Difference between revisions of "SOCR Simulated HELP Data Activity"
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plot(gam_reg, terms=c("substance"), se=2, lwd=3) | plot(gam_reg, terms=c("substance"), se=2, lwd=3) | ||
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===General linear model for correlated data=== | ===General linear model for correlated data=== |
Revision as of 15:03, 14 September 2014
- 1 SOCR Simulated HELP Data: SOCR Activity: Simulated Health Evaluation and Linkage to Primary (HELP) Care Dataset
- 2 SOCR Simulated HELP Data
- 3 R examples
- 3.1 Data I/O, summaries, visualization
- 3.2 Missing Values
- 3.3 Sorting and subsetting
- 3.4 Exploratory data analysis
- 3.5 Bivariate relationship
- 3.6 Contingency tables
- 3.7 Two-sample tests
- 3.8 Power
- 3.9 Survival analysis (Kaplan–Meier plot)
- 3.10 Scatterplot with model fit
- 3.11 Regression with prediction intervals
- 3.12 Linear regression with interaction
- 3.13 Regression diagnostics
- 3.14 Fitting stratified regression models
- 3.15 Two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)
- 3.16 Multiple comparisons
- 3.17 Logistic and Poisson Regression
- 3.18 Negative binomial regression
- 3.19 Ordinal logit regression
- 3.20 Generalized additive model
- 3.21 General linear model for correlated data
- 3.22 Random effects model
- 3.23 Generalized estimating equations (GEE) model
- 3.24 Generalized linear mixed model
- 3.25 Proportional hazards regression model
- 3.26 Bayesian Poisson regression
- 3.27 Cronbach’s $\alpha$
- 3.28 Factor analysis
- 3.29 Recursive partitioning
- 3.30 Linear discriminant analysis
- 3.31 Hierarchical clustering
- 3.32 ROC curve
- 3.33 Multiple imputation
- 3.34 Propensity score modeling
- 4 References
SOCR Simulated HELP Data: SOCR Activity: Simulated Health Evaluation and Linkage to Primary (HELP) Care Dataset
SOCR Simulated HELP Data
See the SOCR Simulated HELP Data first. These data can be copy-pasted using the mouse from the HTML table into a plain text file "help_data.csv".
R examples
These simulated HELP data can be used to demonstrate (using SOCR and R)a number of different statistical, modeling, inferential and data analytic techniques.
Data I/O, summaries, visualization
options(digits=2) # decimal precision options(width=80) # narrows output to stay in the grey box help_sim_data <- read.csv("http://socr.umich.edu/data/SOCR_HELP_SIm_Data_2014.csv", na.strings=c("",".","NA")) # note that we specify all of these values as indicating missing data ("",".","NA") attach(help_sim_data) rownames(help_sim_data) # print row and column names colnames(help_sim_data) summary(help_sim_data) fivenum(help_sim_data$\$ $mcs) mean(help_sim_data$\$ $mcs, na.rm=TRUE); median(help_sim_data$\$ $mcs, na.rm=TRUE); range(help_sim_data$\$ $mcs, na.rm=TRUE); sd(help_sim_data$\$ $mcs, na.rm=TRUE); var(help_sim_data$\$ $mcs, na.rm=TRUE) quantile(help_sim_data$\$ $mcs, seq(from=0, to=1, length=11), na.rm=TRUE) no_mis_help_sim_data_mcs <- na.omit(help_sim_data$\$ $mcs) hist(no_mis_help_sim_data_mcs, main="", freq=FALSE) lines(density(no_mis_help_sim_data_mcs), main="MCS", lty=2, lwd=2) xvals <- seq(from=min(no_mis_help_sim_data_mcs), to=max(no_mis_help_sim_data_mcs), length=100) lines(xvals, dnorm(xvals, mean(no_mis_help_sim_data_mcs), sd(no_mis_help_sim_data_mcs)), lwd=2) cor_mat <- cor(cbind(help_sim_data$\$ $mcs, help_sim_data$\$ $i11, help_sim_data$\$ $pcs1)) cor_mat cor_mat[c(2, 3), 2] plot(help_sim_data$\$ $mcs[help_sim_data$\$ $female==0], help_sim_data$\$ $cesd[help_sim_data$\$ $female==0], xlab="MCS", ylab="cesd", type="n", bty="n") text(help_sim_data$\$ $mcs[help_sim_data$\$ $female==0& help_sim_data$\$ $substance=="alcohol"], help_sim_data$\$ $cesd[help_sim_data$\$ $female==1& help_sim_data$\$ $substance=="alcohol"],"A") text(help_sim_data$\$ $mcs[help_sim_data$\$ $female==0& help_sim_data$\$ $substance=="cocaine"], help_sim_data$\$ $cesd[help_sim_data$\$ $female==0& help_sim_data$\$ $substance=="cocaine"],"C") text(help_sim_data$\$ $mcs[help_sim_data$\$ $female==0& help_sim_data$\$ $substance=="heroin"], help_sim_data$\$ $cesd[help_sim_data$\$ $female==1& help_sim_data$\$ $substance=="heroin"],"H") rug(jitter(help_sim_data$\$ $mcs[help_sim_data$\$ $female==0]), side=2) rug(jitter(help_sim_data$\$ $mcs[help_sim_data$\$ $female==0]), side=3) table(help_sim_data$\$ $homeless, help_sim_data$\$ $female) OR <- (sum(help_sim_data$\$ $homeless==0 & help_sim_data$\$ $female==0 , na.rm=TRUE)* sum(help_sim_data$\$ $homeless==1 & help_sim_data$\$ $female==1 , na.rm=TRUE))/ (sum(help_sim_data$\$ $homeless==0 & help_sim_data$\$ $female==1 , na.rm=TRUE)* sum(help_sim_data$\$ $homeless==1 & help_sim_data$\$ $female==0 , na.rm=TRUE)) OR chisq_val <- chisq.test(help_sim_data$\$ $homeless, help_sim_data$\$ $female, correct=FALSE) chisq_val fisher.test(help_sim_data$\$ $homeless, help_sim_data$\$ $female) ttres <- t.test(help_sim_data$\$ $age ~ help_sim_data$\$ $female, data=help_sim_data) print(ttres) wilcox.test(help_sim_data$\$ $age ~ as.factor(help_sim_data$\$ $female), correct=FALSE) ksres <- ks.test(help_sim_data$\$ $age[help_sim_data$\$ $female==0], help_sim_data$\$ $age[help_sim_data$\$ $female==1], data=help_sim_data) print(ksres)
Missing Values
sum(is.na(pcs1)) # count the missing values in the variable pcs1, 208 sum(!is.na(pcs1)) # count the non missing values in the variable pcs1, 246 sum(pcs1==49, na.rm=T) # Count the occurrence of 49 in pcs1, (omitting any missing values) which(!complete.cases(pcs1)) # Find cases (row numbers) that are incomplete # pcs1[pcs1==99] = NA You can re-map all 49 values in pcs1 as NA (missing) # pcs1 = pcs1[!is.na(pcs1)] # you can remove all NA (missing) data from pcs1
Sorting and subsetting
new_cesd = sum(help_sim_data$\$ $f1a-help_sim_data$\$ $f1t, na.rm=TRUE); new_cesd impute_mean_cesd = mean(help_sim_data$\$ $f1a - help_sim_data$\$ $f1t, na.rm=TRUE) * 20; sort(help_sim_data$\$ $cesd)[1:4] sum(is.na(help_sim_data$\$ $drinkstatus)) table(help_sim_data$\$ $drinkstat, exclude="NULL") gender <- factor(help_sim_data$\$ $female, c(0,1), c("male","Female")) table(help_sim_data$\$ $female)
Exploratory data analysis
newhelp_sim_data <- help_sim_data[help_sim_data$\$ $female==1,] attach(newhelp_sim_data) sub <- factor(substance, levels=c("heroin", "alcohol", "cocaine")) plot(age, i1, ylim=c(0,40), type="n", cex.lab=1.4, cex.axis=1.4) points(age[substance=="alcohol"], i1[substance=="alcohol"], pch="A") lines(lowess(age[substance=="alcohol"], i1[substance=="alcohol"], delta = 0.01), lty=1, lwd=2) points(age[substance=="cocaine"], i1[substance=="cocaine"], pch="C") lines(lowess(age[substance=="cocaine"], i1[substance=="cocaine"], delta = 