SOCR Artistic and Video Project
[hide]SOCR Project - SOCR Artistic and Video Project
Project Goals
This project has 2 symbiotic aims:
- To develop new SOCR artistic materials including PPT template, Poster template, fliers and brochures, organizational charts, graphical designs for applets, web-pages, etc.
- To expand the collection of SOCR Videos by providing additional concrete examples of using SOCR Tools to analyze real data, demonstrate the utilization of various SOCR resources, enhance SOCR tool usage and facilitate training and learning.
Video Projects
The SOCR video projects involve selecting a general topic of interest (e.g., randomness and variation vs. determinism and structure), identifying appropriate statistical methods commonly employed to observe, model and understand interesting phenomena about the central topic where these statistical techniques play role, and demonstrating hands on the need to data analysis and information processing according to established statistical methods.
For example, the law of large numbers (LLN) and the Central limit theorem (CLT) and are the first and the second fundamental laws of probability theory, respectfully. Producing 5-10 minute videos about these concepts would be very useful for general audiences. In educational and general settings, both concepts (probabilities of observing independent events and central tendency) present significant learning and instructional challenges.
In the spirit of the examples below, once a topic of general interest is chosen, one would design a script that cycles between 3 types of scenes supporting the main thesis of the presentation:
- general topic overview (what and how?),
- real-life applications (why bother?), and
- researchers discussing the fundamental concepts behind the process (theory) and/or students showing hands-on demos (how we explore or observe the process?). For instance, analyzing data, running a simulation, running a virtual experiment, providing empirical evidence, etc.
Once the script is finalized, actors, students and faculty participating in the video meet to go over the script, their roles, timeline, video shoot and post processing protocol, software, and all other logistics. Once all data, materials and video clips are collected the video director puts it all together, synchs with audio, makes appropriate scene transitions and includes appropriate opening and closing credit slides. Finally, all SOCR videos are made publicly available here.
See also
- RadioLab for many excellent examples of presenting deep scientific, social, engineering, environmental, health and life issues for consumption by general users.
- Examples of outstanding podcasts/stories on Space, Time, Order, Symmetry, Chaos and Randomness, etc.
- Brian Cox Wonders of the Universe Videos
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