SOCR EduMaterials Activities CoinDieExperiment
This an activity to explore the distribution of the die score (\( Y \)) when a coin is tossed first.
Open and use the scroll bar to find the Coin Die Experiment. Once you find it, click on the About button and read about the experiment. Below you can see the outcome of 10 runs of the experiment.
Answer the following questions:
a. There are two random variables (\( X, \ Y \)), one parameter (\( p \)) for the coin, and the probability distribution that governs each die (green or red) involved in this experiment. Describe what each one represents.
b. Choose fair coin (\( p = 0.5 \)), and fair dice (green and red). Perform 100 runs, take a snapshot and comment.
c. Reset. Choose \( p=0.8 \), 1-6 flat for the green die, 3-4 flat for the red die. Construct the probability distribution of \( Y \), compute the mean of \( Y \), and the standard deviation of \( Y \). Verify that they agree with the ones in the applet.
d. Reset. Choose \( p=0.2 \), green fair die, 2-5 flat for red die, perform 100 runs, take a snapshot and comment.