0.01), lty=2, lwd=2) points(age[substance=="heroin"], i1[substance=="heroin"], pch="H") lines(lowess(age[substance=="heroin"], i1[substance=="heroin"], delta = 0.01), lty=3, lwd=2) legend(44, 38, legend=c("alcohol", "cocaine", "heroin"), lty=1:3, cex=1.4, lwd=2, pch=c("A", "C", "H")) options(show.signif.stars=FALSE) lm1 <- lm(i1 ~ sub * age) lm2 <- lm(i1 ~ sub + age) anova(lm2, lm1) summary(lm1) names(summary(lm1)) summary(lm1)$\$ $sigma names(lm1) lm1$\$ $coefficients coef(lm1) vcov(lm1) pred <- fitted(lm1) resid <- residuals(lm1) quantile(resid)
# explore correlations and clusters in chunks of the data cor_matrix <- cor(cbind(mcs, pcs, cesd, i1, sexrisk),use="pairwise.complete.obs") h_dist_clust <- hclust(dist(cor_matrix)) plot(h_dist_clust)
Bivariate relationship
subst <- as.factor(substance) genfem <- as.factor(ifelse(female, "F", "M")) interaction.plot(subst, genfem, cesd, xlab="substance", las=1, lwd=2) subs <- character(length(substance)) subs[substance=="alcohol"] <- "Alco" subs[substance=="cocaine"] <- "Coca" subs[substance=="heroin"] <- "Hero" gend <- character(length(female)) library("lattice") bwout <- bwplot(cesd ~ subs + genfem, notch=TRUE, varwidth=TRUE, col="gray") bwout boxmeans <- tapply(cesd, list(subs, genfem), mean)
suicidal.thoughts <- as.factor(g1b) # conditional plots coplot(mcs ~ cesd | suicidal.thoughts*substance, panel=panel.smooth)
# Generate random data using random effects GLM library(lme4) n <- 2000; p <- 3; sigbsq <- 10 beta <- c(-2, 1.5, 0.5, -1, 1) ID <- rep(1:n, each=p) # 1 1 ... 1 2 2 ... 2 3 3 ....3 ... n... n Y1 <- as.numeric(id < (n+1)/2) # 1 1 ... 1 0 0 ... 0 randint <- rep(rnorm(n, 0, sqrt(sigbsq)), each=p) Y2 <- rep(1:p, n) # 1 2 ... p 1 2 ... p ... Y3 <- runif(p*n) Y4 <- rexp(p*n, 1) lin_pred_model <- beta[1] + beta[2]*Y1 + beta[3]*Y2 + beta[4]*Y3 + beta[5]*Y4 + randint exp_model <- exp(lin_pred_model)/(1 + exp(lin_pred_model)) Y <- runif(p*n) < exp_model glmmres <- lmer(Y ~ Y1 + Y2 + Y3 + +Y4 + (1|id), family=binomial(link="logit")) summary(glmmres)
# inspect visually the relation between low homelessness and low pcs scores homelow <- homeless[i1<3.5] pcslow <- pcs[i1<3.5]<=31.94 table(homelow, pcslow)
Contingency tables
# you need to first load and attach the dataset: #### help_sim_data <- read.csv("http://socr.umich.edu/data/SOCR_HELP_SIm_Data_2014.csv", na.strings=c("",".","NA")) #### attach(help_sim_data) table(homeless, female) OR <- (sum(help_sim_data$\$ $homeless==0 & help_sim_data$\$ $female==0 , na.rm=TRUE)* sum(help_sim_data$\$ $homeless==1 & help_sim_data$\$ $female==1 , na.rm=TRUE))/ (sum(help_sim_data$\$ $homeless==0 & help_sim_data$\$ $female==1 , na.rm=TRUE)* sum(help_sim_data$\$ $homeless==1 & help_sim_data$\$ $female==0 , na.rm=TRUE)) OR
install.packages("epitools") library(epitools) OR_HomeFem <- oddsratio.wald(homeless, female) OR_HomeFem OR_HomeFem$\$ $measure OR_HomeFem$\$ $p.value chi_sq_test <- chisq.test(homeless, female, correct=FALSE) chi_sq_test
fisher_test <- fisher.test(homeless, female) fisher_test
Two-sample tests
Welch_2sampleT_Age_Fem <- t.test(age ~ female, data=help_sim_data) Welch_2sampleT_Age_Fem fixBinary<- function(x) { # this function is needed to pre-filter the "treat" array into binary (0,1) values res <- rep(0, length(x)) for (i in 1:length(x)){ if(is.na(x[i])) res[i] <- x[i] else if (x[i]<2) res[i] <- x[i] else res[i] <- 1} return(res)} Welch_2sampleT_Home_treat <- t.test(homeless ~ fixBinary(treat), data=help_sim_data) Welch_2sampleT_Home_treat wilcox_test_Age_Fem <- wilcox.test(age ~ as.factor(female), correct=FALSE) wilcox_test_Age_Fem
