Help pages for SOCR Modeler
This is a general help for the SOCR Modeler included in the list of modelers.
These interactive Modeler applets allow you to:
- Sample/simulate data from any of the SOCR distributions
- Fit distribution or base-function models to observed or simulated data
- Visualize the fitting results and obtain quantitative assessment of quality of fit.
How to use the Interactive Modeler Applets?
- Simulate or enter data by reading a file, manually entering or via graphical clicks on the Graphing panel
- Choose a model to fit
- Select parameters, or click the "estimate parameters" button
- Model is fit automatically
Main Components of SOCR Modeler Applet Interface
- SOCR Modeler URL, in the web browser address bar on the top.
- Left Panel
- Drop-down list of available SOCR Modelers
- Vertical Scale of the distribution model and Raw-data check boxes
- Check-boxes for user-specified parameters, or MLE-estimates of these parameters from the data.
- In case of clicking the user specified parameters check-box, parameter-selection boxes are included below
- Right Panel
- A set of self-explanatory action buttons (top)
- Set of sliders for graph and field-of-view control
- Tabs panels allowing the selection of different main window (Data, Graph, Results, About and Random Data Generation
- Main Interactive Graphing Tab-panel
![SOCR ModelerHelp Dinov 080407 Fig1.jpg](/images/thumb/6/6f/SOCR_ModelerHelp_Dinov_080407_Fig1.jpg/500px-SOCR_ModelerHelp_Dinov_080407_Fig1.jpg)
- We are in the process of extending the collection of models that can be fit to data
- To report bugs or make recommendations please visit:
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