SOCR EduMaterials AnalysisActivities TwoPairedSign
Two Paired Sample Sign Test Example
We will demonstrate Two Paired Sign Test with a SOCR built-in example. This example is based on a dataset from the statistical program "R." For more information of the R program, please see CRAN Home Page. The dataset used here is "shoes" under R's "MASS" library. In the dataset, ten boys are given to the wear of shoes of materials A and B for one foot. We'd like to find if one material is better than the other.
Here's the steps of the activity:
1. Click on Two Paired Sample Sign Test at the left panel's combo box.
![SOCR AnalysisActivities TwoPairedSign Chu 051707 Fig1.gif](/images/thumb/5/5f/SOCR_AnalysisActivities_TwoPairedSign_Chu_051707_Fig1.gif/700px-SOCR_AnalysisActivities_TwoPairedSign_Chu_051707_Fig1.gif)
![SOCR AnalysisActivities TwoPairedSign Chu 051707 Fig1A.gif](/images/d/df/SOCR_AnalysisActivities_TwoPairedSign_Chu_051707_Fig1A.gif)
On the right panel, first click on EXAMPLE 3 and next click on "Data" to retreive the demonstrated example. This is the example we'll be looking at.Note that the data are difference of B - A.
![SOCR AnalysisActivities TwoPairedSign Chu 051707 Fig2.gif](/images/thumb/4/49/SOCR_AnalysisActivities_TwoPairedSign_Chu_051707_Fig2.gif/700px-SOCR_AnalysisActivities_TwoPairedSign_Chu_051707_Fig2.gif)
2. Click on the "Mapping" button to get to the "Mapping" panel. Click on "ADD" under VARIABLE 1 and to VARIABLE 2 add the variables for Two Paired Sample T-Test. We care about the difference, so which on goes to VARIABLE 1 is arbitrary. You can just add column A to VARIABLE 1 and B to VARIABLE 2.
Here, the computer will set difference = Variable 2 - Variable 1. If you like the substraction to go the other way around, simple assign VARIABLE 1 and VARIABLE 2 in a different way.
![SOCR AnalysisActivities TwoPairedSign Chu 051707 Fig3.gif](/images/thumb/0/06/SOCR_AnalysisActivities_TwoPairedSign_Chu_051707_Fig3.gif/700px-SOCR_AnalysisActivities_TwoPairedSign_Chu_051707_Fig3.gif)
3. Click on "Calculate" then "Result" to see the results.
![SOCR AnalysisActivities TwoPairedSign Chu 051707 Fig4.gif](/images/1/10/SOCR_AnalysisActivities_TwoPairedSign_Chu_051707_Fig4.gif)
Questions for students: By looking at the test results, what do you think about the data? What can you say about the two different shoe materials?