The SOCR Copyright rules are identical to the Wikipedia's Copyrights.
Summary of Copyrights
Important note: Permission to reproduce content under the license and technical conditions applicable to SOCR is granted to everyone without request.
The license SOCR uses grants free access to our content in the same sense as free software is licensed freely. This principle is known as copyleft. That is to say, SOCR content can be copied, modified, and redistributed so long as the new version grants the same freedoms to others and acknowledges the authors of the SOCR materials used by a direct link back to the article. SOCR materials therefore will remain free forever and can be used by anybody subject to certain restrictions, most of which serve to ensure that freedom.
To fulfill the above goals, the text contained in SOCR is copyrighted (automatically under the Berne Convention) by SOCR contributors and licensed to the public under the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL). Here is the full text of this license.
The English text of the GFDL is the only legally binding document; what follows is our interpretation of the GFDL: the rights and obligations of users and contributors.
IMPORTANT: If you want to reuse content from Wikipedia, first read the Reusers' rights and obligations section. You should then read the GNU Free Documentation License.
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