SOCR Data US BudgetsDeficits 1849 2016

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SOCR Data - US Federal Budget, Income, Expenditures and Deficit Data (1849-2016)

Data Description

  • Definitions:
  • Rows: Annual data: 1849-2016
  • Columns and rows in this table include (in millions of dollars):
    • Year: Index of the year
    • ReceiptsIncome: Annual Receipts (Income)
    • OutlaysSpending: Annual Outlays (Spending)
    • SurplusOrDeficit: Raw Surplus (if value is positive) or Deficit (if negative)
    • PercentDeficit: Computed as PercentDeficit=0, if IF(SurplusOrDeficit/ReceiptsIncome>=0; and PercentDeficit=-SurplusOrDeficit/ReceiptsIncome, otherwize.

Charts and analyses

The following SOCR resources may be useful for visualization, analysis and exploration of these data.

SOCR Data MonetaryBase1959 2009 Fig2.png

Overall Expenditures of the ($3,456 Billion) 2010-2011 US Federal Budget

Budget_Item Amount($Billion) Percent PullOutIndex
MedicareMadicaid_$793 793 0.23 0
SocialSecurity_$701 701 0.20 0
Defense_$689 698 0.20 1
Discretionary_$660 660 0.19 0
OtherMandatory_$416 416 0.12 0
Interest_$197 197 0.06 1

US Federal Budget Deficit data (1849-2016)

Year ReceiptsIncome OutlaysSpending SurplusOrDeficit PercentDeficit
1849 1160 1090 70 0
1900 14462 15453 -991 0.068524
1901 588 525 63 0
1902 562 485 77 0
1903 562 517 45 0
1904 541 584 -43 0.079482
1905 544 567 -23 0.042279
1906 595 570 25 0
1907 666 579 87 0
1908 602 659 -57 0.094684
1909 604 694 -89 0.147351
1910 676 694 -18 0.026627
1911 702 691 11 0
1912 693 690 3 0
1913 714 715 0 0
1914 725 726 0 0
1915 683 746 -63 0.09224
1916 761 713 48 0
1917 1101 1954 -853 0.77475
1918 3645 12677 -9032 2.477915
1919 5130 18493 -13363 2.604873
1920 6649 6358 291 0
1921 5571 5062 509 0
1922 4026 3289 736 0
1923 3853 3140 713 0
1924 3871 2908 963 0
1925 3641 2924 717 0
1926 3795 2930 865 0
1927 4013 2857 1155 0
1928 3900 2961 939 0
1929 3862 3127 734 0
1930 4058 3320 738 0
1931 3116 3577 -462 0.148267
1932 1924 4659 -2735 1.421518
1933 1997 4598 -2602 1.302954
1934 2955 6541 -3586 1.213536
1935 3609 6412 -2803 0.776669
1936 3923 8228 -4304 1.09712
1937 5387 7580 -2193 0.407091
1938 6751 6840 -89 0.013183
1939 6295 9141 -2846 0.452105
1940 6548 9468 -2920 0.445938
1941 8712 13653 -4941 0.567149
1942 14634 35137 -20503 1.401052
1943 24001 78555 -54554 2.272989
1944 43747 91304 -47557 1.087092
1945 45159 92712 -47553 1.053013
1946 39296 55232 -15936 0.405537
1947 38514 34496 4018 0
1948 41560 29764 11796 0
1949 39415 38835 580 0
1950 39443 42562 -3119 0.079076
1951 51616 45514 6102 0
1952 66167 67686 -1519 0.022957
1953 69608 76101 -6493 0.09328
1954 69701 70855 -1154 0.016556
1955 65451 68444 -2993 0.045729
1956 74587 70640 3947 0
1957 79990 76578 3412 0
1958 79636 82405 -2769 0.034771
1959 79249 92098 -12849 0.162135
1960 92492 92191 301 0
1961 94388 97723 -3335 0.035333
1962 99676 106821 -7146 0.071692
1963 106560 111316 -4756 0.044632
1964 112613 118528 -5915 0.052525
1965 116817 118228 -1411 0.012079
1966 130835 134532 -3698 0.028265
1967 148822 157464 -8643 0.058076
1968 152973 178134 -25161 0.16448
1969 186882 183640 3242 0
1970 192807 195649 -2842 0.01474
1971 187139 210172 -23033 0.12308
1972 207309 230681 -23373 0.112745
1973 230799 245707 -14908 0.064593
1974 263224 269359 -6135 0.023307
1975 279090 332332 -53242 0.19077
1976 298060 371792 -73732 0.247373
TQ 81232 95975 -14744 0.181505
1977 355559 409218 -53659 0.150914
1978 399561 458746 -59185 0.148125
1979 463302 504028 -40726 0.087904
1980 517112 590941 -73830 0.142774
1981 599272 678241 -78968 0.131773
1982 617766 745743 -127977 0.207161
1983 600562 808364 -207802 0.346013
1984 666438 851805 -185367 0.278146
1985 734037 946344 -212308 0.289233
1986 769155 990382 -221227 0.287623
1987 854288 1004017 -149730 0.175269
1988 909238 1064416 -155178 0.170668
1989 991105 1143744 -152639 0.154009
1990 1031958 1252994 -221036 0.214191
1991 1054988 1324226 -269238 0.255205
1992 1091208 1381529 -290321 0.266055
1993 1154335 1409386 -255051 0.220951
1994 1258566 1461753 -203186 0.161442
1995 1351790 1515742 -163952 0.121285
1996 1453053 1560484 -107431 0.073935
1997 1579232 1601116 -21884 0.013857
1998 1721728 1652458 69270 0
1999 1827452 1701842 125610 0
2000 2025191 1788950 236241 0
2001 1991082 1862846 128236 0
2002 1853136 2010894 -157758 0.08513
2003 1782314 2159899 -377585 0.211851
2004 1880114 2292841 -412727 0.219522
2005 2153611 2471957 -318346 0.14782
2006 2406869 2655050 -248181 0.103114
2007 2567985 2728686 -160701 0.062579
2008 2523991 2982544 -458553 0.181678
2009 2104989 3517677 -1412688 0.671114
2010 2162724 3456213 -1293489 0.598083
2011 2173700 3818819 -1645119 0.756829
2012 2627449 3728686 -1101237 0.419128
2013 3003345 3770876 -767531 0.255559
2014 3332588 3977141 -644553 0.193409
2015 3583043 4189773 -606730 0.169334
2016 3819103 4467806 -648703 0.169857

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