# compute the sample size for a two-sample t-test power.t.test(delta=0.5, power=0.9) # given effect-size (delta) and desired power
# for a two-sample t-test, compute power from sample-size and effect-size power.t.test(delta=0.5, n=100)
Survival analysis (Kaplan–Meier plot)
small_data <- reshape(newhelp_sim_data, idvar="id", varying=list(c("cesd1","cesd2","cesd3","cesd4"), c("mcs1","mcs2","mcs3","mcs4"), c("i11","i12","i13","i14"), c("g1b1","g1b2","g1b3","g1b4")), v.names=c("cesdtv","mcstv","i1tv","g1btv"), timevar="time", times=1:4, direction="long") library(lme4) glmres <- glmer(g1btv ~ treat + time + (1|id), family=binomial(link="logit"), control=glmerControl(tolPwrss=1e-6), na.action = na.omit, data=small_data) summary(glmres)
library(survival) # fit a Cox proportional hazards regression model. Time dependent variable (dayslink), # time dependent strata (linkstatus) cox_surv <- coxph(Surv(as.numeric(dayslink), as.numeric(!is.na(linkstatus))) ~ treat + age + female + cesd, method="breslow", data=newhelp_sim_data) print(cox_surv) # creates a survival curve from a formula (e.g. the Kaplan-Meier), a previously fitted # Cox model, or a previously fitted accelerated failure time model surv_KM <- survfit(Surv(as.numeric(dayslink), linkstatus) ~ treat) print(surv_KM) plot(surv_KM, lty=1:2, lwd=2, col=c(4,2)) title("Product-Limit Survival Estimates") legend(200, .8, legend=c("Control", "Treatment"), lty=c(1,2), lwd=2, col=c(4,2), cex=1.4)
Scatterplot with model fit
plot(age, i1, ylim=c(0,40), type="n", cex.lab=1.4, cex.axis=1.4) points(age[substance=="cocaine"], i1[substance=="cocaine"], pch="coca") # lowess is a locally-weighted polynomial regression smooth fit lines(lowess(age[substance=="cocaine"], i1[substance=="cocaine"], delta = 0.01), lty=2, lwd=2) points(age[substance=="alcohol"], i1[substance=="alcohol"], pch="alco") lines(lowess(age[substance=="alcohol"], i1[substance=="alcohol"], delta = 0.01), lty=1, lwd=2) points(age[substance=="heroin"], i1[substance=="heroin"], pch="hero") lines(lowess(age[substance=="heroin"], i1[substance=="heroin"], delta = 0.01), lty=3, lwd=2) legend(50, 42, legend=c("cocaine", "alcohol", "heroin"), lty=1:3, cex=1.4, lwd=2, pch=c("c", "a", "h"))
Regression with prediction intervals
predicted <- fitted(lm1); predicted residuals <- residuals(lm1) quantile(residuals)
Linear regression with interaction
lm1 <- lm(a15a ~ substance * age) lm2 <- lm(a15a ~ substance + age) anova(lm2, lm1) summary(lm1) names(summary(lm1)) summary(lm1)$\$ $sigma names(lm1) lm1$\$ $coefficients vcov(lm1)
Regression diagnostics
# graphical model diagnostics par <- par(mfrow=c(2, 2), mar=c(4, 4, 2, 2)+.5) plot(lm1) par(par)
std.res <- rstandard(lm1) hist(std.res, main="", xlab="standardized residuals", col="gray", freq=F) lines(density(std.res), lwd=2) xvals <- seq(from=min(std.res), to=max(std.res), length=100) lines(xvals, dnorm(xvals, mean(std.res), sd(std.res)), lty=3)
Fitting stratified regression models
Frequently, one needs to perform similar analyses in several groups, i.e., fitting separate linear regression models for each substance abuse group.
