SMHS TimeSeriesAnalysis LOS
SMHS: Time-series Analysis - Applications
Time series regression studies in environmental epidemiology (London Ozone Study 2002-2006)
A time series regression analysis of a London ozone dataset including daily observations from 1 January 2002 to 31 December 2006. Each day has records of (mean) ozone levels that day, and the total number of deaths that occurred in the city.
- Is there an association between day-to-day variation in ozone levels and daily risk of death?
- Is ozone exposure associated with the outcome is death or other confounders - temperature and relative humidity?
Reference: Bhaskaran K, Gasparrini A, Hajat S, Smeeth L, Armstrong B. Time series regression studies in environmental epidemiology. International Journal of Epidemiology. 2013;42(4):1187-1195. doi:10.1093/ije/dyt092.
Load the Data
library(foreign) # 07_LondonOzonPolutionData_2006_TS.csv # data <- read.csv("") data <- read.dta("") # Set the Default Action for Missing Data to na.exclude options(na.action="na.exclude")
Exploratory Analyses
# set the plotting parameters for the plot oldpar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE) par(mex=0.8,mfrow=c(2,1)) # sub-plot for daily deaths, with vertical lines defining years plot(data$\$$date,data$\$$numdeaths,pch=".",main="Daily deaths over time",
ylab="Daily number of deaths",xlab="Date")
# plot for ozone levels plot(data$\$$date,data$\$$ozone,pch=".",main="Ozone levels over time", ylab="Daily mean ozone level (ug/m3)",xlab="Date") abline(v=data$\$$date[grep("-01-01",data$\$$date)],col=grey(0.6),lty=2) par(oldpar) layout(1) # descriptive statistics summary(data) # correlations cor(data[,2:4]) # scale exposure data$\$$ozone10 <- data$\$$ozone/10
Modelling Seasonality and Long-Term Trend
# option 1: time-stratified model
# generate month and year
data$\$$month <- as.factor(months(data$\$$date,abbr=TRUE))
data$\$$year <- as.factor(substr(data$\$$date,1,4))
# fit a Poisson model with a stratum for each month nested in year
# (use of quasi-Poisson family for scaling the standard errors)
model1 <- glm(numdeaths ~ month/year,data,family=quasipoisson) summary(model1)
# compute predicted number of deaths from this model
pred1 <- predict(model1,type="response")
# Figure 2a: Three alternative ways of modelling long-term patterns in the data (seasonality and trends)
main="Time-stratified model (month strata)",ylab="Daily number of deaths", xlab="Date")
lines(data$\$$date, pred1,lwd=2) <mark> FIX!!! #Signs turning into ordered lists!! </mark> # Option 2: periodic functions model (fourier terms) # use function harmonic, in package tsModel install.packages("tsModel"); library(tsModel) # 4 sine-cosine pairs representing different harmonics with period 1 year data$\$$time <- seq(nrow(data))
fourier <- harmonic(data$\$$time,nfreq=4,period=365.25) # fit a Poisson model Fourier terms + linear term for trend # (use of quasi-Poisson family for scaling the standard errors) model2 <- glm(numdeaths ~ fourier +time,data,family=quasipoisson) summary(model2) # compute predicted number of deaths from this model pred2 <- predict(model2,type="response") # Figure 2b plot(data$\$$date, data$\$$numdeaths,ylim=c(100,300),pch=19,cex=0.2,col=grey(0.6), <blockquote>main="Sine-cosine functions (Fourier terms)",ylab="Daily number of deaths", xlab="Date")</blockquote> lines(data$\$$date, pred2,lwd=2)
- Option 3: Spline Model: Flexible Spline Functions
- generate spline terms, use function bs in package splines
- Note: the 35 basis variables are set as df, with default knots placement. see ?bs
- other types of splines can be produced with the function ns. see ?ns
spl <- bs(data$\$$time,degree=3,df=35) # Fit a Poisson Model Fourier Terms + Linear Term for Trend model3 <- glm(numdeaths ~ spl,data,family=quasipoisson) summary(model3) # compute predicted number of deaths from this model pred3 <- predict(model3,type="response") # FIGURE 2C plot(data$\$$date,data$\$$numdeaths,ylim=c(100,300),pch=19,cex=0.2,col=grey(0.6), <blockquote>main="Flexible cubic spline model",ylab="Daily number of deaths", xlab="Date")</blockquote> lines(data$\$$date,pred3,lwd=2)
Plot Response Residuals Over Time From Model 3
res3 <- residuals(model3,type="response")
- Figure 3: Residual variation in daily deaths after ‘removing’ (i.e. modelling) season and long-term trend.
