SOCR EduMaterials AnalysesCommandLineAnovaOneWay
This page includes the information on how to access the ANOVA - One Way library via shell-based command-line interface on local machines. More information about other SOCR Analyses command-line interfaces is available here.
In addition to the graphical user interfaces, via a web-browser, all SOCR Analyses allow command-line shell execution on local systems.
General Usage
- Get the latest SOCR JAR files from the SOCR page (
- The command-line interface to SOCR Analyses generally uses EXAMPLE 1 from the list of example data files for the corresponding analysis.
- All Input files are ASCII (see examples within each of the specific analyses).
- a -h flag at the end of the command-line indicates that the first row in all ASCII input data files is a HEADER row (so it's not interpreted as data)
ANOVA - One Way Usage
- Generic Setting:
java -cp [SOCRjar_location]/SOCR_core.jar:[SOCRjar_location]/SOCR_plugin.jar edu.ucla.stat.SOCR.analyses.command.AnovaOneWayCSV [data_location]/test.txt -h
- Example: Edit a new file (AnovaOneWayCSV.csh) using any editor and paste this inside (make sure the file has executable permisions). Some operating systems/platforms may require variants of this (C-shell) script.
java -cp /cxfs/ccb/CCB_SW_Tools/others/Statistics/SOCR_Statistics/bin/SOCR_core.jar:/
cxfs/ccb/CCB_SW_Tools/others/Statistics/SOCR_Statistics/bin/SOCR_plugin.jar edu.ucla.stat.SOCR.analyses.command.AnovaOneWayCSV /cxfs/ccb/CCB_SW_Tools/others/Statistics/SOCR_Statistics/SOCR_CSV_test_Scripts_Data/test.txt -h
Example Input data files
One test datafile is included with the SOCR analyses command-line distribution (test.txt). The ASCII content of each of these is included below. Note that the first lines in these files are column headers. This requires the "-h" flag at the end of the command line execution so that these first lines are interpreted as column headers.
test.txt | |
x | y |
93.0 | 1 |
67.0 | 1 |
77.0 | 1 |
92.0 | 1 |
97.0 | 1 |
62.0 | 1 |
136.0 | 2 |
120.0 | 2 |
115.0 | 2 |
121.0 | 2 |
102.0 | 2 |
130.0 | 2 |
198.0 | 3 |
217.0 | 3 |
209.0 | 3 |
221.0 | 3 |
190.0 | 3 |
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