EBook Problems EDA Pics

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EBook Problems Set - Pictures of Data Problems

Problem 1

Two random samples were taken to determine backpack load difference between seniors and freshmen, in pounds. The following are the summaries:

Year Mean SD Median Min Max Range Count
Freshmen 20.43 4.21 17.20 5.78 31.68 25.9 115
Senior 18.67 3.56 18.67 5.31 27.66 22.35 157

Which of the following plots would be the most useful in comparing the two sets of backpack weights?

  • Choose One Answer:
(a) Histograms
(b) Dot Plots
(c) Scatter Plots
(d) Box Plots

Problem 2

School administrators are interested in examining the relationship between height and GPA. What type of plot should they use to display this relationship?

  • Choose one answer.
(a) box plot
(b) scatter plot
(c) line plot
(d) dot plot

Problem 3

What would be the most appropriate plot for comparing the heights of the 8th graders from different ethnic backgrounds?

  • Choose one answer.
(a) bar charts
(b) side by side boxplot
(c) histograms
(d) pie charts

Problem 4

Your local running club has its own track and keeps accurate records of each member's age and individual best lap time around the track so members can make comparisons with their peers. The club publishes the histogram for age of the members and another histogram for their running times (the histograms are not shown here). These histograms are very symmetric, almost bell shaped. Suppose you wanted to show a group of new members how much joining this team improves people's running times. Are the two histograms published by the club useful to show this?

  • Choose one answer.
(a) Yes, the time one because it shows the time
(b) No, because they are not comparing times for those who are not in the club and time for those who are in the club
(c) No sets of histograms could show this point
(d) Yes, the age one, because it shows that there are people of all ages in this club

Problem 5

There is a compay in which a very small minority of males (3%) receive three times the median salary of males, and a very small minority of females (3%) receive one-third of the median salary of females. What do you expect the side-by-side boxplot of male and female salaries to look like?

  • Choose one answer.
(a) Both boxplots will be skewed and the median line will not be in the middle of any of the boxes.
(b) Both boxplots will be skewed, in the case of the females the median line will be close to the top of the box and in the case of the males the median line will be closer to the bottom of the box.
(c) Need to have the actual data to compare the shape of the boxplots.
(d) Both boxplots will be skewed, in the case of males the median line will be close to the top of the box and for the females the median line will be closer to the bottom of the box.

Problem 6

A school principal wants to examine the effect of an after-school program on improving the students' math skills. Two groups of students participated in the after-school program: the students who received F's or D's in math, and the students who received C's in math. There are 100 students in each group. Both groups of students are given the same math test before and after the program. Results show that the students who had F's and D's showed more improvement than those who had C's. What do you expect the histogram of the net scores for these two groups to look like? (net = after score - before score)

  • Choose one answer.
(a) Symmetrical
(b) Skewed to the left
(c) Bimodal
(d) Skewed to the right

Problem 7

If you have the boxplot and the ogive for the weight of 200 newborn babies, how can you find the five number summary?

  • Choose one answer.
(a) We need the actual data
(b) By using the ogive
(c) By using either the ogive or the boxplot
(d) By using the boxplot

Problem 8

A researcher has collected the following information on a random sample of 200 adults in the 40-50 age range:

Weight in pounds Heart beats per minute Smoker or non-smoker Single or married

He wants to examine the relationship between: 1) heart beat per minute and weight, and 2) smoking and marital status.

  • Choose one answer.
(a) He should draw a scatter plot of heart beat and weight, and a segmented bar chart of smoking and marital status.
(b) He should draw a side by side boxplot of heart beat and weight and a scatterplot of smoking and marital status.
(c) He should draw a side by side boxplot of smoking and marital status and a segmented bar chart of hear beat and weight.
(d) He should draw a back to back stem and leaf plot of weight and heart beat and examine the cell frequencies in the contingency table for smoking by marital status.

Problem 9

John is enrolled in a science course that has one hundred students. In the midterm exam 95 students have scores between 60 to 80 and five students score between 95 to 98. If you make a plot of this data, what do you expect it to look like?

  • Choose one answer.
(a) positively skewed
(b) negatively skewed
(c) need to make a log transformation to make it smooth
(d) bimodal

Problem 10

What do you expect the distribution of income in third world countries, where more than 50% of people are poor, to look like?

  • Choose one answer.
(a) Need mroe data to determine shape of the distribution
(b) Unimodal and skewed to the right
(c) Bimodal
(d) Unimodal and skewed to the left

Problem 11

What kinds of variables are used to make side-by-side boxplots?

  • Choose one answer.
(a) Categorical only
(b) Varies according to situation
(c) One categorical and one quantitative
(d) Quantitative only

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