SOCR Data Dinov 11 08 08 PresidentialElections

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SOCR Data - Popular vs. Electoral Vote in US Presidential Elections (1828-2008)

Data Description

These data represent the margin of victory in the popular vote in percentage points (e.g., explanatory variable) vs the margin of victory in the Electoral College in percentage points (e.g., response variable) for the winner in all Presidential Elections since 1828.


Data Table

President Election Year popular vote electoral vote Difference between popular & electoral vote %
% advantage % advantage
Andrew_Jackson 1828 56.1 12.5 68.2 36.4 12.1
Andrew_Jackson 1832 54.2 16.8 76.0 59.0 21.8
Martin_van_Buren 1836 50.8 14.2 57.8 33.0 7.0
William_Henry_Harrison 1840 52.9 6.1 79.6 59.2 26.7
James_K_Polk 1844 49.5 1.4 61.8 23.6 12.3
Zachary_Taylor 1848 47.3 4.8 56.2 12.4 8.9
Franklin_Pierce 1852 50.8 6.9 85.8 71.6 35.0
James_Buchanan 1856 45.3 12.2 58.8 20.3 13.5
Abraham_Lincoln 1860 39.9 10.4 59.4 35.6 19.5
Abraham_Lincoln 1864 55.1 10.2 90.6 81.6 35.5
Ulysses_S_Grant 1868 52.7 5.4 72.8 45.6 20.1
Ulysses_S_Grant 1872 55.6 11.8 81.9 63.8 26.3
Rutherford_B_Hayes 1876 48.0 -3.0 50.1 0.2 2.1
James_Garfield 1880 48.3 0.1 58.0 16.0 9.7
Grover_Cleveland_I 1884 48.9 0.7 54.6 9.2 5.7
Benjamin_Harrison 1888 47.8 -0.8 58.1 16.2 10.3
Grover_Cleveland_II 1892 46.0 3.0 62.4 29.7 16.4
William_McKinley 1896 51.1 5.3 61.0 21.4 9.9
William_McKinley 1900 51.7 6.2 65.3 30.6 13.6
Theodore_Roosevelt 1904 56.4 18.8 70.6 41.2 14.2
William_Howard_Taft 1908 51.6 8.6 66.5 33.0 14.9
Woodrow_Wilson 1912 41.8 14.4 81.9 65.3 40.1
Woodrow_Wilson 1916 49.2 3.1 52.2 4.4 3.0
Warren_G_Harding 1920 60.3 26.2 76.1 52.2 15.8
Calvin_Coolidge 1924 54.0 25.2 71.9 46.3 17.9
Herbert_Hoover 1928 58.2 17.4 83.6 67.2 25.4
Franklin_D_Roosevelt 1932 57.4 17.8 88.9 77.8 31.5
Franklin_D_Roosevelt 1936 60.8 24.3 98.5 97.0 37.7
Franklin_D_Roosevelt 1940 54.7 9.9 84.6 69.2 29.9
Franklin_D_Roosevelt 1944 53.4 7.5 81.4 62.8 28.0
Harry_S_Truman 1948 49.5 4.4 57.1 21.5 7.6
Dwight_D_Eisenhower 1952 54.9 10.5 83.2 66.4 28.3
Dwight_D_Eisenhower 1956 57.4 15.4 86.1 72.4 28.7
John_F_Kennedy 1960 49.7 0.2 56.4 15.6 6.7
Lyndon_B_Johnson 1964 61.1 22.6 90.3 80.6 29.2
Richard_Nixon 1968 43.4 0.7 55.9 20.4 12.5
Richard_Nixon 1972 60.7 23.2 96.7 93.5 36.0
Jimmy_Carter 1976 50.1 2.1 55.2 10.6 5.1
Ronald_Reagan 1980 50.7 9.7 90.9 81.8 40.2
Ronald_Reagan 1984 58.8 18.2 97.6 95.2 38.8
George_HW_Bush 1988 53.4 7.8 79.2 58.6 25.8
William_J_Clinton 1992 43.0 5.6 68.8 37.6 25.8
William_J_Clinton 1996 49.2 8.5 70.4 40.8 21.2
George_W_Bush 2000 47.9 -0.5 50.4 1.0 2.5
George_W_Bush 2004 50.7 2.4 53.2 6.5 2.5
Barack_Obama 2008 52.6 6.44 69.3 37.55 16.7

Example: Bubble Chart

You can paste these data in any of the SOCR Analyses or Charts to obtain quantitative results of explore the data graphically. For instance, you can paste these data in the SOCR Bubble Chart, map the variables (Year --> X, ElectoralVote --> Y, Diff(Popular-Electoral)Vote --> Z) and click UPDATE Graph to obtain the image below. Notice how the close elections are represented by smaller bubbles near the 50% of the electoral vote line, as the difference between the popular and the electoral votes for tight elections are small.

SOCR Data Dinov PresidentialElectionsBubbleChart.jpg

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