SOCR Events SloanMerlot 2010

Revision as of 20:25, 20 July 2010 by IvoDinov (talk | contribs) (Abstract)
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SOCR News - 2010 Emerging Technologies for Online Learning Symposium

Technology-Enhanced Probability and Statistics Education Using the Statistics Online Computational Resource

In this 1-hour special session presenting novel approaches for integrating technology and modern pedagogical ideas in different types of probability and statistics classes. The focus of this session will be on hands-on utilization of research-generated data, tools for statistical computing and Web-based learning resources and instructional materials.



The focus of this session will be on novel Cutting Edge technologies for improving the AP, undergraduate and graduate probability and statistics education. The Statistics Online Computational Resource ( provides portable online aids for probability and statistics education, technology based instruction and statistical computing. Three complementary types of resources will be discussed and demonstrated via web-based hands-on activities – Motion Charts, Statistical Inference via Confidence Intervals, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Outlines of each of these topics and the discussion leaders are outlined below.

  • [[SOCR_MotionCharts][Motion Charts]]: We will demonstrate a new Java-based infrastructure, SOCR Motion Charts, for discovery-based exploratory analysis of multivariate data. This interactive data visualization tool enables the visualization of high-dimensional longitudinal data. SOCR Motion Charts allows mapping of ordinal, nominal and quantitative variables onto time, 2D axes, size, colors, glyphs and appearance characteristics, which facilitates the interactive display of multidimensional data. We will demonstrate this new visualization paradigm using several publicly available multivariate datasets including Ice-Thickness, Housing Prices, Consumer Price Index, and California Ozone Data. SOCR Motion Charts is designed using object oriented programming, implemented as a Java Web-applet and is available to the entire community on the web at SOCR MotionCharts. It can be used as instructional tool for rendering and interrogating high-dimensional data in the classroom, as well as a research tool for exploratory data analysis.
  • CI Simulations: Statistical inference based on interval estimates of parameters (confidence intervals) presents significant challenges in AP statistics and undergraduate probability and statistics education. There are 2 main challenges – comprehension of the rational for the interval-based inference, and the validation that the procedural calculation protocol and heuristic definition of the meaning of these interval estimates coincide. To address these 2 issues, we developed a pair of applets – one is a data-analysis applet, and one is a simulation applet – used to illustrate the above 2 challenges. An interactive hands-on learning activity is developed, validated and disseminated as an open, portable and freely available resource (SOCR Confidence Interval experiment) to the entire community.
  • GIS: Spatial data are encountered in many disciplines and their visualization on geo-referenced maps enhances the analysis of the data. We will discuss examples on environmental spatial data using the new SOCR applet and R packages.

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