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(Workshop Webcasting)
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== [[SOCR_Events | SOCR Events]] - [http://www.socr.ucla.edu SOCR] [http://www.causeweb.org/ CAUSEway] 2007 Workshop ==
== [[SOCR_Events | SOCR Events]] - [http://www.socr.ucla.edu SOCR] [http://www.causeweb.org/ CAUSEway] 2007 Workshop ==
[[Image:SOCR_Webcasts.gif|150px|thumbnail|right| [[SOCR_Events_Aug2007#Workshop_Webcasting | Workshop Webcasting]] ]]
== Title: Pedagogical Utilization of SOCR and CAUSEweb Resources in Probability and Statistics Courses ==
== Title: Pedagogical Utilization of SOCR and CAUSEweb Resources in Probability and Statistics Courses ==
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** Wed August 08, 2007  
** Wed August 08, 2007  
*** 9 AM - 12 PM Pacific Time
*** 9 AM - 12 PM Pacific Time
* After the workshop the complete webcast will be available on the Internet as video-stream (Details will be made available later).
* After the workshop the [[SOCR_Events_SOCR_CAUSEway_Workshop2007#Postscript | complete webcast will available at the California Digital Library (as MPEG video-stream files)]].
== Program ==
== Program ==
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* Registration and Coffee (8:00 - 9:00 AM)
* Registration and Coffee (8:00 - 9:00 AM)
* Welcome, [http://directory.stat.ucla.edu/info.php?directory=146 Ivo Dinov], SOCR Director (9:00 - 9:10 AM)
* Welcome, [http://directory.stat.ucla.edu/info.php?directory=146 Ivo Dinov], SOCR Director (9:00 - 9:10 AM)
* [[SOCR_Events_SOCR_CAUSEway_Workshop2007_Attendees | Participants Introductions]] (9:10 - 9:20 AM)
** [[SOCR_Events_SOCR_CAUSEway_Workshop2007_Attendees | Participants Introductions]] (9:10 - 9:20 AM)
* [[SOCR_Events_SOCR_CAUSEway_Workshop2007_GuestAccounts | Guest Accounts]] (9:20 - 9:30 AM)
** [[SOCR_Events_SOCR_CAUSEway_Workshop2007_GuestAccounts | Guest Accounts]] (9:20 - 9:30 AM)
* The State of the SOCR Resource, [http://directory.stat.ucla.edu/info.php?directory=146 Ivo Dinov], (9:30 - 9:40 AM)
** The State of the SOCR Resource, [http://directory.stat.ucla.edu/info.php?directory=146 Ivo Dinov], (9:30 - 9:40 AM)
* [http://www.socr.ucla.edu/htmls/SOCR_Distributions.html SOCR Distributions] - Overview and Class Utilization, [http://directory.stat.ucla.edu/info.php?directory=146 Ivo Dinov] (9:40 - 9:50 AM)
* [http://www.socr.ucla.edu/htmls/SOCR_Distributions.html SOCR Distributions] - Overview and Class Utilization, [http://directory.stat.ucla.edu/info.php?directory=146 Ivo Dinov] (9:40 - 9:50 AM)
* [[SOCR_EduMaterials_DistributionsActivities | Distribution Activities I]], [http://directory.stat.ucla.edu/info.php?directory=96 Juana Sanchez] (9:50 - 10:30 AM)
* [[SOCR_EduMaterials_DistributionsActivities | Distribution Activities I]], [http://directory.stat.ucla.edu/info.php?directory=96 Juana Sanchez] (9:50 - 10:30 AM)
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** [[SOCR_EduMaterials_Activities_RouletteExperiment | Roulette Experiment]]
** [[SOCR_EduMaterials_Activities_RouletteExperiment | Roulette Experiment]]
* Break (2:45 - 3:00 PM)
* Break (2:45 - 3:00 PM)
* [https://app.gen.umn.edu/artist/tests/index.html Assessing Conceptual Understanding in a First Statistics Course], [http://directory.stat.ucla.edu/info.php?directory=1 Rob Gould] (3:00 - 3:50 PM)
* [https://app.gen.umn.edu/artist/tests/index.html Assessing Conceptual Understanding in a First Statistics Course], [http://directory.stat.ucla.edu/info.php?directory=1 Rob Gould], [http://wiki.stat.ucla.edu/socr/uploads/f/f2/SOCR_2007Workshop_Gould_Slides.pdf PDF] (3:00 - 3:50 PM)
* Interactive Group Discussion on Experiments - What works, what doesn't, how to extend the collection and enhance the experiences of others (4:00 - 4:30 PM)
* Interactive Group Discussion on Experiments - What works, what doesn't, how to extend the collection and enhance the experiences of others (4:00 - 4:30 PM)
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* [http://wiki.stat.ucla.edu/socr/uploads/c/c7/Certificate_SOCR_Workshop2007.pdf SOCR/CAUSE Continuing Statistics Education Training Certificate] (template)
* [http://wiki.stat.ucla.edu/socr/uploads/c/c7/Certificate_SOCR_Workshop2007.pdf SOCR/CAUSE Continuing Statistics Education Training Certificate] (template)
* [http://wiki.stat.ucla.edu/socr/uploads/d/d5/SOCR_CAUSEwayWorkshopFlier_Apr2007.pdf Workshop Flier] (PDF)
* [http://wiki.stat.ucla.edu/socr/uploads/d/d5/SOCR_CAUSEwayWorkshopFlier_Apr2007.pdf Workshop Flier] (PDF)
* [http://wiki.stat.ucla.edu/socr/uploads/3/3b/SOCR_CAUSEwayWorkshop_Booklet_NoBkg_July2007.pdf Complete Workshop Handbook] (low resolution PDF, 23 MB)
*[[SOCR_Events_Aug2009 | 2009 SOCR Continuing Education Workshop, August 10-12, 2009]]
==SOCR/CAUSEweb Teaching Statistics with Technology EBook==
The complete SOCR/CAUSEweb Teaching Statistics with Technology EBook is freely available in PDF format from the following digital libraries:
* [http://wiki.stat.ucla.edu/socr/uploads/3/3b/SOCR_CAUSEwayWorkshop_Booklet_NoBkg_July2007.pdf SOCR web pages] (low resolution PDF, 23 MB)
* [http://books.google.com/books?id=XnSstU0cy1EC Google Books]
* [http://e-library.net/item.php?n=11440 E-Library]
* [http://repositories.cdlib.org/socr/events/SOCR_2007_Workshop/workshop_handbook2007 California Digital Library]
* ISBN 978-0-9829949-3-1
* Photos
** [http://picasaweb.google.com/iwaterpolo/SOCR_CAUSE_2007_Workshop_Day1 Day 1 Photo Album]
** [http://picasaweb.google.com/iwaterpolo/SOCR_CAUSE_2007_Workshop_Day2 Day 2 Photo Album]
** [http://picasaweb.google.com/iwaterpolo/SOCR_CAUSE_2007_Workshop_Day3 Day 3 Photo Album]
* [http://repositories.cdlib.org/socr/events/SOCR_2007_Workshop/ Complete workshop video-stream archive]
** [http://repositories.cdlib.org/socr/events/SOCR_2007_Workshop/Video_Day1 Day 1 Video Files] ( To view the video files select the '''Supporting Materials''' tab in the bottom left corner)
** [http://repositories.cdlib.org/socr/events/SOCR_2007_Workshop/Video_Day2 Day 2 Video Files]
** [http://repositories.cdlib.org/socr/events/SOCR_2007_Workshop/Video_Day3 Day 3 Video Files]