unique_vals <- unique(substance[!is.na(substance)]); unique_vals numb_unique <- length(unique_vals) formula <- as.formula(i1 ~ age) p <- length(coef(lm(formula))) res <- matrix(rep(0, numb_unique*p), p, numb_unique) for (i in 1:length(unique_vals)) { res[,i] <- coef(lm(formula, subset=substance==unique_vals[i])) } rownames(res) <- c("intercept","slope") colnames(res) <- unique_vals res
Two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)
aov1 <- aov(cesd ~ sub * genfem, data=help_sim_data) aov2 <- aov(cesd ~ sub + genfem, data=help_sim_data) resid <- residuals(aov2) anova(aov2, aov1)
logLik(aov1) # compute the exact Log-Likelihood of each ANOVA model logLik(aov2) lldiff <- logLik(aov1)[1] - logLik(aov2)[1] lldiff 1 - pchisq(2*lldiff, 2) # test for model differences summary(aov1) aov1 contrasts(sub) <- contr.SAS(4) contrasts(sub) aov3 <- lm(cesd ~ sub + genfem, data=help_sim_data) summary(aov3) AIC(aov1); BIC(aov1) # Akaike and Bayesian Information criteria (smaller values yield better models AIC(aov2); BIC(aov2) AIC(aov3); BIC(aov3)
Multiple comparisons
# generate confidence intervals on the differences between the means of the levels # of a factor with the specified family-wise probability of coverage. # The intervals are based on the Studentized range statistic, Tukey's # ‘Honest Significant Difference’ method multiple <- TukeyHSD(aov(cesd ~ sub, data=help_sim_data), "sub") multiple plot(multiple)
Logistic and Poisson Regression
# logistic (binomial outcomes) regression logistres <- glm(factor(homeless, levels=c('0','1')) ~ female + i1 + substance + sexrisk + indtot, na.action = na.omit, binomial) logistres summary(logistres) names(summary(logistres)) coeff.like.SAS <- summary(logistres)$\$ $coefficients coeff.like.SAS
poissonres <- glm(i2 ~ female + substance + age, na.action = na.omit, poisson) summary(poissonres)
Negative binomial regression
library(MASS) NB_Res <- glm.nb(a15a ~ female + substance + age) summary(NB_Res)
Ordinal logit regression
library(MASS) sex_risk_cat <- as.factor(as.numeric(sexrisk>=1) + as.numeric(sexrisk>=5)) ord_logit <- polr(sex_risk_cat ~ cesd + pcs) summary(ord_logit)
Generalized additive model
install.packages("gam"); library(gam) gam_reg <- gam(cesd ~ female + lo(pcs) + substance) # fitting a GAM using a smooth version of "pcs" summary(gam_reg) coefficients(gam_reg) plot(gam_reg, terms=c("lo(pcs)"), se=2, lwd=3) abline(h=0) plot(gam_reg, terms=c("substance"), se=2, lwd=3)
Random effects model
Generalized estimating equations (GEE) model
Generalized linear mixed model
Proportional hazards regression model
Bayesian Poisson regression
Cronbach’s $\alpha$
library(multilevel) cronbach(cbind(f1a, f1b, f1c, f1d, f1e, f1f, f1g, f1h, f1i, f1j, f1k, f1l, f1m, f1n, f1o, f1p, f1q, f1r, f1s, f1t)) # assess the consistency of the core 20 measures in the simulated HELP dataset res <- factanal(~ f1a + f1b + f1c + f1d + f1e + f1f + f1g + f1h + f1i + f1j + f1k + f1l + f1m + f1n + f1o + f1p + f1q + f1r + f1s + f1t, factors=3, rotation="varimax", na.action=na.omit, scores="regression") print(res, cutoff=0.45, sort=TRUE)
Factor analysis
Recursive partitioning
Linear discriminant analysis
Hierarchical clustering
ROC curve
library(ROCR) pred <- prediction(cesd, g1b) # standardize the input prediction data (Depression scale vs. suicide) AUC<- slot(performance(pred, "auc"), "y.values")1
plot(performance(pred, "tpr", "fpr"), print.cutoffs.at=seq(from=20, to=50, by=5), text.adj=c(1, -.5), lwd=2) lines(c(0, 1), c(0, 1)) text(.6, .2, paste("AUC=", round(AUC,3), sep=""), cex=1.4) title("ROC Curve for Depression scale vs. Suicide Prediction Model")
Multiple imputation
Propensity score modeling
- Evaluation and Linkage to Primary (HELP) Care study
- Data formats: help.csv and help.Rdata
- Study and Data specifications
- HELP study documentation
- SAS and R Data Management, Statistical Analysis, and Graphics, Kleinman / Horton, 2009
- SOCR Home page: http://www.SOCR.ucla.edu
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