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== [[SOCR_NewsEventsAnnouncements | SOCR News, Events & Announcements]] - News ==
== [[SOCR_NewsEventsAnnouncements | SOCR News, Events & Announcements]] - News & [http://www.socr.umich.edu/html/feed.rss RSS Feeds]==
=== 2007 ===
* Aug. 22-29, 2007: SOCR [http://wiki.stat.ucla.edu/socr/uploads/c/c4/SOCR_Abstract_Lisbon_ISI2007.pdf sampling and simulation resources] are going to be presented as an invited talk (Nicolas Christou) at the 2007 [http://www.isi2007.com.pt International Statistics Institute meeting (ISI)], Lisbon, Portugal.
* Aug. 08-10, 2007: Nicolas Christou is invited to present the [[SOCR_EduMaterials_Activities_GeneralCentralLimitTheorem | SOCR Central Limit Theorem Applet and hands-on activity]] at the [http://mic07.merlot.org/program/index.php?sort=date&date=2007-08-09#904 2007 Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching Conference], [http://conference.merlot.org/2007/ MERLOT], New Orleans, LA. ([http://wiki.stat.ucla.edu/socr/uploads/2/21/Christou_MERLOT_CLT_2007.pdf Talk PDF])
* August 2-7, 2025: Ivo Dinov is organizing an [[SOCR_News_ISS_JSM_2025 | Invited Special Session (#0127), ''Statistical Inference and AI Modeling of High-Dimensional Longitudinal Data'', at the 2025 Joint Statistics Meeting (JSM) in Nashville, TN]].
* March 15-21, [https://summit.aps.org/ 2025 APS Summit], Anaheim, CA: Yueyang Shen, Yupeng Zhang, and Ivo D. Dinov are presenting on [[SOCR_News_APS_2025 |''Probabilistic Symmetry, Variable Exchangeability, and Deep Network Learning Invariance and Equivariance'' and ''Numerical and Analytical Complex-time Transformations of Longitudinal Processes and Spacekime Analytics'']].
* January 9, 2025: [[SOCR_MDP_Jan_2025_JumpStart | SOCR-MDP 2025 JumpStart Event]], Time: 6:00-8:30 pm, dinner will be provided, SOCR Team meets at NCRC Building – NCRC10 Room #G064.
* September 1, 2024: Ivo Dinov is [https://regents.umich.edu/files/meetings/07-24/2024-07-IV-1.pdf appointed by the UMich Board of Regents as the Henry P. Tappan Collegiate Professor] (September 1, 2024 through August 31, 2029). The [https://bentley.umich.edu/legacy-support/um/umpresid.php second UMich President], [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Philip_Tappan Dr. Henry P. Tappan] (1852-1863), was a [https://heritage.umich.edu/stories/tappans-end/ prolific writer who provided a vision for establishing the University of Michigan as a primer research intensive academic institution].
* August 28-30, 2024: Ivo Dinov is organizing a special session [[SOCR_News_HDDA_2024| Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, and High-Dimensional Spatiotemporal Dynamics]] at the 2024 High-Dimensional Data Analysis Conference (HDDA-13) in Singapore.
* July 8-10, 2024: (2024 NIGMS TWD PDO Biomedical Training Program Directors' Conference) [https://sites.udel.edu/grimesgroup/research-team/ Catherine Grimes] (Delaware) and [https://www.socr.umich.edu/people/dinov/ Ivo D. Dinov] (Michigan) are co-Chairing a [https://events.faseb.org/event/dc343624-9195-4916-96f8-234b8c15b6f0/ Special Session of the T32 Predoctoral Program PDs/PIs].
** A SOCR Analytic Report of the [https://forms.gle/F6dQLqc6f1HV73NT8 pre-survey of NIHMS T32 Predoctoral Training Program PIs] is available in [https://socr.umich.edu/docs/uploads/2024/SOCR_NIHMS_TWD_Predoc_T32_PI_Survey_2024_Analytics.html HTML] and [https://socr.umich.edu/docs/uploads/2024/SOCR_NIHMS_TWD_Predoc_T32_PI_Survey_2024_Analytics.pdf PDF] formats.
** [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1p9qfcJOSU_HN3fA7iJlBUGmutVv4zhtt/?usp=sharing&ouid=103614380037368892595&rtpof=true&sd=true Session GSlidedeck]
* May 29-31, 2024: (ASA SMI Annual Meeting) Yueyang Shen is giving a talk on [[SOCR_News_AmStats_SIM_2024 |''Statistical Foundations of Invariance in Deep Network Learning'' ('''2024 Best Paper Award!''')]]. Ivo Dinov is presenting a short course tutorial on ''Spacekime Analytics'' and organizing a Special Session on [[SOCR_News_AmStats_SIM_2024 |  ''Longitudinal Imaging and Biostatistical Methods'', at the 2024 American Statistical Association's Statistics in Imaging Annual Meeting]] in Indianapolis, IN.
** [https://www.socr.umich.edu/people/SOCR_Personnel_Yueyang.html Yueyang Shen] and [https://math.wisc.edu/graduate-students/ Yupeng Zhang] receive the [https://www.statsinimaging.org/smi_competitions_all/ 2024 annual '''"Theory and Methods Track" Best Student Paper Award'''] at the [https://medicine.iu.edu/biostatistics/news-events/statistical-methods-in-imaging-conference 2024 American Statistical Association (AmStat) - Statistical Methods in Imaging (SMI) Conference].
:: This paper [https://socr.umich.edu/docs/uploads/2024/Shen_StatisticalFoundationsOfInvarianceInDNN_SMI_2024.pdf ''Statistical foundations of invariance and equivariance in deep artificial neural network learning''] was recognized as being of '''remarkable quality''' by the AmStat/SMI review committee.
* May 29–August 9, 2024: Announcement of the [https://globalhealthequity.umich.edu/graduate-research-internship-projects#novel-ai-techniques-for-exploring-health-equity ''SOCR Graduate Student Summer Research Internship and Training Program in Global Health Equity'']. This program is open to UMich graduate students in any discipline, including master’s, doctoral, and other professional degree programs. This program is based at the U-M Ann Arbor campus. Students will need to be available 20 hours per week from May 29–August 9, 2024. [https://globalhealthequity.umich.edu/graduate-student-summer-research-internship-training-program Application Deadline is February 16, 2024].
* May 6, 2024: [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1GC-IPAfNR-42mecWZq_-J0VuW3M29n8z BIDS-TP Hackathon tackling a pair of biomedical informatics, data science and artificial intelligence challenges].
* April 25, 2024: Ivo Dinov is giving a lecture at the [https://mmcommunityprograms.med.umich.edu/umich/course/course.aspx?catId=90 2024 OLLI Lecture Series on Artificial Intelligence] (AI), [https://mmcommunityprograms.med.umich.edu/umich/course/course.aspx?C=374&pc=9&mc=90&sc=0 AI in Health – Research Promises, Education Perils and Clinical Practice Impact], [https://www.wccnet.edu/visit/room-locator/ml.php Towsley Auditorium], [https://g.page/WashtenawCC?share Washtenaw Community College], [https://wiki.socr.umich.edu/images/2/21/Dinov_OLLI_Lecture_AI_in_Health_April25_2024_Slidedeck.pdf PDF Slidedeck].
* April 15, 2024: [[MIDAS_GDSC_Program_2024_Graduation | MIDAS GDSC Program - 2024 Graduation (MS/PhD) event]].
* April 4, 2024: Ivo Dinov is presenting [[SOCR_News_APS_GDS_April_2024 | ''Complex-time Representation of Repeated Measurement Longitudinal Data and Space-kime Analytics'' at the April 2024 APS Annual Meeting in Sacramento, CA]].
* March 3-8, 2024: Ivo Dinov is organizing an [[SOCR_News_APS_GDS_2024 | APS Special Invited Session on ''Model-based Statistical Physics, Computable Data, and Model-Free Artificial Intelligence'' at the March 2024 APS Annual Meeting in Minneapolis, MN]].
* January 19–20, 2024, Ivo Dinov is presenting [https://wiki.socr.umich.edu/images/f/f3/Dinov_BrainCancer_Lecture_AI_Jan_2024_Slidedeck.pdf ''AI Bio-Innovations in Health & Neurooncology - Research Promises, Learning Opportunities & Clinical Practice Impact''] at the [https://bibraincancer.umich.edu/4340-2/ 2024 Bioengineering in Brain Cancer Challenge], at the [https://bibraincancer.umich.edu/ University of Michigan Biointerfaces Institute], UM North Campus Research Complex (NCRC).
* January 11, 2024: [[SOCR_MDP_Jan_2024_JumpStart SOCR-MDP|2024 JumpStart Event]], Time: 6:00-8:30 pm, dinner will be provided, SOCR Team meets at NCRC Building – NCRC10 Room #G064.
* December 11, 2023. Ivo Dinov was interviewed for [https://www.techtarget.com TechTarget] on [https://www.techtarget.com/searchenterpriseai/feature/How-generative-AI-could-change-healthcare ''How generative AI could change healthcare''], by [https://www.techtarget.com/contributor/Mary-K-Pratt Mary K. Pratt], an award-winning freelance journalist.
* December 1, 2023. Ivo Dinov is moderating a [[SOCR_Events_Ross_GAIM_in_Healthcare_2023 | Generative AI in Healthcare Panel at the University of Michigan Ross School of Business, Business+Tech Training Program]], 11:45 AM ET.
* October 24, 2023. Ivo Dinov presented the [https://wiki.socr.umich.edu/images/a/a7/Dinov_DCMB_BGP_PhD_DoctoralStudents_2023_Outline.pdf Statistics Online Computational Resource at the 2023 DCMB Bioinformatics Graduate Program], 11:30 AM ET, at [https://maps.studentlife.umich.edu/building/medical-science-unit-ii 3813/3817 Med Sci II, UMich/MM].
* October 21, 2023: Yueyang Shen presented [https://wiki.socr.umich.edu/images/b/b6/Shen_APS_EGLS_SufficiencyExchangeability_InvarianceTalk_2023.pdf ''Invariance and equivariance in deep network learning: mathematical representation, probabilistic symmetry, variable exchangeability & sufficient statistics''] at the Fall 2023 Meeting of the [https://artsandsciences.csuohio.edu/physics/aps-eastern-great-lakes-section-egls APS Eastern Great Lakes Section (EGLS), October 20-21, 2023, Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio].
* October 16-17, 2023: Ivo Dinov is presenting a talk on ''AI in Biomedicine & Health – Research Promises, Education Perils & Clinical Practice Impact'' at the [[SOCR_Events_MWACD_BRCF_2023 | 2023 Annual Meeting of the Midwest Association of Core Directors (MWACD) is a chapter of the international Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities (ABRF)]].
