SOCR-MDP 2020 AllHandsJumpStartMeeting
[hide]SOCR News & Events: 2020 SOCR-MDP All-Hands Jump-Start Meeting (Winter 2020)
- Date/Time: Thursday, 1/9/20, 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM (All students)
- Place/Time: NCRC Building 10 | Dining Hall | 2800 Plymouth Road, Ann Arbor, MI (map). SOCR Dinner at Tables: 1,2,5. SOCR Breakout Room: NCRC18 122.
- Transportation (Main Campus to NCRC): Bus service from Main and North campus to NCRC Building 10 will be provided.
We will describe all SOCR Teams and projects. Students will introduce themselves and stress their strengths and interests.
The 2020 season of the SOCR-MDP Team Projects on Research, Development, Implementation, Experimentation, and Innovative Science. Please make a note of the following logistics:
- SOCR 2020 GDrive Partition
- All-hands Calls/all-hands Meetings twice each month via SOCR BlueJeans Channel. Dates and times will be announced later, but typically on Fridays. Everyone will be expected to engage/present at the all-hands Calls and teams can jointly present.
- GSlides each student is expected to join one project, but can initially rotate through several project (in Jan’20!) to find the best match.
- SOCR Website
- MDP and 2020 SOCR-MDP Program
- SOCR R&D Projects and SOCR MDP'20 Projects
- SOCR Navigators
- SOCR Datasets and Challenging Case-studies
- Electronic Textbooks: Probability and Statistics EBook, Scientific Methods for Health Sciences, Data Science and Predictive Analytics
- Hands-on interactive visualization of extremely high-dimensional data (learning module and webapp)
- SOCR News & Events
- SOCR Global Users
- SOCR Home page:
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