Help pages for Distributome
The Distributome Navigator has the following six functionalities:
Top control bar
- The "Help" button will open this page.
- The "Toggle control" button will hide/show the bottom control bar to give more display area to the main display area.
- The "Refresh" button will restart the applet.
- Type search term in the "Search" text field and hit return, the matching nodes will be highlighted in read. Use "*" for broader match.
- "Zoom in"/"Zoom out"/"Zoom Reset" will enlarge/shrink the display by 100%/50%. "Zoom Reset" will reset the display to the original state.
- "Hide Neighbor" will show the selected the node only, "Show parents" will show the parents nodes in orange, "Show children" will show the children of the selected node in pink, "Show both" will show both parents and children of the selected node.
- "Highlight Node Type" has the choices: No Type Given, Convolution (Conv), Memoryless (Mless), Inverse (Inv), Linear Combination (LinComb), Minimum (min), Maximum (max), Product (Prod), Conditional ResIDual (CondRes), Scaling (Scale), Simulate (Sim), Variate Generation(VGen)-
- "Highlight Edge Type" has the choices: No Type Given, Special Case (SC), Transform (T), Limiting (Lim), Bayesian (Bayes) .
Main display panel
- Click on a distribution(node) will highlight it and display its related info in the right side panels. Double click a distribution will open a new browser window for its related application.
- Click on a relation (edge) will highlight it and display its related info in the right side panels.
Bottom control bar
- Formula display panel
Right Side Panels
This area displays the distribution's or relation's formula. To view the latex form of the formula, click on the "Show Formula" link.
- Information display panel
This area displays related info for the selected distribution or relation.
- Reference display panel
This area displays the reference paper info for the selected distribution or relation, the paper info is clickable and will open a new browser window for available online version of the paper.
See also
- Help for the Distributome Editor for more info.
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