* Sept 1, 2023: [[SOCR_MDP_Sept_2023_Retreat | SOCR-MDP 2023 Fall Retreat]], Time: 5:00-6:30 PM, dinner will be provided. All [https://www.socr.umich.edu/people/ SOCR Team members are invited to attend].
* August 22, 2023: [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1DYU156qwPsGG9-0MDSktqy5fHA-fWFgP BIDS-TP Hackathon] tackling a pair of biomedical informatics, data science and artificial intelligence challenges.
* August 23, 2023: Ivo Dinov presented [https://wiki.socr.umich.edu/images/0/07/Dinov_OpenScience_DataSharing_RCR_DCMB_Bioinfo504_Aug_2023.pdf ''Data Sharing & Open, Rigorous, Reproducible Science''] at the [https://medicine.umich.edu/dept/dcmb/education/course-descriptions BIOINF-504: Rigor and Transparency to Enhance Reproducibility], University of Michigan.
* July 01, 2023: Read the [https://spacekime.wordpress.com/2023/07/01/spacekime-explained-by-generative-ai/ first generative artificial intelligence model (GAIM) interpretaiton of "spacekime analytics"] using OpenAI and Google PaLM models. It includes textual descriptions of spacekime, as well as, pictorial [https://spacekime.files.wordpress.com/2023/07/4dspacekimeuniverse_gaim_generated_p1_2023.png GAIM-generated image renditions].
* June 26-28, 2023: Ivo Dinov is presenting [https://wiki.socr.umich.edu/images/8/86/Dinov_APS_DSECOP_UMD_June2023.pdf Data Science Modules Enhancing the Biophysics Curriculum] at the [https://engage.aps.org/gds/home APS Group of Data Science] [https://dsecop.org/workshops/ 2023 DSECOP Workshop at the University of Maryland], see [https://dsecop.org/assets/23_Workshop/DSECOP23_Schedule.pdf the agenda].
* May 15, 2023: Ivo Dinov is presenting [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/14gsIxDJ6KbYdazlOGkHdFe5dBkQe1Ksg/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=103614380037368892595&rtpof=true&sd=true ''Faculty Development - Tracking Research and Scientific Productivity''].
* April 26, 2023: Yueyang Shen is presenting [[SOCR_APS_Apr_2023_ILT_Shen | ''Numerical Methods and Analysis for Computing Forward and Inverse Laplace Transform For discrete and continuous signals'', at the April 2023 Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS)]].
* April 19, 2023: [[SOCR_MDP_Apr_2023_Retreat | SOCR-MDP 2023 April Retreat]], Time: 5:00-6:30 PM, dinner will be provided. All [https://www.socr.umich.edu/people/ SOCR Team members are invited to attend].
* April 14, 2023: [[MIDAS_GDSC_Program_2023_Graduation|MIDAS GDSC Program - 2023 Graduation (MS/PhD) event]].
* April 3-4, 2023: Ivo Dinov is presenting [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1HCCWtRaqtPVMLAAcTiO6ankF6yLdLu0NUHxhpSfHIDg/edit?usp=sharing Nursing and Healthcare 2030: AI Promises & Perils in Education, Scholarship & Clinical Practice] at the [https://nursing.umich.edu/research/research-day 2023 UMSN Research Day].
* March 14, 2023: Ivo Dinov is presenting [[SOCR_AmStat_SII_2023 | Data Science and Predictive Analytics (DSPA2)'']] at the [https://community.amstat.org/statisticsinimagingsection/home March Workshop of the Statistics in Imaging (SII) Section].
* March 15, 2023: [[SOCR_News_GenAI_RD_March_2023 |SOCR R&D in generative artificial intelligence (gen-AI)]].
* March 4, 2023: Prof. Dinov is selected as one of the [https://news.umich.edu/chatgpt-u-m-experts-can-discuss-ai-chatbots-their-reach-impact-concerns-potential/ University of Michigan Experts on generative artificial intelligence, gen-AI, (e.g., ChatGPT)].
* March 1, 2023: Release of V.1.5 of the [https://rcompute.nursing.umich.edu/SOCR_AI_Bot/ SOCR AI Bot, which utilizes generative-AI for synthetic medical text generation, simulation of 2D medical images, and generation of code], [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DtVA8wl-Tc8PYVzrOFcAz6AOLAve_WgA/view?usp=share_link video 1 (3-min)], [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GS3ohrIgy0eJ1qfdTe7L2m0ShNUEmOSQ/view?usp=sharing video 2 (12-min)], [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1qzIL7acG8ugNoiTFb7Xjec4wc0BNmbKF/edit?usp=share_link&ouid=103614380037368892595&rtpof=true&sd=true Pressure Injury Slidedeck (2023)],  [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FhdMXN9cvDD5NyMjZt8d2QzVgSTcnIPL/view?usp=sharing AI Bot Demo Script].
* January 5, 2023: [[SOCR_MDP_Jan_2023_JumpStart | SOCR-MDP 2023 JumpStart Event]], Time: 6:00 -8:30 pm], dinner will be provided, [https://www.socr.umich.edu/people/ SOCR Team] meets at [https://maps.studentlife.umich.edu/building/north-campus-research-complex-building-10 NCRC Building – NCRC10 Room #G064].
* January 4-7, 2023: Ivo Dinov and Joshua Welch are organizing a [[SOCR_JMM_2023 | AMS/JMM Special Session on ''Tensor Representation, Completion, Modeling and Analytics of Complex Data'']] at the [https://www.jointmathematicsmeetings.org/2270_intro 2023 JMM Congress], Boston, MA.
* December 17-19, 2022: Ivo Dinov, Yueyang Shen, and Milen V. Velev are presenting [[SOCR_News_CMStatistics2022 | ''Quantum Mechanics Uncertainty, Data Science Inference, and AI in Complex Time (Kime)'']] at the [http://www.cmstatistics.org/CMStatistics2022/index.php 15<sup>th</sup> International Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics) Conference], King's College London.
* October 25, 2022: Ivo Dinov presented [[SOCR_News_ASA_StatsInImaging_2022 | Complex-time (Kime) Representation of Longitudinal Data and Spacekime Analytics]] at the ASA Statistics in Imaging Section Seminar Series.
* October 22, 2022: Yueyang Shen is presenting [https://wiki.socr.umich.edu/images/5/58/YueyangShen_Laplace_Transform_APS_Talk_Oct_2022.pdf Laplace Transform and Inverse Laplace Transforms - Numerical Methods, Groups, and Clifford Algebra] at the [https://www.aps.org/meetings/meeting.cfm?name=EGLF22 Fall 2022 Meeting of the Eastern Great Lakes Section of the American Physical Society (EGLS of APS)], at [https://www.ltu.edu/arts_sciences/egls-schedule.asp Lawrence Tech University].
* August 24, 2022: Ivo Dinov presented [https://wiki.socr.umich.edu/images/3/32/Dinov_OpenScience_DataSharing_RCR_DCMB_Aug_2022.pdf Data Sharing & Open, Rigorous, Reproducible Science] at the 2022 Rigor and Transparency to Enhance Reproducibility Workshop, University of Michigan.
* July 26-30, 2022: Kayvan Najarian, Nambi Nallasamy, Ivo Dinov, Michael Mathis, Ryan Stidham, Jonathan Gryak, Michael Sjoding are organizing the [[SOCR_News_MIDAS_Biomedical_Bootcamp_2022 |2022 MIDAS Data Science for Biomedical Scientists Bootcamp]], residential event ([https://maps.studentlife.umich.edu/building/weiser-hall UM Campus, Weiser Hall]).
* June 22-24, 2022 [[DSECOP_Workshop_Maryland_2022 | DSECOP June 2022 Workshop - "Data Science Education in the Physics Curriculum”]], hosted at the Edward St. John Center, University of Maryland.
* June 2-3, 2022: Ivo Dinov is presenting [https://wiki.socr.umich.edu/images/1/10/Dinov_Spacekime_DCMB_Retreat_June2022.pdf Quantum Physics Interface to Data Science, Artificial Intelligence & Spacekime Analytics] at the [https://sites.google.com/umich.edu/dcmb-retreat/home DCMB 10-th year anniversary retreat], Maumee Bay, Oregon, OH 4361.
* May 17, 2022: Ivo Dinov is presenting ''LAI in Data-Driven, Evidence-based, and Technology-Enhanced Health Science'' at the [[SoN_ LAI_4_Day_Intensive_May_2022| 2022 Leadership, Analytics and Innovation (LAI) Master’s Program 4-Day Intensive]].
* April 15, 2022: [[MIDAS_GDSC_Program_2022_Graduation|MIDAS GDSC Program - 2022 Graduation (MS/PhD) event]].
* April 12, 2022: Ivo Dinov is presenting "''Teaching Data Science with Technology''" at the [[LTU_OpenEd_Workshop_April_2022|Lawrence Technological University – OpenEd Workshop]].
* March 17, 2022: Ivo Dinov is presenting a [[SOCR_News_APS_Dinov_Spacekime_March_2022| ''Quantum Physics Interface to Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, and Spacekime Analytics'']] at the [https://www.aps.org/meetings/ March 2022 APS Meeting].
* March 7, 8, and 21, 2022: Ivo Dinov is organizing a [[SOCR_News_ISI_DSPA_Training_2022 | 2022 ISI Short Course on Data Science and Predictive Analytics (DSPA)]], distance (virtual) event.
* March 13, 2022: Ivo Dinov is organizing a [[SOCR_News_APS_GDS_ShortCourse_March_2022| day-long short course ''Longitudinal Data Tensor-Linear Modeling and Space-kime Analytics'']] for the [https://www.aps.org/meetings/ March 2022 APS Meeting].
* January 21, 2022: [[SOCR_News_SOCR_Winter2022_retreat | SOCR Winter 2022 Retreat]] (hybrid; in-person + ZM), 5:00-6:30PM US ET (GMT-5).
* January 6, 2022: [https://mdp.engin.umich.edu/mdp_events/all/ 2022: SOCR-MDP 2022 JumpStart Event], Time: 6:00 -8:30 pm, Box-Dinner pick up: 6:00 pm – 6:30 pm Duderstadt Atrium, SOCR Group meets at [https://maps.studentlife.umich.edu/building/chrysler-center-continuing-engineering-education Chrysler Building CHY #165], 6:15-7:30 pm.
* November 12-13, 2021: [https://www.socr.umich.edu/people/SOCR_Personnel_Yueyang.html Yueyang Shen] presented a [https://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/EGLSF21/Session/J02.7 talk] entitled [https://wiki.socr.umich.edu/images/1/1e/YueyangShen_APS_WDE_Spacekime_Fall_2021_Talk.pdf Wheeler Dewitt equation in spacekime] at the [https://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/EGLSF21/APS_epitome Fall 2021 APS/EGLS meeting].
