SOCR EduMaterials Activities Matching Juana oct10-06 version1
Quite often, a method used to solve a problem in probability can be used to solve many other problems which at first glance appear different, but are conceptually the same. This exercise illustrates this.
Go to the matching experiment in SOCR Run it several times and play with it until you feel comfortable with it. Then use it and interpret it appropriately to answer the following problems: (1) Four students are working on a project for their mathematics class that requires a lot of graphing and calculations. As they work, they pass around the calculators so that everyone can record their results. When the bell rings, each student grabs the nearest calculator and hurriedly leaves the room. What is the probability that none of the students too his or her calculator? Attach a snapshot of the applet that shows how you found your answer with SOCR. (the snapshot should show the theoretical true probability and the probability you got by repeating this experiment 1000 times. Highlight what in the snapshot is your answer.