SOCR Data Brain2BodyWeight
SOCR Data - Brain to Body Weight Dataset
Data Description
These data represent the relation between weights of the body and brain of various species. It may be used to discuss bivariate exploratory and quantitative data analyses in the case of allometric relationships. Brain-to-body weight ratio is assumed to be related to species intelligence. The encephalization quotient is a more complex measurement that takes into account allometric effects of widely divergent body sizes across several taxa. The brain-to-body mass ratio is a simpler measure of encephalization within species.
Data Table
Species | BodyWeight(kg) | BrainWeight(kg) | Brain-to-Body-Weight_Proportion |
Newborn_Human | 3.2 | 0.374984813 | 0.117182754 |
Adult_Human | 73 | 1.349981613 | 0.018492899 |
Pithecanthropus_Man | 70 | 0.925010921 | 0.013214442 |
Squirrel | 0.8 | 0.007620352 | 0.00952544 |
Hamster | 0.15 | 0.001406136 | 0.009374242 |
Chimpanzee | 50 | 0.419981176 | 0.008399624 |
Rabbit | 1.4 | 0.011521246 | 0.008229462 |
Dog_(Beagle) | 10 | 0.071985109 | 0.007198511 |
Cat | 4.5 | 0.029982456 | 0.006662768 |
Rat | 0.4 | 0.001995806 | 0.004989516 |
Bottle-Nosed_Dolphin | 400 | 1.49998461 | 0.003749962 |
Beaver | 24 | 0.044996363 | 0.001874848 |
Gorilla | 320 | 0.502489628 | 0.00157028 |
Tiger | 170 | 0.263491808 | 0.001549952 |
Owl | 1.5 | 0.002222603 | 0.001481735 |
Camel | 550 | 0.761989823 | 0.001385436 |
Elephant | 4600 | 5.999983798 | 0.001304344 |
Lion | 187 | 0.239995723 | 0.0012834 |
Sheep | 120 | 0.139978605 | 0.001166488 |
Walrus | 800 | 0.925010921 | 0.001156264 |
Horse | 450 | 0.502489628 | 0.001116644 |
Cow | 700 | 0.441481454 | 0.000630688 |
Giraffe | 950 | 0.532018491 | 0.000560019 |
Green_Lizard | 0.2 | 9.07185E-05 | 0.000453592 |
Sperm_Whale | 35000 | 7.799974401 | 0.000222856 |
Turtle | 3 | 0.000317515 | 0.000105838 |
Alligator | 270 | 0.008391459 | 3.10795E-05 |
- Stacked Bar-Chart (StackedBarChartDemo3, under BarCharts --> CategoryPlots) of the brain and body weight and the brain-to-body ration.

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