* November 6-10, 2021: Ivo Dinov was inducted as an [https://www.sigmanursing.org/connect-engage/news-detail/2021/08/11/sigma-announces-2021-international-award-recipients-and-honorary-members ''Sigma Honorary Member''] at the [https://www.sigmanursing.org/connect-engage/meetings-events/convention 46th Biennial Convention], Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.
* October 27-28, 2021: Ivo Dinov presented [https://wiki.socr.umich.edu/images/0/03/Dinov_UMich_BigHealthDataPillar_MBDH_Conf_2021.pdf ''MBDH Big Health Data Pillar: Open Biomedical Team Science''] at the [https://midwestbigdatahub.org/2021-rcm-agenda/ 2021 Midwest Big Data Hub Symposium].
* August 30 – September 4, 2021: Jared Tianyi Chai, Mark Bobrovnikov, and Ivo Dinov are presenting [[SOCR_News_IASE_Distributome_2021 | Probability Distributome – Computing, Visualization, and Instruction]] at the 2021 IASE Conference on Statistics Education in the Era of Data Science.
* August 27, 2021: [[SOCR_News_SOCR_Fall2021_retreat | SOCR Fall 2021 Retreat]], 8:00-9:30 AM US ET (GMT-4).
* August 25, 2021: Ivo Dinov presented [[SOCR_News_Bioinfo504_RCR_2021| Data Sharing & Open, Rigorous, Reproducible Science]] at the 2021 Rigor and Transparency to Enhance Reproducibility Workshop, University of Michigan.
* July 26-30, 2021: Kayvan Najarian, Nambi Nallasamy, Ivo Dinov, Michael Mathis, Ryan Stidham, Jonathan Gryak, Michael Sjoding are organizing the [[SOCR_News_MIDAS_Biomedical_Bootcamp_2021| 2021 MIDAS Data Science for Biomedical Scientists Bootcamp]], distance (virtual) event.
* July 2021 - June 2026: SOCR investigators led the establishment of an innovative T32 NIH-NIGMS Doctoral Training Program - [https://bids-tp.umich.edu/ the University of Michigan Biomedical Informatics and Data Science Training Program (BIDS-TP)].
* June 21, 2021 (8 AM US ET, GMT-4): Ivo Dinov presented [[SOCR_News_SOCR_D43_2021_SummerSchool | Data Science, Analytics, and AI in Health]], at the D43 Summer School.
* June 16-17, 2021: Ivo Dinov organized a [[SOCR_News_ISI_WSC_DSPA_Training_2021| 2021 ISI/WSC Training and Education Bootcamp on ''Data Science and Predictive Analytics (DSPA)'']], distance (virtual) event.
* April 10, 2021: Ivo Dinov is presenting [[SOCR_News_APS_Ohio_Spacekime_2021| ''Data Science, Time Complexity, and Spacekime Analytics'']], at the 2021 Meeting of the American Physical Society (APS) Ohio-Region Section, remote distance event.
* March 30, 2021: Ivo Dinov was interviewed by [https://www.jerseyindie.com/philip-perry Phil Perry] for a [https://bigthink.com/hard-science/ BigThink Hard Science] article [https://bigthink.com/hard-science/spacekime-theory/ 'Spacekime theory' could speed up research and heal the rift in physics].
* March 19, 2021 (12PM ET, GMT-5): Ivo Dinov presented [https://socr.umich.edu/docs/uploads/2021/Dinov_OpenScience_DataSharing_UVA_Mar2021.pdf ''Big Neuroscience, Data Sharing & Predictive Health Analytics''] at the [http://innovation.lab.virginia.edu UVA Biomedical Data Science Innovation Seminar Series], [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qukLnbIa1qk video stream/archive].
* March 5, 2021 (9 ET, GMT-5): Ivo Dinov presented [https://socr.umich.edu/docs/uploads/2021/Dinov_UM_Psych_Neuroimaging_2021.pdf Open Computational Neuroscience: Research, Development & Training] at the University of Michigan [https://www.umich.edu/~nii/ NII-Methods seminar series], [https://umich-health.zoom.us/j/99279105041?pwd=SFIrTFFtTlpodHZzQjhWNWhSZnpnQT09 Zoom link].
* February 23, 2021: Ivo Dinov presented [https://socr.umich.edu/docs/uploads/2021/DigitalTransformation_LHS_SoD_UMich_2021_Dinov.pdf ''Data De‐Identification & Clinical Decision Support''] at the [https://medicine.umich.edu/dept/lhs/service-outreach/learning-health-system-collaboratory 2021 Data Standards and Learning Health Systems–Challenges and Opportunities Symposium], Ann Arbor, MI. [https://umich.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_0XSNkkotQTKQfTAAv-XJvQ Registration] and [https://umich.zoom.us/j/99190944947 1:15 PM ET special session 1; ZOOM access], [https://youtu.be/U3CLm25HKdE?t=1420 recorded video].
* February 04, 2021: Ivo Dinov presented [[SOCR_News_MICDE_Seminar_2021| ''Data Science, Time Complexity, and Spacekime Analytics'', MICDE Seminar Series]], Ann Arbor, MI.
* January 19, 2021: [[SOCR_News_SOCR_Winter2021_retreat | Virtual SOCR Winter 2021 Retreat]], 5:00-6:30 PM US ET (GMT-4).
* January 6-9, 2021: Ivo Dinov organized a [[SOCR_News_JMM_DC_Session_2021| 2021 JMM Special Session on ''Foundations of Data Science: Mathematical Representation, Computational Modeling, and Statistical Inference'']], Washington, DC.
* January-April 2021: [https://umma.umich.edu/curriculum-collection/health-sciences-650 University of Michigan Museum of Art (UMMA) Curriculum Collection: Blending, Arts, Sciences, and Health Analytics (HS 650; Data Science and Predictive Analytics )].
* November 2020: [https://umich.instructure.com/courses/387294/pages/amia-video-data-tools-services-nov-2020 Data Resources, Analytical Tools & Cloud Services for Clinical Decision Support (video)], [https://socr.umich.edu/docs/uploads/2020/AMIA_2020_Dinov.pdf Slidedeck] (AMIA 2020).
* November 10-11, 2020: Ivo Dinov is presenting [[SOCR_News_MIDAS_Symposium_2020| ''Computational Neuroscience, Time Complexity, and Spacekime Analytics'' at the 2020 Data Science Annual Symposium]], Ann Arbor, MI.
* October 8, 2020: Ivo Dinov is presenting [[SOCR_News_DCMB_ToolsTechSeminar_2020| ''Spacekime Analytics'' at the DCMB Tools and Technology Seminar]], Ann Arbor, MI.
* September 13, 2020: Ivo Dinov is presenting [[SOCR_News_MDS_2020_BigData | ''What is Big Neuro Data? Where is it? How to Use it? Why is it Important?'' at the 2020 Movement Disorders Society Symposium's Special Topics Session (601: Big Data Analytics in Clinical Research for Movement Disorders)]].
* September 11, 2020: Ivo Dinov is presenting [[SOCR_News_Biophysics_2020_Spacekime | Data Science, Time Complexity, and Spacekime Analytics]] at University of Michigan Biophysics.
* September 4, 2020: Ivo Dinov is presenting the [http://neurosciencenetwork.org/ACNN_Workshop_2020.html SOCR and DSPA resources at the 2020 ACNN Symposium on Big Neuroscience Data].
* August 28, 2020: [[SOCR_News_SOCR_Fall2020_retreat | Virtual SOCR Fall 2020 Retreat]], 8 AM US ET (GMT-4).
* August 26, 2020: Ivo Dinov is presenting [[SOCR_News_Bioinfo504_RCR_2020| Data Sharing & Open, Rigorous, Reproducible Science]] at the [https://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/sumprog/courses/0279 2020 Rigor and Transparency to Enhance Reproducibility Workshop], University of Michigan.
* June 23-25, 2020: Ivo Dinov is presenting "''The Interface between Data Science and Health Analytics''" at the [[SOCR_News_MIWI_SummerSchool_2020 |MIWI (Michigan Integrative Well-Being and Inequality) Summer School]], Ann Arbor, MI.
* June 1-2, 2020: Ivo Dinov is presenting [[SOCR_News_NIH_BRAIN_2020| "Data Science, Time Complexity, and Spacekime Analytics" at the 2020 6th annual BRAIN Initiative Investigators Virtual Meeting]].
* May 27, 2020: Ivo Dinov is presenting [[SOCR_News_Neuromatch2.0_2020| "''Computational Neuroscience, Time Complexity, and Spacekime Analytics''" at Neuromatch 2.0 Unconference]].
* February 14, 2020: Ivo Dinov is presenting [[SOCR_News_2020_UM_AIM_Seminar_Spacekime_Dinov | Data Science, Time Complexity and Spacekime Analytics]] at the University of Michigan Applied Interdisciplinary Mathematics (AIM) Seminar Series.
* January 9, 2020: [[SOCR-MDP_2020_AllHandsJumpStartMeeting | 2020 SOCR-MDP All-Hands JumpStart Meeting]].
* December 3, 2019: Ivo Dinov is presenting [[SOCR_News_UMich_SPH_MLEED_2019 | SOCR DataSifter: A Statistical Obfuscation Technique enabling Effective Data Sharing, at the University of Michigan SPH Environmental Epidemiology Seminar Series]].
* October 16-17, 2019: Ivo Dinov is presenting at the [[SOCR_News_BrockU_Symposium_2019 |BIG DATA Analytics in Health Care Session of Re-Imaging Health Symposium, Brock University, St. Catharines, ON L2S 3A1, Canada]].
* October 11-12, 2012: Ivo Dinov is presenting [http://wiki.socr.umich.edu/images/f/f0/NGP_2019_Dinov_DataBlitz_DataNeuroscience_2019.pdf  Big Data Neuroscience, Computational Methods, & Predictive Analytics] at the 2019 Neuroscience Graduate Program Retreat (Faculty Data Blitz), Roscommon, Michigan.
* Sept 26, 2019: Ivo Dinov is presenting a talk [[SOCR_News_SpacekimeAnalytics_Fall2019 | Longitudinal Spacekime Analytics: Time Complexity & Inferential Uncertainty]] ([https://sph.umich.edu/biostat/events.php University of Michigan, SPH/Biostatistics], 3:30-4:30 PM, 3755 SPH I).
* Sept 19-20, 2019: Ivo Dinov and the Advanced Computational Neuroscience Network (ACNN) are organizing the [http://www.neurosciencenetwork.org/ACNN_Workshop_2019.html 4th annual (2019) Big Data Neuroscience Workshop, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI].
