9:00 - 10:00 AM)
- SOCR Modeler Activities, Ivo Dinov (10:00 - 10:30 AM)
- Break (10:30 - 10:45 AM)
- SOCR Distribution Activities, Nicolas Christou (10:45 - 11:45 AM)
- Group Interactive Discussion on Hands-on Activities - What works, what doesn't, how to extend the collection and how improve teaching of statistical analysis methodologies? (11:45 AM - 12:00 PM)
Lunch Break (12:00 - 1:00 PM)
Afternoon Session - SOCR Activities (cont.) (1PM - 4PM)
- SOCR Experiments Activities, Nicolas Christou (1:00 - 1:45 PM)
- General Central Limit Theorem (CLT) & CI Activity (TBD), Nicolas Christou (1:45 - 2:30 PM)
- Break (2:30 - 2:45 PM)
- Law of Large Numbers, Ivo Dinov (2:45 - 3:15 PM)
- SOCR Charts Activities, Nicolas Christou & Ivo Dinov (3:15 - 4:00 PM)
- Group Interactive Discussion on Activities - What works, what doesn't, how to extend the collection and experiences of other participants (4:00 - 4:15 PM)
6-8PM Movie Night, LACMA or TBD (UCLA Transportation is arranged 6-9 PM).
Day 3 (Wed 08/12/09)
Morning Session - SOCR Infrastructure, Open and Collaborative Development (9AM - 12PM)
- SOCR Infrastructure, Ivo Dinov (9:00 - 10:00 AM)
- HT Viewer
- Multilingual support
- Open development/utilization
- EBook
- SOCR Courses
- SOCR Feedback/Survey
- Break (10:00 - 10:15 AM)
- Collaborative Wiki Resource Development and Development of new Instructional Materials, Ivo Dinov & Nicolas Christou (10:15 - 11:45 AM)
- Group Interactive Discussion on Infrastructure and Collaborative Resource development - What works, what doesn't? (11:45AM - 12:00PM)
- Workshop Evaluation (TBD) (12:00PM - 12:15PM)
Lunch Break & Adjourn (12:15 - 1:15 PM)
Afternoon Session - Visit to J. Paul Getty Museum (1PM - 4PM)
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Additional Workshop Resources
- SOCR Workshop Community Portal & SOCR Blog
- SOCR User Log Geo-Map & Campus Map
- SOCR_Events_Aug2009_Postings
- SOCR Continuing Statistics Education Training Certificate (template)
- Workshop Flier (PDF) (0.4MB) and Workshop Flier (PDF) (2MB)
SOCR Teaching Statistics with Technology EBook
The complete SOCR Teaching Statistics with Technology EBook is freely available in PDF format from the following digital libraries:
- Photos (TBD)
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