Latest revision as of 18:29, 5 January 2011

SOCR Events - SOCR CAUSEway 2007 Workshop

Title: Pedagogical Utilization of SOCR and CAUSEweb Resources in Probability and Statistics Courses

Workshop Summary and Goals

The 2007 joint SOCR/CAUSEway continuing education workshop aims at demonstrating the functionality, utilization and assessment of the current UCLA, SOCR and CAUSEweb resources. This workshop will be of most value to AP teachers and college instructors of probability and statistics classes who have interests in exploring novel IT-based approaches for enhancing statistics education. The workshop will provide an interactive forum for exchange of ideas and recommendations for strategies to integrate computers, modern pedagogical approaches, the Internet and new student assessment techniques.



Workshop Attendees List & Workshop Email List.

Logistics & Application

We anticipate to be able to host 30-40 workshop participants for the 3-day event. All participants will be partially supported to attend the workshop (travel, accommodation), by the NSF-funded SOCR & CAUSEway resources.

  • Date: Mon-Wed, August 06-08, 2007
  • Times: AM & PM Sessions (9AM - 12PM & 1PM - 4 PM)
  • Venue/Place: Powell Library (CLICC Classroom C, Powell 320C, Powell Building Realtime WebCam, use only the North-West elevator/stairway)
  • Accommodation - UCLA Guest House (Guest House Map) & Hilgard House (Hilgard House Map)
  • Local Information: Maps & local visitor information, direct LAX-Westwood Fly-Away Shuttle (every 30 min)
  • To Apply: As of July 05, 2007, the application for this Workshop is now closed.
  • Funding Support Details: Participants will be staying at UCLA Guest House or Hilgard House for 3 nights (Aug. 05, 06, 07, 2007), these costs are covered by the conference organizers and will be paid directly. In July, each registered participant will have to call the Guest House, identify the Workshop and provide his/her credit card number. All room charges are covered by the organizers, only no-shows will have their credit cards charged. Some meals will be provided during the Workshop, however participants will be responsible for most of their meals. There is no Workshop registration fee nor there are any charges for the Workshop materials which will be distributed. Transportation costs for attendees traveling > 30 miles (to UCLA) will be reimbursed to the maximum level of $300, per participant.

Workshop Webcasting


Day 1 (Mon 08/06/07)

Morning Session - Distributions (8AM - 12PM)

Lunch Break (12:00 - 1:00 PM)

UCLA Faculty Center

Afternoon Session - Experiments & Games (1PM - 4PM)


6:00-8:30 PM at the Redwood Room in the UCLA Faculty Center

Day 2 (Tue 08/07/07)

Morning Session - SOCR Analyses & Modeler (9AM - 12PM)

Lunch Break (12:00 - 1:00 PM)

UCLA Faculty Center

Afternoon Session - CAUSE Resources and UCLA Materials (1PM - 4PM)


6-8PM Movie Night, LACMA or TBD (UCLA Transportation is arranged 6-9 PM).

Day 3 (Wed 08/08/07)

Morning Session - EDA/Charts & Development of new Instructional Materials (9AM - 12PM)

Lunch Break & Adjourn (12:00 - 1:00 PM)

Afternoon Session - Visit to J. Paul Getty Museum (1PM - 4PM)


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Additional Workshop Resources

SOCR/CAUSEweb Teaching Statistics with Technology EBook

The complete SOCR/CAUSEweb Teaching Statistics with Technology EBook is freely available in PDF format from the following digital libraries:


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