* Sept 3, 2019: [[SOCR_News_SOCR_Fall2019_retreat | SOCR Fall Retreat]] (12-2 PM, SNB 1250).
* August 29, 2019 (11:20 AM): [https://nursing.umich.edu/about/events-calendar New School of Nursing Faculty Orientation]: Ivo Dinov will present an [[SOCR_Intro_UMich_Fall_2019 | Introduction to UM Health Analytics, SOCR, MIDAS, NGP]].
* August 18–23, 2019: Ivo Dinov is organizing an [[SOCR_News_ISI_WSC_IPS35_2019| Invited Presenter Session; IPS35: Imaging Statistics and Predictive Data Analytics]] at the [https://isi-web.org International Statistical Institute]’s [https://isi-web.org/index.php/activities/world-statistics-congresses 2019 World Stats Congress].
* July 23, 2019: Ivo Dinov is presenting [http://socr.umich.edu/docs/uploads/2019/Dinov_ML_BreastCancer_2019.pdf Breast Cancer Risk Prediction using Model-based and Model-Free Techniques] at the [https://www.rogelcancercenter.org University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center], Cancer Center #6317.
* May 9, 2019: Ivo Dinov is presenting [[SOCR_News_ICPSR_PIBS_2019| Open Science and Data Sharing]] at the [https://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/sumprog/courses/0279 ICPSR Rigor and Transparency to Enhance Reproducibility Workshop], University of Michigan.
* April 12-13, 2019: Ivo Dinov is presenting [[SOCR_News_FSU_DataImpact_Symposium_2019 | DataSifter: Sharing of Sensitive Data via Statistical Obfuscation]] at the 2019 [https://ani.stat.fsu.edu/60th/ Statistics, the Impact of Big Data Conference, FSU, Tallahassee, FL].
* March 26, 2019: Ivo Dinov is presenting [[SOCR_News_AA_ASA_March_2019| Challenges and Opportunities in Predictive Big Data Analytics]] at the Ann Arbor Chapter of ASA.
* February 23, 2019 (9:30AM - 5 PM): Alex Kalinin is organizing the 4-th annual [https://alxndrkalinin.github.io/a2-dlearn-4/ 2019 Ann Arbor Deep Learning Event (a2-dlearn4)], UM College of Engineering Francois-Xavier Bagnoud Building (1109 1320 Beal Ave., Ann Arbor, MI)
* January 10 and January 15, 2019: [[SOCR-MDP_2019_AllHandsJumpStartMeeting | 2019 SOCR-MDP All-Hands JumpStart Meeting]].
* November 2, 2018: Ivo Dinov is presenting on [[SOCR_News_2018_NIAAA_SfN_SD | Open Data Science and Predictive Health Analytics]] at the SfN 2018.
* Oct 25, 2018: Ivo Dinov is presenting ''[http://socr.umich.edu/docs/uploads/2018/Dinov_DataSifter_UMich_SUMIT_2018_short.pdf DataSifter: Sharing of sensitive information via statistical obfuscation]'' ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIp81fe8IWQ Video]) at the [https://www.safecomputing.umich.edu/events/sumit/2018 14<sup>th</sup> annual cyber security conference on Security at University of Michigan IT (SUMIT)], an event for National Cybersecurity Awareness Month on the latest technical, legal, policy, and operational trends, threats, and tools in cybersecurity and privacy.
* Oct 15-16, 2018: Ivo Dinov is presenting the [http://socr.umich.edu/docs/uploads/2018/CNSECCS_MIDAS_Dinov_2018.pdf Michigan Institute of Data Science: Computational Challenges and Research Opportunities] at the [https://micde.umich.edu/centers/cnseccs/symposia/ 2018 Center for Network and Storage-Enabled Collaborative Computational Science (CNSECCS) Symposium], Ann Arbor, Michigan.
* Oct 12, 2018: [[SOCR_News_2018_MNORC_SOCR_HAC_Workshop|MNORC-IBIC/SOCR/HAC Health Data Analytics Workshop]].
* Sept 21, 2018: Ivo Dinov is presenting [https://midas.umich.edu/event/midas-seminar-series-presents-ivo-d-dinov-phd-university-of-michigan/ ''The Enigmatic Kime: Time Complexity in Data Science''] at the [https://midas.umich.edu/seminar-series/ University of Michigan Institute for Data Science (MIDAS) Seminar Series], [http://socr.umich.edu/docs/uploads/2018/Dinov_TCIU_Kime_MIDAS_2018.pdf Slidedeck], [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yivkoU51MPM YouTube video of this seminar].
* Sept 18, 2018 : [[SOCR_News_SOCR_Fall2018_retreat | SOCR semi-annual retreat]] (12-2 PM, SNB 1250).
* Sept 15, 2018: Ivo Dinov is presenting ''[http://socr.umich.edu/docs/uploads/2018/Dinov_PredictiveHealthAnalytics_2018_DCMB.pdf High-Dimensional Biomedical Data & Predictive Health Analytics]'' at the Fall 2018 [https://medicine.umich.edu/dept/computational-medicine-bioinformatics DCMB/UMich] Retreat, Frankenmuth, MI.
* Sept 6, 2018: Ivo Dinov is presenting [http://socr.umich.edu/docs/uploads/2018/Dinov_PredictiveNeuroAnalytics_2018_ACNN.pdf ''Data Science & Predictive Neuro-Analytics''] at the [http://www.neurosciencenetwork.org/ACNN_Workshop_2018.html 2018 Advanced Computational Neuroscience Network (ACNN) Workshop], Case Western Reserve University, Ohio.
* August 30, 2018 (11:20 AM): [https://nursing.umich.edu/about/events-calendar New School of Nursing Faculty Orientation]: Ivo Dinov will present an [[SOCR_Intro_UMich_Fall_2018 | Introduction to SOCR]].
* July 26, 2018: Ivo Dinov is presenting [http://wiki.socr.umich.edu/images/0/09/Dinov_PredictiveDataAnalytics_2018_UMich_Biostats.pdf Data Science & Predictive Health Analytics] at the [https://sph.umich.edu/bdsi/about/symposium.html 2018 Symposium on Big Data, Human Health and Statistics, University of Michigan].
* June 22, 218: Ivo Dinov presented the [http://neurosciencenetwork.org Advanced Computational Neuroscience Network (ACNN)] at the [https://www.bi.vt.edu/nsf-big-data-2018/schedule-joint-pi-meeting-2018 NSF BIGDATA Conference in Washington DC].
* May 17, 2018, Ivo Dinov is presenting a day-long series on ''Big Data & Health Analytics'' at the [http://nursing.umich.edu/academics/global-sexual-health-summer-institute Global Sexual Health Summer Institute]. Specifically, Dr. Dinov is presenting an interactive session on [[SOCR_News_2018_UMSN_SummerInstitute| Big Healthcare Data: Research Challenges, AI Capabilities, and Educational Opportunities]].
* May 11, 2018, Ivo Dinov is presenting [[SOCR_News_UMich_CCC_HnN_Retreat_2018| Exploratory, Confirmatory, & Predictive Big Cancer Data Analytics]] at the [https://www.mcancer.org/head-and-neck-cancer/research University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center Head and Neck Cancer Retreat].
* May 04, 2018: Ivo Dinov is presenting [http://socr.umich.edu/docs/uploads/Dinov_HealthAnalytics_2018_InnovationBoard.pdf Predictive Health Analytics] at the University of Michigan Nursing Board of Science Innovation Forum.
* April 25, 2018: Ivo Dinov is presenting [[SOCR_Intro_UMich_2018 | Introduction to SOCR]] at the [http://nursing.umich.edu/about/departments Health Behavior and Biological Sciences Department]
* April 24, 2018: Ivo Dinov is presenting two talks at the [https://www.binghamton.edu/transdisciplinary-areas-of-excellence/data-science/ Data Science Initiative, SUNY Binghamton]: [http://socr.umich.edu/docs/uploads/MIDAS_Dinov_2018.pdf Michigan Institute of Data Science – Organization, Education Challenges and Research Opportunities] and [http://socr.umich.edu/docs/uploads/Dinov_PredictiveDataAnalytics_2018_SUNY_B.pdf Compressive Big Data Analytics (CBDA)].
* April 18, 2018: SOCR semi-annual retreat (12-2 PM, SNB 1250).
* Dec 08, 2017, (12 Noon ET, GMT-5) Ivo Dinov is presenting "Big Brain Data Science & Predictive Health Analytics" webinar at the [https://bigdatau.ini.usc.edu/data-science-seminars BD2K Guide to the Fundamentals of Data Science Series], [https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7111730654574370307 Webinar ID: 932-094-291], [http://socr.umich.edu/docs/uploads/Dinov_PredictiveDataAnalytics_2017_BD2K_TCC.pdf Slides].
* Nov 05, 2017, A. Sharma (Emory University), W. Hsu (UCLA), E. Siegel (University of Maryland), K. Cheng (Penn State University) and I. Dinov (University of Michigan) are organizing a half-day workshop at [https://www.amia.org/amia2017 AMIA 2017]. The title of the workshop is [https://www.amia.org/amia2017/workshops (W15) Does Integrative Data Analytics on Biomedical Imaging Bring Us Closer to Precision Medicine?], which is sponsored by the [https://www.amia.org/programs/working-groups/biomedical-imaging-informatics AMIA Biomedical Imaging Working Group], [http://www3.hilton.com/en/hotels/district-of-columbia/washington-hilton-DCAWHHH/index.html Washington Hilton, 1919 Connecticut Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20009]. Dr. Dinov's keynote lecture is on [http://socr.umich.edu/docs/uploads/Dinov_PredictiveDataAnalytics_2017_AMIA_BIWG.pdf Big Brain Data & Predictive Analytics].
* Sept 8-9, 2017, Ivo Dinov presents ''Predictive Big Brain Data Analytics'' at the [http://neurosciencenetwork.org/ACNN_Workshop_2017.html 2017 Advanced Computational Neuroscience Network (ACNN) Big Data Workshop], Indiana University, Bloomington, IN.
* Aug 15, 2017, Ivo Dinov is presenting a keynote lecture on [[SOCR_News_IBRO_INSF_Malaysia_2017#Aug_15-16.2C_2017_3rd_Malaysia_Telemedicine_Conference_.282017.29 | Predictive Data Analytics]] at the [http://med.monash.edu.my/campaign/telemed/index.html Malaysia Telemedicine Conference 2017] (August 15-17, 2017, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia).
