CVS log for developer
- 3/17/2008 (Jenny Cui)
* Add interaction for TwoWay anova * Classes changed: analyses.gui.AnovaTwoWay(1.14->1.15) analyses.model.AnovaOneWay(1.6-1.7) analyses.model.AnovaTwoWay(1.5-1.7) analyese.result.AnovaTwoWayResult(1.4-1.5) util.AnalysisUtillity(1.15-1.16)
- 2/5/2008 (Jenny Cui)
* Fixed a bug in ConfidenceIntervalExperiment, the report of "missing intervals" was delayed by one step * Classes changed: experiment.ConfidenceIntervalExperiment(1.2->1.3) util.ConfidenceCanvas(1.2->1.3)
- 1/31/2008 (Jenny Cui)
* Fixed a bug in NormalPower analysis, the comare curves panel was missing before * Classes changed: analyses.gui.NormalPower(1.18-1.19)
- 12/5/2007 (Jenny Cui)
* Fixed a bug in Analysis package, reset JTable data before setting the Example data(in doAnlaysis method reset xLength=0, yLength=0). * Classes changed: analyses.gui.Analysis(1.33- 1.34) analyses.gui.AnovaTwoWay(1.13-1.14) analyses.gui.ChiSquareModelFit(1.7-1.8) analyses.gui.DichotomousProportion(1.4-1.5) analyses.gui.OneT(1.10-1.11) analyses.gui.SimpleLinearRegression(1.16-1.17) analyses.gui.Survival(1.9-1.10) analyses.gui.TwoIndependentTPooled(1.2-1.3) analyses.gui.TwoIndependentUnpooled(1.2-1.3) analyses.gui.TwoIndependentWilcoxon(1.10-1.11) * added Mean & SD for SimpleLinearRegression 's result panel * Classes changed: analyses.gui.SimpleLinearRegression(1.16-1.17) analyses.model.SimpleLinearRegression(1.7-1.8) analyses.result.SimpleLinearRegressionResult(1.8-1.9)
- 11/28/2007 (Jenny Cui)
* Added new classes to analyses.command pacakge * New classes added -- include all the input txt file and script used for testing analyses.command. *
- 11/26/2007 (Jenny Cui)
*For Charts and Analysis' "File Open" functoin , allow the first line with # in the front to be treated as table heading. *Classes changed: core.SOCRChart(1.12-1.13) core.SOCRAnalysis(1.10-1.11)
- 11/15/2007 (Jenny Cui)
* Adding 2 histogram chart demo for BarCharts/XYCharts: HistogramChartDemo6 (X value(in the form of numberA- numberB) is treated as range of number ) HistogramChartDemo7 (X value is treated as string) *Classes changed: chart. Chart(1.27->1.28) chart.SuperCategoryChart(1.5-1.6) chart.superIntervalXYChart(1.4-1.5) chart.demo.PowerTransformHistogramChart(1.10-1.11) chart.demo.PowerTransformNormalPlotChart(1.11-1.12) jars.implementedCharts.txt(1.17-1.18) * New classes added chart.demo.HistogramChartDemo6 chart.demo.HistogramChartDemo7