AP Statistics Curriculum 2007 Usage
General Advance-Placement (AP) Statistics Curriculum - E-Book Learning and Instructional Usage
E-Book Discovery
To browse, traverse, search and discover materials and content in the SOCR Statistics EBook, you can use either the HTML/Wiki/Text-based TOC navigation or the hyperbolic graph viewer.
In general, keyword searchers can be done either the SOCR Wiki search (see left control panel in all Wiki pages) or via EBook site-specific web-search. For example:
- To use a Google SOCR-EBook-site-specific web-search for "Law of large numbers", paste this in the SEARCH field of the main Google browser window (http://www.google.com):
- Similarly a Yahoo SOCR-EBook-site-specific web-search for "Law of large numbers", paste this in the SEARCH field of the main Yahoo browser window (http://www.yahoo.com):
E-Book Instructional Use
The SOCR Statistics EBook provides three types of instructional and learning materials
- Datasets and natural driving problems
- Mathematical techniques and modeling methodologies
- Applications with interactive Graphical interfaces for statistical computing, data exploration and IT-blended instruction.
This EBook is not intended to be a one-book-fits-all-curricula textbook. Most instructors that use the SOCR Statistics Ebook will probably customize some of the content, develop additional applications, discuss course-specific data and expand the materials as appropriate to their curricula.
The novelty of this EBook comes from the fact that it tightly integrates mathematical foundations and statistical concepts, interactive experiments, statistical computing resources, simulations, and tools for data analysis and visualization.
- SOCR Home page: http://www.socr.ucla.edu
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