SOCR EduMaterials Activities QQChart
Quantile-Quantile Charts, or QQ Charts, are plots in which observed values are plotted against theoretical quantiles. From the plotted points, a line of good fit is drawn to show the behavior of the data values against the theoretical distribution.
For references, visit QQ Charts and Examples.
Go to the SOCR Charts and select Line Charts from the items located on the left, then select the demonstration for QQ Charts:

The image above is a demonstration of a simple QQ Chart. Both demonstrations are similar because they both show specific data values by plotted points and a line of good fit is drawn to show the behavior of the data.
One of the most persuasive elements when proposing data and literature to others is a well-designed chart presentation.
For QQ Charts, they may be applied to any data values that consist of observed values and theoretical values such as experiments. Suppose scientists developed theoretical values for water consumption among athletic males by age and weight. They then obtain a sample of the population of males and observed the water consumption for each patient. Graphing these values will allow the scientists to draw a line of good fit and help decide the acceptability of their theories.
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