* Aug 10-18, 2017: [http://www.umich.edu/~dinov/ Ivo Dinov], [http://www.med.monash.edu.au/psych/bmh/people/alex.html Alex Fornito], [https://findanexpert.unimelb.edu.au/display/person24599 Andrew Zalesky], [http://gablab.mit.edu/index.php/14-sample-data-articles/157 Satrajit Ghosh], and [https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Eric_Tatt_Wei_Ho Eric Tatt Wei Ho] are organizing a INCF/IBRO Neuroscience Summer School for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. [[SOCR_News_IBRO_INSF_Malaysia_2017 | Dr. Dinov will be lecturing on (1) Statistical Computing, (2) High-Throughput Processing of Big Neuroscience Data, and (3) Neuroimaging-genetics]]. The Summer Neuroscience School is part of the [https://www.incf.org International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility (INCF)]/[http://ibro.info/ International Brain Research Organization] [http://ibro.info/events/applications-open-for-ibro-aprc-school-on-neuroinformatics-and-brain-network-analysis/ IBRO-APRC School on Neuroinformatics and Brain Network Analysis], Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
* July-September 2017, [http://dspa.predictive.space Summer 2017: Data Science and Predictive Analytics (UMich HS650)], a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC).
* May 8-12, 2017: Ivo Dinov is offering a [http://www.socr.umich.edu/people/dinov/2017/Spring/PBDA_R_Bootcamp/ week-long Bootcamp: Predictive Big Data Analytics using R]. This deep dive into modern Big Data Analytics will take place Monday (May 8, 2017) through Friday (May 12, 2017), 8:00AM to 4:00PM, at SNB 1250, University of Michigan, 426 North Ingalls, Ann Arbor, MI. The event will also be ''streamed live'' ([http://www.socr.umich.edu/people/dinov/2017/Spring/PBDA_R_Bootcamp/ see details on the bootcamp site]). 
* March 23, 2017: FireFox 52+ will not support Java plug ins. SOCR users that are interested in continuing to access SOCR Java Applets via FireFox need to install the 32-bit version of [https://support.mozilla.org/t5/Problems-with-add-ons-plugins-or/Why-do-Java-Silverlight-Adobe-Acrobat-and-other-plugins-no/ta-p/31069 FF Extended Support Release (52 ESR)].
* Mar 16-17, 2017: The principals (Rich Gonzales, Ivo Dinov, John Marcotte, Franco Pestilli, Olaf Sporns, Andrew Saykin, Dhabaleswar Panda, Xiaoyi Lu, Hari Subramoni, Satya Sahoo, Daniel Marcus, and Lei Wang) of the [http://neurosciencenetwork.org/ Advance Computational Neuroscience Network (ACNN)] will give talks and present posters at the [https://www.bi.vt.edu/nsf-big-data 2017 NSF BigData Meeting] at the Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington DC.
* Mar 3, 2017: Ivo Dinov is presenting [http://socr.umich.edu/HTML5/BrainViewer Brain Visualization], [http://pipeline.loni.usc.edu High-throughput computational processing], and [http://socr.umich.edu/HTML5/SOCRAT the SOCRAT Statistical Computing Framework] at the [https://sites.google.com/a/umich.edu/brainhack-global-a2-2017/ 2017 Brainhack-Global Meet in Ann Arbor].
* Nov 12, 2016: Alex Kalinin is co-organizing [http://bit.ly/a2-dlearn-2016 a2-dlearn 2016 – the 2nd annual Ann Arbor Deep Learning event] and will present ''Deep Learning Year in Review 2016: Computer Vision Perspective''. The goal of '''a2-dlearn 2016''' is to bring together deep learning enthusiasts, researchers and practitioners from a variety of backgrounds. Venue: 1670 Bob and Betty Beyster Building, University of Michigan, 2260 Hayward St, Ann Arbor, MI.
* Nov 01, 2016: Ivo Dinov is presenting Predictive Big Data Analytics Workshop, School of Nursing University of Michigan Analytics Seminar Series, 1:00PM, 1240 SNB. This presentation will focus on Predictive Big Data Analytics. We'll go over characteristics and fundamentals of Big Data, methodological and computational challenges, health science research, and opportunities. Applications to biosocial (Medicare/Economics) and neurodegenerative disorders (Parkinson's Disease) will be presented. The foundations of compressive Big Data Analytics (CBDA) and several demos will be shown.
* In October 2016, Ivo Dinov participated in an [http://zika.smartercrowdsourcing.org/anlisis-predictivo-conference.html expert International panel including government officials of a dozen countries affected by the Zika virus]. The panel reviewed evidence and made recommendations to public officials on strategies to combat the spread of the Zika virus and the associated microcephaly in newborns.
* Sept 20-21, 2016:  Ivo Dinov, Rich Gonzales, George Alter (University of Michigan), Franco Pestilli, Olaf Sporns, Andrew Saykin (Indiana University), Dhabaleswar Panda, Khaled Hamidouche, Xiaoyi Lu, Hari Subramoni (OSU), Satya Sahoo (CWRU), Daniel Marcus (Washington University), and Lei Wang (Northwestern University) are organizing a 2-day [http://www.neurosciencenetwork.org/ACNN_Workshop_2016.html Midwest Workshop on Big Neuroscience Data, Tools, Protocols & Services], Ann Arbor, MI.
* Aug 04, 2016 (8:30-10:30 AM): Ivo Dinov is presenting [http://www.amstat.org/meetings/jsm/2016/onlineprogram/AbstractDetails.cfm?abstractid=319094 Big, Deep, and Dark Data: Fundamentals, Research Challenges, and Opportunities], at the [http://www.amstat.org/meetings/jsm/2016/onlineprogram/ActivityDetails.cfm?SessionID=212981 Recent advances in massive imaging data analysis, Section on Statistics in Imaging], at the [http://www.amstat.org/meetings/jsm/2016/ Joint Statistics Meeting (JSM)], Chicago, IL, (CC-W McCormick Place Convention Center, West Building, Session: 659, Thu, 8/4/2016, 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM, '''CC-W187b''').
* July 08, 2016: Ivo Dinov was [http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/next/body/theres-hope-for-fmri-despite-major-software-flaws/ interviewed by NOVA (WGBH/PBS)] on a [http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2016/06/27/1602413113 recent PNAS Report identifying significant potential shortfalls of Big Data functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies], of which there may be over 35,000 in the past quarter century. The article used 500 normal control subjects (null data) to generate 3 million simulation studies where every experiment included randomly chosen subjects, either resting state or task activation fMRI, and found false-positive discoveries (significant grouping effects where there were none) up to 70% of the simulations. Although this does not discredit any specific previously published fMRI findings, the investigations suggests the need for novel Big Data analytics methods, and scalable software tools, that can reduce the false-positive rate.
* May 19, 2016 (12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EDT): Ivo Dinov is presenting an [https://www.amia.org/education/webinars AMIA Education & Training Webinar] entitled [http://www.amia.org/education/webinars/predictive-big-data-analytics-imaging-genetics-fundamentals-research-challenges Predictive Big Data Analytics: Imaging-Genetics Fundamentals, Research Challenges, and Opportunities], [http://wiki.socr.umich.edu/images/e/ef/Dinov_PredictiveBigDataAnalytics_2016_BMII_WG_2016.pdf PDF Slides] and [https://knowledge.amia.org/webinars/webinars-working-group-1.1423688/2016-webinars-1.2888451/2016-webinars-1.2888452/bmii-wg-predictive-big-data-analytics-1.3109533/bmii-wg-predictive-big-data-analytics-1.3109534 video/webcast].
* Mar 07, 2016, Ivo Dinov was [https://www.isi-web.org/images/news/ISI_Memb%20Elect%202015-2016_News%20Item.pdf Elected as a Member] of the [http://isi-web.org International Statistical Institute (ISI)]. ISI is the world’s most prestigious Statistical Organization Established in 1885 as a non-profit, non-government, organization with a consultative status within the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. The ISI organizes the [http://www.isi2017.org World Statistics Congresses] every two years across the Globe.
* Jan 19, 2016, Ivo Dinov gave a lecture on ''Big, Deep, and Dark Data: Fundamentals, Research Challenges, and Opportunities'' at the [http://www.src.isr.umich.edu Survey Research Center (SRC)] seminar series, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan.
* Nov 23-24, 2015, Ivo Dinov is giving a keynote address ([http://socr.umich.edu/docs/uploads/Dinov_BigDeepDarkDataAnalytics_2015_MonterreyTech.pdf Predictive Big Data Analytics: Using Large, Complex, Heterogeneous, Incongruent, Multi-source and Incomplete Observations to Study Neurodegenerative Disorders]) at the [http://big-data.csf.itesm.mx/~BigData/pass/Evento/en 2015 Big Data Analytics Experience Conference], Tecnológico de Monterrey (Monterrey Tech), Santa Fe, 01389 Ciudad de México, D.F., Mexico.
* Oct 14, 2015, Ivo Dinov interviewed by ''Inside Higher Ed'' on [http://www.insidehighered.com/news/2015/10/13/colleges-explain-why-they-double-dipped-moocs 'Double-Dipping' With MOOCs].
* Oct 9-10, 2015, Carl Kesselman and Ivo Dinov organized a [http://bd2k.ini.usc.edu/events/ working group on Scientific Tools and Workflows] for Big Data Discovery Science, Palm Springs, CA.
* Oct 06, 2015, Ivo Dinov presented the [http://midas.umich.edu/symposium/ Michigan Institute for Data Science (MIDAS) Education and Training Program].
* Oct 02, 2015, Petros Petrosyan, Sam Hobel, and Ivo Dinov present the [http://bd2k.ini.usc.edu/resources/documents/Pipeline_Demo_Day_Booklet.pdf Hippocampal Meta-Analysis Workflow] at USC Pipeline Demo Day.
* Sept 23, 2015, Ivo Dinov presented [http://events.umich.edu/event/24584 Exploratory Big Data Analytics] at the University of Michigan ([http://wiki.socr.umich.edu/images/a/ab/Dinov_SciViz_CSCD_Seminar_2015.pdf PDF]).
* Sept 10 and Sept 17, 2015, Ken Powell, Eric Michielssen, and Ivo Dinov presented opportunities for [http://arc.umich.edu/2015/08/27/info-sessions-graduate-studies-in-computational-and-data-sciences-at-u-m-sept-10-17 graduate studies in computational and data sciences at the University of Michigan].
* August 8–13, 2015, Ivo Dinov organized a special session on [[SOCR_Events_JSS_2015|Big Data: Modeling, Tools, Analytics, and Training]] at the [http://www.amstat.org/meetings/jsm/2015 2015 Joint Statistical Meeting], Washington State Convention Center, 800 Convention Place, Seattle, WA 98101.
