EBook Problems Contingency Indep

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EBook Problems Set - Contingency Tables: Independence and Homogeneity Problems

Problem 1

Here is a table of the eye color for 80 UCLA students enrolled in a recent statistics course and whether or not a student wears glasses or some other type of prescription/corrective lenses.

Phenotype Wears glasses / Lenses Does not wear glasses / Lenses Total
Dark-eyed Black 4 2 6
Brown 19 35 54
Light-eyed Blue 8 4 12
Green 2 3 5
Hazel 1 2 3
Total 34 46 80

Use the data from the table to answer this and the next 3 questions.

What percent of these UCLA statistics students are dark-eyed?

  • Choose one answer.
(a) 23/60 = 38.3%
(b) None of these values
(c) 23/80 = 28.8%
(d) 60/80 = 75%
(e) 37/60 = 61.7%

Problem 2

What percent of dark-eyed students wear corrective lens?

  • Choose one answer.
(a) 60/80 = 75%
(b) 37/60 = 61.7%
(c) 23/80 = 28.8%
(d) None of these values
(e) 23/60 = 38.3%

Problem 3

What percent of students who wear lenses are dark-eyed?

  • Choose one answer.
(a) 23/34 = 67.6%
(b) 23/80 = 28.8%
(c) 34/80 = 42.5%
(d) 34/60 = 56.7%
(e) 23/60 = 38.3%

Problem 4

The professor found a pair of prescription glasses on the ground after class, what are the chances that the glasses belong to a dark-eyed student?

  • Choose one answer.
(a) 34/80 = 42.5%
(b) 23/34 = 67.6%
(c) 23/80 = 28.8%
(d) 34/60 = 56.7%
(e) 23/60 = 38.3%

Problem 5

Jenny took a random sample of 250 males and a separate random sample of 270 females at UCLA. She asks them whether their major is science related, math related, social science related, or other type of field. She then constructs a contingency table of gender (two rows) by major (four columns). She wants to find out whether males and females differ in their choice of major. Which of the following should she examine?

  • Choose one answer.
(a) Row percentages
(b) Column marginals
(c) Cell percentages
(d) Column percentages
(e) Cell frequencies
(f) Row marginals

Problem 6

Here is a contingency or two-way table for those aboard the Titanic, classified according to class of ticket and whether or not they survived.

_ First Second Third Crew Total
Survived 203 118 178 212 711
Died 122 167 528 673 1490
Total 325 285 706 885 2201

Use the data from the table for the next 5 problems.

If you select person aboard the Titanic, what are the chances that the person is a survivor?

  • Choose one answer.
(a) None of these values
(b) 1490/2201 = 67.7%
(c) 711/2201 = 32.3%
(d) 203/325 = 62.5%
(e) 203/711 = 28.6%

Problem 7

Here is a contingency or two-way table for those aboard the Titanic, classified according to class of ticket and whether or not they survived.

_ First Second Third Crew Total
Survived 203 118 178 212 711
Died 122 167 528 673 1490
Total 325 285 706 885 2201

Of all those traveling on the Titanic, what percent are first class passengers?

  • Choose one answer.
(a) 203/711 = 28.6%
(b) 325/2201 = 14.8%
(c) None of these values
(d) 711/2201 = 32.3%
(e) 203/325 = 62.5%

Problem 8

Here is a contingency or two-way table for those aboard the Titanic, classified according to class of ticket and whether or not they survived.

_ First Second Third Crew Total
Survived 203 118 178 212 711
Died 122 167 528 673 1490
Total 325 285 706 885 2201

What percent of first class passengers survived?

  • Choose one answer.
(a) 203/711 = 28.6%
(b) 325/2201 = 14.8%
(c) None of these values
(d) 711/2201 = 32.3%
(e) 203/325 = 62.5%

Problem 9

Here is a contingency or two-way table for those aboard the Titanic, classified according to class of ticket and whether or not they survived.

_ First Second Third Crew Total
Survived 203 118 178 212 711
Died 122 167 528 673 1490
Total 325 285 706 885 2201

What percent of those who survived are first class passengers?

  • Choose one answer.
(a) 325/2201 = 14.8%
(b) 203/325 = 62.5%
(c) None of these values
(d) 711/2201 = 32.3%
(e) 203/711 = 28.6%

Problem 10

Here is a contingency or two-way table for those aboard the Titanic, classified according to class of ticket and whether or not they survived.

_ First Second Third Crew Total
Survived 203 118 178 212 711
Died 122 167 528 673 1490
Total 325 285 706 885 2201

True of false: the attributes Survival and Class for those on the Titanic are related or dependent. (To justify your answer, you must include specific calculations.)

Choose one answer.

(a) True
(b) False


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