plot(data$\$$date,res3,ylim=c(-50,150),pch=19,cex=0.4,col=grey(0.6), <blockquote>main="Residuals over time",ylab="Residuals (observed-fitted)",xlab="Date")</blockquote> abline(h=1,lty=2,lwd=2) ==='"`UNIQ--h-7--QINU`"'Estimate ozone-mortality association - controlling for confounders=== # compare the RR (and CI using '''ci.lin''' in package '''Epi''') install.packages("Epi"); library(Epi) # unadjusted model model4 <- glm(numdeaths ~ ozone10,data,family=quasipoisson) summary(model4) (eff4 <- ci.lin(model4,subset="ozone10",Exp=T)) # control for seasonality (with spline as in model 3) model5 <- update(model4, .~. + spl) summary(model5) (eff5 <- ci.lin(model5,subset="ozone10",Exp=T)) # control for temperature - temperature modelled with categorical variables for deciles cutoffs <- quantile(data$\$$temperature,probs=0:10/10)
tempdecile <- cut(data$\$$temperature,breaks=cutoffs,include.lowest=TRUE) model6 <- update(model5,.~.+tempdecile) summary(model6) (eff6 <- ci.lin(model6,subset="ozone10",Exp=T)) ==='"`UNIQ--h-8--QINU`"'Build a summary table with effect as percent increase=== tabeff <- rbind(eff4,eff5,eff6)[,5:7] tabeff <- (tabeff-1)*100 dimnames(tabeff) <- list(c("Unadjusted","Plus season/trend","Plus temperature"), c("RR","ci.low","ci.hi")) round(tabeff,2) # explore the lagged (delayed) effects # SINGLE-LAG MODELS # prepare the table with estimates tablag <- matrix(NA,7+1,3,dimnames=list(paste("Lag",0:7), c("RR","ci.low","ci.hi"))) # iterate for(i in 0:7) { <blockquote># lag ozone and temperature variables ozone10lag <- Lag(data$\$$ozone10,i)
tempdecilelag <- cut(Lag(data$\$$temperature,i),breaks=cutoffs, include.lowest=TRUE) # define the transformation for temperature # lag same as above, but with strata terms instead than linear mod <- glm(numdeaths ~ ozone10lag + tempdecilelag + spl,data, family=quasipoisson) tablag[i+1,] <- ci.lin(mod,subset="ozone10lag",Exp=T)[5:7] </blockquote> } tablag <mark> FIX # SIGNS!! </mark> # Figure 4A: Modelling lagged (delayed) associations between ozone exposure and survival/death outcome. plot(0:7,0:7,type="n",ylim=c(0.99,1.03),main="Lag terms modelled one at a time", xlab="Lag (days)", <blockquote>ylab="RR and 95%CI per 10ug/m3 ozone increase")</blockquote> abline(h=1) arrows(0:7,tablag[,2],0:7,tablag[,3],length=0.05,angle=90,code=3) points(0:7,tablag[,1],pch=19) ==='"`UNIQ--h-9--QINU`"'Model Checking=== # generate deviance residuals from unconstrained distributed lag model res6 <- residuals(model6,type="deviance") # Figure A1: Plot of deviance residuals over time (London data) plot(data$\$$date,res6,ylim=c(-5,10),pch=19,cex=0.7,col=grey(0.6),
main="Residuals over time",ylab="Deviance residuals",xlab="Date")
- Figure A2a: Residual plot for Model6: the residuals relate to the unconstrained distributed lag model with ozone
- (lag days 0 to 7 inclusive), adjusted for temperature at the same lags. The spike in the plot of residuals relate to
- the 2003 European heat wave, and indicate that the current model does not explain the data over this period well.
pacf(res6,na.action=na.omit,main="From original model")
- Include the 1-Day Lagged Residual in the Model
model9 <- update(model6,.~.+Lag(res6,1))
- Figure A2b: residuals related to the unconstrained distributed lag model with ozone (lag days 0 to 7 inclusive),
- adjusted for temperature at the same lags
main="From model adjusted for residual autocorrelation")
Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing Example
The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA), 2009-2011
Kenny, Rose Anne. The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA),
2009-2011. ICPSR34315-v1. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium
Bibliographic Citation: for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2014-07-16.
Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing Example
The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA), 2009-2011 Kenny, Rose Anne. The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA), 2009-2011. ICPSR34315-v1. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium Bibliographic Citation: for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2014-07-16.
See also
- SOCR Home page:
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