* June 14-18, 2015, Ivo Dinov and his colleagues presented "The Pipeline Environment: A Scalable, Distributed and Service-Oriented Neuroimaging and Genetics" at the [http://ohbm.loni.usc.edu 21st Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping], Honolulu, Hawaii.
* June 14-17, 2015, Ivo Dinov presented the [[SOCR_Events_SSC_2015|SOCR Resources]] at the [http://www.ssc.ca/en/meetings/2015 43rd Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada (SSC)], [http://www.dal.ca/ Dalhousie University], Halifax, NS, Canada.
* May 5, 2015, Deb Barton and Ivo Dinov presented the [http://www.socr.umich.edu/CSCD/ Center for Complexity and Self-management of Chronic Disease (CSCD)] at the [http://www.ninr.nih.gov/newsandinformation/newsandnotes 2015 National Institute of Nursing Research Center Directors Meeting], National Institutes of Health, Bethesda Maryland, Natcher Conference Center: Room E1/E2.
* April 21-24, 2015, Ivo Dinov organized a [http://midas.umich.edu/event/micro-big-data-analytics-workshop-2015/ micro Big Data Analytics workshop at the University of Michigan Institute for Data Science (MIDAS)]. The focus of this micro-workshop is to lay down the foundation for developing a new Compressive Big Data Analytics (CBDA) foundation enabling representation, modeling, analysis and interrogation of large, incongruent multi-source, incomplete and messy data. The highlights of the workshop include talks from [http://www.socr.umich.edu/CSCD/html/events/Amiri_CSCD_Presents_2015.html Dr. Saeid Amiri] and [http://www.socr.umich.edu/CSCD/html/events/Ahmed_MIDAS_Presents_2015.html Dr. S. Ejaz Ahmed]. 
* February 18, 2015, Ivo Dinov gave a lecture on "Management, Modeling & Analytic Challenges of Big Biomedical Data" at the [http://www.psych.med.umich.edu/events/579 University of Michigan Psychiatry Grand Rounds].
* January 13-14, 2015, Ivo Dinov presented the "Pipeline graphical workflow environment for computational genomics, proteomics, image and shape analysis" at the [http://bd2k.ini.usc.edu Big Data Discovery Science (BDDS)] Meeting in Seattle, WA.
* Aug 05, 2014, [http://www.umich.edu/~dinov/ Ivo Dinov] is presenting the new [[SOCR_Events_SMHS_2014|UMSN Analytics Curriculum (Scientific Methods for Health Sciences, SMHS)]].
* July 8-9, 2014: [http://www.umich.edu/~dinov/ Ivo Dinov] is presenting "Portable Pipeline Workflows for Nuclear and Chromosomal Shape Morphometry Analysis" at the [http://atheylab.ccmb.med.umich.edu/4d-nucleome-workshop 4D Nucleome Workshop, University of Michigan].
* May 22, 2014, Ivo Dinov (SOCR/Michigan), Dennis Pearl (MBI/OSU), and Kyle Siegrist (VLPS/UAH) are organizing a Workshop entitled [http://www.distributome.org/meetings/eCOTS_2014/ Web Resources for Interactive Probability Instruction] at the [http://www.causeweb.org/ecots/ 2014 eCOTS (Electronic Conference On Teaching Statistics)] conference.
* April 28, 2014: Ivo Dinov is interviewed on "[http://www.aaas.org/news/big-data-blog-part-v-interview-dr-ivo-dinov The Big Data]" by Center for Science, Technology, and Security Policy (CSTSP), at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).
* April 1-2, 2014: Ivo Dinov presented a talk entitled "Big Data Challenges: Data Management, Analytics & Security" at the AAAS/FBI [http://www.aaas.org/event/big-data-life-sciences-and-national-security Summit on Big Data, Life Sciences, and National Security] in Washington DC. See [http://www.aaas.org/news/big-data-blog-part-v-interview-dr-ivo-dinov blog post].
* Jan 30, 2014: Ivo Dinov is giving an [http://portal.ncibi.org/gateway/tandtarchive.php NCIBI Tools and Technology seminar] entitled ''SOCR Infrastructure for Technology-enhanced Trans-disciplinary Health Research & Science Education''.
* Jan 14-17, 2014: [http://jointmathematicsmeetings.org/meetings/national/jmm2014/2160_intro Joint Mathematics Meeting (AMS/IMS/MAA)]:
** January 16, 2014: Ivo Dinov is organizing a [[SOCR_Events_JMM_BigData_Jan2014 |special American Mathematical Society (AMS) session on Big Data: Mathematical and Statistical Modeling, Tools, Services, and Training]], at the [http://jointmathematicsmeetings.org/meetings/national/jmm2014/2160_program_ss18.html2014 Joint Mathematics Meeting (JMM), Baltimore, MD, USA].
** January 14, 2014: Ivo Dinov (SOCR), Dennis Pearl (MBI/OSU) and Kyle Siegrist (VLPS/UAH) are organizing a continuing education workshop: [http://www.distributome.org/meetings/JMM_2014/ 2014 Distributome JMM Workshop: Interactive Probability Instruction], [http://jointmathematicsmeetings.org/meetings/national/jmm2014/2160_program_tuesday.html Stadium Ballroom 4, 2nd Floor], [http://www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/bwiih-baltimore-marriott-inner-harbor-at-camden-yards Marriott Inner Harbor].
* Dec 11 and Dec 18, 2013: Ivo Dinov is giving a [http://www.sph.umich.edu/iscr/news_events/event.cfm?ID=3323 2-part presentation about the State of the SOCR Project: Part 1: Scope, Projects and Organization; Part 2: Exploratory Data Analyses (EDA)] (Videos: [http://socr.ucla.edu/docs/videos/SOCR_UMSN_2013_1/ Part 1: EDA] and [http://socr.ucla.edu/docs/videos/SOCR_UMSN_2013_2/ Part 2: Tools]).
* Nov 15, 2013: Ivo Dinov is a keynote speaker at [http://neuroimagen2013.eventos.cimat.mx/ 2013 CIMAT Neuro Imaging], [http://www.cimat.mx/ El Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas A.C. (CIMAT) y el Instituto de Neurobiología de la UNAM], Guanajuato, Mexico. His talk is entitled [http://neuroimagen2013.eventos.cimat.mx/node/44 Biomedical Informatics: Mathematical Techniques, Computational Challenges & Imaging-Genetics Applications].
* Oct 19, 2013: Nicolas Christou, Albert Wong and Ivo Dinov, present a [[SOCR_Events_LAUSD_Mar2013| SOCR blended approach for teaching the California Common Core State Standards for Probability and Statistics (for LAUSD Teachers)]].
* Oct 18, 2013: Ivo Dinov is giving a talk entitled "Computational Challenges in Neuroimaging-Genetics: Predicting MCI conversion to AD" at the University of Michigan, Neurodegenerative Disease Research Seminar series.
* Oct 16, 2013: Ivo Dinov is Chairing a panel [http://michbio.org/displaycommon.cfm?an=1&subarticlenbr=351 discussion on "Big-Data"] at the [http://www.michbio.org 2013 Annual meeting of the Michigan Bio-Industry, MichBio]; 8:00-9:00 am on October 16, 2013, Radisson Plaza Hotel at Kalamazoo Center, Kalamazoo, MI.
* June 26, 2013: Ivo Dinov is speaking about "Analytical Pipeline Workflows, Resource Interoperability and Processing of “Big” Genomics Data" at a session on [http://www.clinicalgenomeconference.com/TCGC_content.aspx?id=123666&libID=123614 The Science of Investigation and Interpretation] at [http://www.clinicalgenomeconference.com/ The Clinical Genome Conference (TCGC)], [http://www.jdvhotels.com/hotels/california/san-francisco-hotels/hotel-kabuki Hotel Kabuki 1625 Post Street, San Francisco, CA 94115].
* June 16, 2013: Ivo Dinov is organizing a [[SOCR_Events_OHBM2013_Workflows|Continuing Education Course entitled Neuroimaging ‘Big Data’ Challenges and Computational Workflow Solutions]]. This workshop is part of the [http://www.humanbrainmapping.org/OHBM2013/ 2013 Organization for Human Brain Mapping Meeting] in Seattle, Washington. Ivo Dinov is presenting [http://www.humanbrainmapping.org/files/2013MeetingFiles/Sessions/Neuroimaging%20%E2%80%98Big%20Data%E2%80%99%20Challenges%20and%20Computational%20Workflow%20Solutions.pdf The Pipeline Workflow Environment] at this workshop.
* May 20, 2013: Ivo Dinov is organizing a [http://www.loni.ucla.edu/twiki/bin/view/LONI/PL_ComputationalGenomicsWorkshop_2013 Computational Genomics Training Workshop] at UCLA. This workshop will be postponed to a future date, due to unforeseen scheduling conflicts.
* May 15-16, 2013: USCOTS 2013 Workshop: Dennis Pearl (Ohio State), Kyle Siegrist (University of Alabama) and Ivo Dinov (UCLA) are organizing a 2 day workshop [http://www.distributome.org/meetings/USCOTS_2013/ Interactive Probability Instruction], at the [http://www.causeweb.org/uscots/workshops/ USCOTS 2013 meeting]. The organizers will provide continuing education training for using the [http://www.Distributome.org Probability Distributome webapps], classroom use of the [http://www.math.uah.edu/stat Virtual Laboratories in Probability and Statistics], exploratory data analysis using the [http://www.SOCR.ucla.edu Statistics Online Computational Resource].
* April 08, 2013: Ivo Dinov is presenting the [http://www.loni.ucla.edu/twiki/pub/LONI/EpiBioS_Bioinformatics_2013/Dinov_EpiBioS_PipelineWorkflows_2013.pptx Pipeline Workflow Environment (PPTX)] at the [http://www.loni.ucla.edu/twiki/bin/view/LONI/EpiBioS_Bioinformatics_2013 Epilepsy Bioinformatics Workshop at UCLA].
* March 21, 2013: Nicolas Christou and Ivo Dinov, presented the [[SOCR_Events_LAUSD_Mar2013 |SOCR blended mathematics and statistics education resources relative to the California Common Core State Standards, LAUSD]]. 
* March 4-6, 2013: Ivo Dinov is presenting a paper entitled [http://www.pacificrimneuroimaging.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/Dinov_BigDataChallenges_2013.pdf How to Ride the Perfect Neuroimaging-Genetics-Computation Storm? Collision of Peta Bytes of Data, Thousands of Software Tools and Millions of Hardware Devices] at the [http://www.pacificrimneuroimaging.net/ New Horizons in Human Brain Imaging], Turtle Bay Resort, Oahu, Hawaii USA.
* January 23-25, 2013: [http://ccliconference.org/2013-tuesccli-pi-conference/ 2013 AAAS TUES/CCLI  conference in Washington, DC]; American Association for the Advancement of Science, AAAS, and the National Science Foundation, NSF, Programs for Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement, CCLI, and Transforming Undergraduate Education in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, TUES.
