SOCR Data Brain2BodyWeight

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SOCR Data - Brain to Body Weight Dataset

Data Description

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Brain-to-body weight relations

These data represent the relation between weights of the body and brain of various species. It may be used to discuss bivariate exploratory and quantitative data analyses in the case of allometric relationships. Brain-to-body weight ratio is assumed to be related to species intelligence. The encephalization quotient is a more complex measurement that takes into account allometric effects of widely divergent body sizes across several taxa. The brain-to-body mass ratio is a simpler measure of encephalization within species.

Data Table

Species BodyWeight(kg) BrainWeight(kg) Brain-to-Body-Weight_Proportion
Newborn_Human 3.2 0.374984813 0.117182754
Adult_Human 73 1.349981613 0.018492899
Pithecanthropus_Man 70 0.925010921 0.013214442
Squirrel 0.8 0.007620352 0.00952544
Hamster 0.15 0.001406136 0.009374242
Chimpanzee 50 0.419981176 0.008399624
Rabbit 1.4 0.011521246 0.008229462
Dog_(Beagle) 10 0.071985109 0.007198511
Cat 4.5 0.029982456 0.006662768
Rat 0.4 0.001995806 0.004989516
Bottle-Nosed_Dolphin 400 1.49998461 0.003749962
Beaver 24 0.044996363 0.001874848
Gorilla 320 0.502489628 0.00157028
Tiger 170 0.263491808 0.001549952
Owl 1.5 0.002222603 0.001481735
Camel 550 0.761989823 0.001385436
Elephant 4600 5.999983798 0.001304344
Lion 187 0.239995723 0.0012834
Sheep 120 0.139978605 0.001166488
Walrus 800 0.925010921 0.001156264
Horse 450 0.502489628 0.001116644
Cow 700 0.441481454 0.000630688
Giraffe 950 0.532018491 0.000560019
Green_Lizard 0.2 9.07185E-05 0.000453592
Sperm_Whale 35000 7.799974401 0.000222856
Turtle 3 0.000317515 0.000105838
Alligator 270 0.008391459 3.10795E-05


  • Histogram (HistogramChartDemo7) of the English letters
SOCR Data Dinov EnglishLetterFrequency.png
SOCR Data Dinov EnglishLetterFrequency1.png


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  • Blinkov, S.M. and Glezer, I.I. The Human Brain in Figures and Tables. A Quantitative Handbook, New York: Plenum Press, 1968.
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  • Nieuwenhuys, R., Ten Donkelaar, H.J. and Nicholson, C. The Central Nervous System of Vertebrates. Vol. 3, Berlin: Springer, 1998.
  • Mink, J.W., Blumenschine, R.J. and Adams, D.B. Ratio of central nervous system to body metabolism in vertebrates: its constancy and functional basis. Am. J. Physiology, 241:R203-R212, 1981.
  • Rehkamper, G., Frahm, H.D. and Zilles, K. Quantitative development of brain and brain structures in birds (Galliformes and Passeriforms) compared to that in mammals (Insectivores and Primates). Brain Beh. Evol., 37:125-143, 1991.
  • Ridgway, S.H. and Harrison, S., Handbook of Marine Mammals, Vol. 3, London: Academic Press, 1985.
  • Shoshani, J., Kupsky, W.J. and Marchant, G.H., Elephant brain. Part I: Gross morphology functions, comparative anatomy, and evolution, Brain Res. Bulletin, 70:124-157, 2006.

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