SOCR EduMaterials GuidelinesWikiEditing

Revision as of 00:26, 19 October 2006 by IvoDinov (talk | contribs)
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SOCR Educational Materials - SOCR Wiki Editing Guidelines

This is a brief outline of the most common SOCR Wiki Resource Editing Tasks

  • Choose a (root) page to link your new document off of. Go to the Main SOCR Wiki (Main_Page), follow the hierarchy and start at the page which is the most natural parent of the material you are going to propose. You can also generate a stand-alone Wiki document, but you should avoid that. Always try to find where your future document belongs first. Then go to this page and edit this page (edit tab on top of page) to include a link to your new document.
    • In the root page you may include a code like this to generate a link to your future SOCR Wiki Page: [[SOCR_MainTopic_SubTopic_SubSubTopic_NewTopic_Author_Date]]. This link should be properly placed in the parent (root) page (location, context, etc.)
  • Naming of your new SOCR Wiki documents: We recommend the following naming-convention to avoid potential document confusions
    • For more stable links: [[SOCR_MainTopic_SubTopic_SubSubTopic_NewTopic]], e.g., SOCR_EduMaterials_Activities_Standard52CardDeck
    • For more dynamic and frequently revised documents by many people: [[SOCR_MainTopic_SubTopic_SubSubTopic_NewTopic_Author_Date_Version]]
  • Now save your link in the parent (root) page: click the save page button on the bottom of the editing-mode Wiki pages. This will show you the newly redesigned root page that contains an explicit link to your new page, e.g., [[SOCR_MainTopic_SubTopic_SubSubTopic_NewTopic_Author_Date_Version]]
  • To edit the new SOCR Wiki document: Click on the new link that you created in the root-page, [[SOCR_MainTopic_SubTopic_SubSubTopic_NewTopic_Author_Date_Version]]. This should put you directly in editing-mode of your new SOCR Wiki document (unless such a page already exists, then you will see this page, and you still can get in its editing mode by clicking the edit tab-pane on the top, as before).
  • Images in SOCR Wiki documents: Before you include (JPG) images in your SOCR Wiki pages you must save the images (use proper names, see below) on your client computer.
    • Naming your SOCR Wiki Images:
      • Example: SOCR_Activities_CardCoinSampling_Dinov_092206_Fig1.jpg
      • General Image Naming Convention: SOCR_MainTopic_SubTopic_SubSubTopic_Title_Author_Date_FigNo.jpg
    • Uploading Images: Click on the bottom-left side Toolbox link: Upload file and follow the instructions to upload your < 1MB JPG image(s).
    • Include your Image in your new Wiki document: Go back in the editing mode of your new SOCR Wiki page. A variant of this command [[Image:|300px]] will include your image as follows:
  • Tables: This code generates the table below: {| align="center" border="1" | colspan="5" align="center"| Common Top Row |- | rowspan="3"| Common First Column | cell(2,2) | cell(2,3) | cell(2,4) | cell(2,5) |- | cell(3,2) | cell(3,3) | cell(3,4) | cell(3,5) |- | cell(4,2) | cell(4,3) | cell(4,4) | cell(4,5) |}. You can copy, paste and revise this code according to your table needs in the editing mode of your new Wiki page (remember that each cell velue must the entered on a new line!)
Common Top Row
Common First Column cell(2,2) cell(2,3) cell(2,4) cell(2,5)
cell(3,2) cell(3,3) cell(3,4) cell(3,5)
cell(4,2) cell(4,3) cell(4,4) cell(4,5)
  • Math and LaTeX expressions: You can use either
    • The complete Math/LaTeX MediaWiki doc
    • In editing-mode, enter your TeX/LaTeX math expression and bound it by: \(\sqrt{n}\)
    • Or highlight any TeX/LaTeX expression and use the \(\sqrt{n}\) tool on the top of any editing-mode Wiki page to mark is specifically as LaTeX-interpreted. Once you save your new Wiki page the math expression should appear correctly rendered on the new Wiki page.
    • See examples here:

Translate this page:

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الامارات العربية المتحدة
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इस भाषा में
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Česká republika
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