** Ivo Dinov is [http://ccliconference.org/abstracts/943 presenting the SOCR resource].
** Kyle Siegrist, Dennis Pearl and Ivo Dinov are presenting [http://ccliconference.org/abstracts/1166 the Probability Distributome Project].
* November 27, 2012: Ivo Dinov (SOCR/UCLA), Dennis Pearl (MBI/OSU) and Kyle Siegrist (UAH/VLPS) are presenting a [http://www.distributome.org/meetings/CAUSEWeb_Webinar2012/ CAUSEWeb Webinar: Hands-on Distributome Activities for Teaching Probability] (Tuesday, 2:30 PM Eastern Time).
* October 20-21, 2012: [http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/homepage/google/gsoc2012 Google 2012 Summer of Code (GSoC'12)] [http://gsoc-wiki.osuosl.org/index.php/2012 Mentor Summit]: Dr. Dinov presented the [http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/org/google/gsoc2012/socr SOCR-GSoC'12 projects] and lead 2 working sessions on [https://gsoc-wiki.osuosl.org/index.php/Building,_supporting_and_funding_academic-industry_collaborations_-_ideas,_partners,_challenges_and_prospects Building, supporting and funding academic-industry collaborations - ideas, partners, challenges and prospects]  and [http://gsoc-wiki.osuosl.org/index.php/JS_SciCompLib JavaScript Science Computation Library] at this event.
* October 09, 2012: Dr. Ivo Dinov consults on a PBS NOVA/WGBH [http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/body/mapping-the-brain.html Interactive Mapping the Brain Webapp] providing understanding of the relationship between brain anatomy, function and physiology. This resource enables the exploration of complex connections between different brain regions, and showcases the difference between normal and abnormal brain variability.
* August 02, 2012: Ivo Dinov is presenting an invited talk entitled [http://www.amstat.org/meetings/jsm/2012/onlineprogram/AbstractDetails.cfm?abstractid=303516 Computational Neuroinformatics: Challenges, Methods & Tools] at the [http://www.amstat.org/meetings/jsm/2012/ 2012 JSM meeting] in San Diego, CA. Session, (207361), [http://www.amstat.org/meetings/jsm/2012/onlineprogram/ActivityDetails.cfm?SessionID=207361 Innovations in Biomaging and the Impact of Statistics”, Session #587], Thursday, 8/2/2012, from 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM.
* July 31, 2012: Scott Kamino, Bilal Bhakhrani, Nicolas Christou and Ivo Dinov are presenting a paper entitled [http://www.amstat.org/meetings/jsm/2012/onlineprogram/AbstractDetails.cfm?abstractid=306019 Bivariate Normal Distribution: A New SOCR Applet] at [http://www.amstat.org/meetings/jsm/2012/onlineprogram/ActivityDetails.cfm?SessionID=208039 2012 JSM Meeting in San Diego, CA] (Tue, 7/31/2012, 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM, CC-Room 30C).
* July 13, 2012: Ivo Dinov is giving a lecture entitled [http://www.mntp.pitt.edu/Symposium/Symposium_DataProc_2012.html Multimodal Neuroimaging and Distributed Computing using the Pipeline Environment] at the 2012 [http://www.mntp.pitt.edu/ Multimodal Neuroimaging Training Program (MNTP)] at the University of Pittsburgh.
* May 2012: [http://socr.ucla.edu/htmls/ana/ SOCR Analyses] are utilized as the key statistical computing library part of the [http://pipeline.loni.ucla.edu/ Pipeline Graphical Workflow Environment]. One example is the use of the [[SOCR_EduMaterials_AnalysisActivities_MLR|SOCR Multivariate Linear Regression]] and [[SOCR_EduMaterials_AnalysesCommandLineFDR_Correction|False Discovery Rate (FDR)]] utilities for analyzing multidimensional neuroimaging data (http://ucla.in/Ie80ps).
* April 26, 2012: Ivo Dinov and Nicholas Christou are presenting a special session entitled [[SOCR_Events_NCMT_2012 |Technology-Enhanced Mathematics and Statistics Education]] at the [http://www.nctm.org/conferences/content.aspx?id=29461 2012 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCMT) Meeting] in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (April 25-28, 2012).
* April 17, 2012: Jack Van Horn, Ivo Dinov, Paul Eggert and Arthur Toga organized a workshop [http://pipeline.loni.ucla.edu/training/bigdata_2012/ Big Data Analysis Using the LONI Pipeline].
* March 2012: SOCR Projects are part of GSoC 2012: [http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/org/google/gsoc2012/socr SOCR is one of the high-profile projects included in the 2012 Google Summer of Code (GSoC)]. As part of this program, SOCR is looking for highly-motivated, technologically-savvy and result-oriented students to work on [[Available_SOCR_Development_Projects|expanding the large suite of SOCR computational libraries, designing and implementing novel open-source HTML5/JavaScript/JQuery webapps and web-resources for improving science education]].
* March 16-17, 2012: Ivo Dinov is organizing a [http://pipeline.loni.ucla.edu/training/cchmc2012/ Pipeline Training Workshop] at the University of Cincinnati and the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC), Cincinnati, OH.
* September 2011: SOCR Applications in Human Brain Mapping. [http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/hbm.21349/abstract Human brain mapping investigators use SOCR resources and tools to investigate frontal, temporal, and ventricular dysmorphology in schizophrenia, putamen/pallidum enlargements, medication exposure in early studies, and genetic predisposition for schizophrenia]. This report published in the [http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/hbm.21349/abstract HBM Journal] reveals the role of specific genetic or environmental risk factors toward altered brain morphology in schizophrenia.
* Sept. 17, 2011: Ivo Dinov is interviewed by [http://www.dailybruin.com/index.php/section/on_the_record Daily Bruin "On The Record"] about [http://www.dailybruin.com/index.php/multimedia/43623 student loans and the rate of increase of the cost of college tuition].
* August 12, 2011: Scott Kamino, Lance Perry and Mat Swatek submitted a [http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/kVhorHV35To video entitled "To Stat, or not to Stat?"] responding to the [http://www.amstat.org/youtube/ ASA contest to promote the practice and profession of statistics].
* August 03, 2011: Dave Zes, Nicolas Christou and Ivo Dinov are presenting a paper entitled [http://www.amstat.org/meetings/jsm/2011/onlineprogram/AbstractDetails.cfm?abstractid=302579 Spatial Statistics and Cartography Using SOCR (Abstract #302579)] in [http://www.amstat.org/meetings/jsm/2011/onlineprogram/MainSearchResults.cfm?SponsorID=206 Session # 524 (Wed, 8/3/2011, 11:20 AM)] at the [http://www.amstat.org/meetings/jsm/2011 Joint Statistical Meeting] in Miami Beach, Florida, July 30–August 4, 2011.
* July 15, 2011: Dr. Dinov was interviewed and quoted in an article in the Wall Street Journal about [http://blogs.wsj.com/numbersguy/happy-square-prime-sandwich-day-1072/ the proliferation of days designated to mark certain numerical properties - Happy Square-Prime Sandwich Day].
* June 24-25, 2011: Ivo Dinov is presenting [http://socr.ucla.edu/Ed/UC_OSI/ SOCR resource utilization in the University of California - Online Statistics Instruction (UC-OSI)] program. [http://www.ucop.edu UCOP] [http://groups.ischool.berkeley.edu/onlineeducation/ OIPP] [http://groups.ischool.berkeley.edu/onlineeducation/project-participants/course-design-conference Meeting, Berkeley, California]. See the video on [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9aed06zCF0&list=PL5AB77EEBD0A8F7F9&index=6 YouTube].
* April 11-14, 2011: [http://www.healthgrid.org/news/index.php?id=31 outGRID workshop, Vilnius, Lithuania]. Ivo Dinov is presenting a paper entitled [http://www.egi.eu/indico/getFile.py/access?contribId=114&sessionId=12&resId=2&materialId=slides&confId=207 Visual Informatics and Computational Genomics using the Graphical Pipeline Environment].
* January 26-28, 2011: Ivo Dinov is [http://ccliconference.org/abstracts/663 presenting the SOCR resource] at the [http://www.ccliconference.com/ 2011 AAAS TUES/CCLI  conference in Washington, DC] (American Association for the Advancement of Science, AAAS, and the National Science Foundation (NSF) Programs for Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement (CCLI) and Transforming Undergraduate Education in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, TUES).
* January 07, 2011:  [http://distributome.org/ Distributome-An Interactive Web-based Resource for Probability Distributions]: Kyle Siegrist, Ivo Dinov, and Dennis Pearl will present the [http://www.mathaware.org/meetings/national/jmm/2125_program_friday.html State of the Probability Distributome Project], 2011 JMM meeting, NSF Division of Undergraduate Education, Napoleon A1-A3, 3rd Floor, Sheraton, 2:00-4:00PM.
* December 04-05, 2010: [http://www.cmc-math.org/activities/north_program.html 2010 CMC-North Annual Asilomar Mathematics Conference]. Ivo Dinov will [[SOCR_Events_CMC_2010 |present the SOCR Resource]].
* November 18, 2012: Dr. Dinov presented a seminar entitled [http://www.cs.ucla.edu/cgi-bin/webevent.cgi?cmd=showevent&ncmd=calmonth&cal=cal2&id=1287690501-25406-1&ncals=&y=2010&m=11&d=18&token=&sb=0&cf=cal&lc=calmonth&swe=1&set=1&sa=0&sort=e,m,t&ws=0&sib=1&de=1&tf=0 Computational Neuroinformatics: Challenges, Methods, & Tools], UCLA [http://www.cs.ucla.edu/cgi-bin/webevent.cgi?cmd=calmonth&ncmd=startup&cal=cal2 Computer Science Seminar Series].
* November 05-06, 2010: [http://www.cmc-math.org/activities/south_conference.html 2010 CMC-South Annual Palm Springs Mathematics Conference]. Ivo Dinov and Nicolas Christou will [[SOCR_Events_CMC_2010 |present the SOCR Resource]].
* September 2010: [http://magazine.amstat.org/blog/2010/09/01/hands-on/ The SOCR MotionCharts Project receives an honorable mention in the 2010 ASA Hands-On Statistics Activity Competition].
* September 2010: In a High Speed Network partnership with K-12 educators, the SOCR Probability and Statistics [[EBook]] is posted on the [http://www.k12hsn.org/calaxy/wikis.php/calaxy/Probability_and_Statistics_EBook K12HSN network and made freely and openly available to the entire K-12 educational community].
* August 13, 2010, [[SOCR_Events_Aug2010 | SOCR AP Statistics Continuing Education Workshop]] at UCLA.
* July 31 - August 05, 2010, [http://www.amstat.org/meetings/jsm/2010/ JSM 2010 Conference], Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 31 – August 5, 2010:
** Juana Sanchez, Nicolas Christou and Ivo Dinov will present [[SOCR_EduMaterials_Activities_GeneralCentralLimitTheorem | SOCR CLT Applet and Activity]], Session #478, [http://www.amstat.org/meetings/jsm/2010/onlineprogram/index.cfm?fuseaction=abstract_details&abstractid=307049 Abstract #307049], Tue, 8/3/2010, 2:00 PM.
** Nicolas Christou and Ivo Dinov will present [http://www.amstat.org/meetings/jsm/2010/onlineprogram/index.cfm?fuseaction=abstract_details&abstractid=308613 Enhancing the Teaching of Statistics:  Analysis of Spatial Data Using SOCR and R], Session #478, [http://www.amstat.org/meetings/jsm/2010/onlineprogram/index.cfm?fuseaction=abstract_details&abstractid=308613 Abstract #308613], Wed, 8/4/2010, 8:30 AM.
* July 20-23, 2010 [http://sloanconsortium.org/et4online Sloan Consortium/MERLOT symposium] (Fairmont Hotel in San Jose, CA). Nicolas Christou, Ryan Rosario and Ivo Dinov will present a session entitled [[SOCR_Events_SloanMerlot_2010 | Technology-Enhanced Probability and Statistics Education Using the Statistics Online Computational Resource]].
* June 09, 2010: SOCR V2.6 receives the [http://www.softpedia.com/progClean/Statistics-Online-Computational-Resource-Clean-161967.html Softpedia "100% Free & Clean" award]. This [http://www.socr.ucla.edu/htmls/SOCR_Recognitions.html certifies that all SOCR tools] are free of all forms of malware, including spyware, viruses, trojans and backdoors, and can be used and installed with no concern by any computer user.
* May 14, 2010: Dr. Dinov was interviewed and quoted in an article in the [http://blogs.wsj.com/numbersguy/overblown-notions-about-names-940/ Wall Street Journal about the concept of implicit egotism, or people’s unconscious attraction to things or people that resemble themselves — as manifested by name similarity].
* May 11, 2010: [[SOCR_Events_CAUSE_TL_Spring2010 | CAUSE SOCR Teaching and Learning Webinar]].
* April 19, 2010: [[SOCR_Events_FTO_Obesity_Neuroimaging2010 |The largest neuroimaging study to-date identifies the relations between obesity gene (FTO) and brain tissue loss using the SOCR computational libraries]].
* March 25, 2010: We upgraded the [http://www.socr.ucla.edu/SOCR_UserGoogleMap.html SOCR user web-statistics mechanism]. Now we provide anonymous access to dynamic and complete statistics on the web-users of the main [http://www.SOCR.ucla.edu SOCR server]. The new [http://www.socr.ucla.edu/SOCR_UserGoogleMap.html SOCR web-statistics architecture] allows anyone to see anytime the locations and types of the last 500 SOCR users. Each user is uniquely counter daily, irrespective of usage-time or number of SOCR resources they used. Other [[SOCR_Servers | SOCR servers]] have separate tracking mechanisms.
* March 17, 2010: [http://www.scientistlive.com/European-Science-News/Medical/Brain_abnormalities_in_children_exposed_to_meth/24237/ Brain abnormalities in children exposed to meth] - a news-brief on a recent [http://www.jneurosci.org/cgi/content/abstract/30/11/3876 article on Prenatal Methamphetamine use], co-authored by Dr. Dinov, is distributed by the National Institutes of Health.
* January 12, 2010: NSF/DUE PI Meeting at the [http://www.ams.org/amsmtgs/2124_intro.html 2010 JMM Meeting in San Francisco, CA]. Dr. Dinov [[SOCR_Events_JMM_Jan2010 |presented the SOCR Resource]].
* October 2009: A new major upgrade of [[SOCR_EduMaterials_AnalysesActivities |SOCR Analyses]] is released that fixed the appearance of the tabs on all SOCR analysis applets. The new version only shows the tabs that are appropriate for the specific SOCR Analysis chosen by the user. This upgrade of Analyses resolves this inconsistency and makes the navigation to data-input, variable-mapping and result-interpretation much more intuitive and user-friendly.
* September 2009: A new [http://forums.stat.ucla.edu/socr SOCR forum is introduced]. Users, instructors, students and developers may use this forum to post questions, learn about various SOCR datasets, tools, learning materials, and contribute to the SOCR knowledgebase.
* August 15-23, 2009 [http://www.statssa.gov.za/isi2009/index.aspx SOCR Organized Events at the 2009 International Statistical Institute Meeting]
** August 16, 2009, [[SOCR_Events_ISIW_Aug2009 | SOCR Workshop at 2009 ISI Meeting]].
** August 17, 2009, [[SOCR_Events_ISIS_Aug2009 | A special session entitled ''Interactive, Data-Driven and Technology-Enhanced Approaches for Probability and Statistics Education'']], organized by Ivo Dinov and Nicolas Christou at 2009 ISI Meeting.
* August 10, 2009: The [http://www.dailybruin.com/index.php/article/2009/08/ucla-professors-host-workshop-open-source-projects Daily Bruin published an article about SOCR], summarizing [http://wiki.stat.ucla.edu/socr/uploads/9/93/DailyBruin_UCLA_SOCR_Aug2009.pdf  the project scope and interviewing Ivo Dinov and Nicolas Christou].
* August 10-12, 2009, [[SOCR_Events_Aug2009 | SOCR Training & Development Workshop]] at UCLA.
* August 03, 2009, [http://www.amstat.org/meetings/jsm/2009/onlineprogram/index.cfm?fuseaction=activity_details&activityid=164&sessionid=204418 Confidence Intervals using SOCR]. Nicolas Christou and Ivo Dinov are presenting SOCR at the [http://www.amstat.org/meetings/jsm/2009/ 2009 JSM Meeting in Washington, DC].
* June 27, 2009, Nicolas Christou [http://www.causeweb.org/uscots/uscots09/program/posters.pdf presented a poster (page 19)] at the [http://www.causeweb.org/uscots/uscots09/ 2009 USCOTS conference at OSU].
* April 16, 2009, SOCR Sponsored [http://cts.stat.ucla.edu/seminars/ Teaching Statistics Seminar] by [http://www.stat.tamu.edu/~west/ Webster West], 4-5 PM, Math Science 5137.
* January 05-08, 2009: Ivo Dinov will give 2 talks and present a poster at [http://www.ams.org/amsmtgs/2110_program.html 2009 Joint AMS/MAA Meeting in Washington, DC], January 05-08, 2009.
** [http://www.ams.org/amsmtgs/2110_abstracts/1046-e1-26.pdf Interactive, Data-Driven and Technology-Enhanced Approach for Probability and Statistics Education], at a session on [http://www.ams.org/amsmtgs/2110_program_tuesday.html#2110:MAACPE1  Demos and Strategies with Technology that Enhance Teaching and Learning Mathematics], Tuesday, January 06, 2009, 9:20AM, [http://www.ams.org/amsmtgs/2110_abstracts/1046-e1-26.pdf 1046-E1-26], [http://www.socr.ucla.edu/docs/SOCR_AMS_1046_E1_26_01_06_09.ppt PPT Slides] and  [http://www.socr.ucla.edu/docs/SOCR_AMS_1046_E1_26_01_06_09.pdf PDF Slides].
** [http://www.ams.org/amsmtgs/2110_program_tuesday.html#2110:SCOTTPS Statistics Online Computational Resource for Education], at a session on [http://www.ams.org/amsmtgs/2110_program_tuesday.html#2110:SCOTTPS  MAA Poster Session on Projects Supported by the NSF Division of Undergraduate Education], Tuesday, January 06, 2009, 2 PM, Blue Room and Foyer, Omni Shoreham Hotel.
** [http://www.ams.org/amsmtgs/2110_abstracts/1046-97-25.pdf Integrated, Multidisciplinary and Technology-Enhanced Science Education: The Next Frontier], at a [http://www.ams.org/amsmtgs/2110_program_wednesday.html#2110:AMSCP28 Mathematics Education session], Wednesday, January 07, 2009, 1:15PM, [http://www.ams.org/amsmtgs/2110_abstracts/1046-97-25.pdf 1046-97-25], [http://www.socr.ucla.edu/docs/NISER_AMS_1046_97_25_01_07_09.ppt PPT Slides] and  [http://www.socr.ucla.edu/docs/NISER_AMS_1046_97_25_01_07_09.pdf PDF Slides].
== 2008 ==
* November 17, 2008: [[SOCR_Overview_2008 | SOCR Presentation]] at [http://courses.stat.ucla.edu/index.php?term=08F&course=6637912&lecture=66379120 Statistics 495A] (Fall 2008).
* October 17, 2008: [[SOCR_Events_UCCP2008 | SOCR presentation at the UCCP/UCLA CDI meeting]] at at [http://www.cdi.ucla.edu/ UCLA CDI].
* September 27, 2008: Ivo Dinov is [[SOCR_Events_SMC2008 | presenting the SOCR resources]] at a continuing education event at Santa Monica College.
* September 17, 2008: The complete [[SOCR]] source code, v.2.5, was publicly released via the [http://socr.googlecode.com SOCR Google Code project page]. This new release contains the latest version of the [[SOCR]] libraries and all additional resources needed to revise, compile, package and deploy the entire [[SOCR]] resource on the Internet.
* August 14-15, 2008: Ivo Dinov is [[SOCR_Events_CCLI2008 | presenting the SOCR resource]] at the [http://www.ccliconference.com/ 2008 CCLI AAAS conference in Washington, DC].
* August 9, 2008: Nicolas Christou will present a seminar entitled [http://mic08.merlot.org/program/index.php?sort=date&date=2008-08-09#1090 Law of Large Numbers: The Theory, Applications and Technology-based Education], at the [http://mic08.merlot.org/program 2008 MERLOT International Conference] ([http://mic08.merlot.org/program/index.php?sort=date&date=2008-08-09 1:30-2:00 PM in the Conrad A Room]).
* August 2008: SOCR is releasing a new [http://www.esurveyspro.com/Survey.aspx?id=79ba4c38-b7d0-4530-aa00-12fdd32b6609 electronic polling survey to solicit open and anonymous community feedback on existing SOCR resources and recommendations for development of future SOCR materials and tools].
* August 2008, [http://www.amstat.org/meetings/jsm/2008 2009 Joint Statistics Meeting]
** Thu, 8/7/08, 10:30 AM - 12:20, Nicolas Christou is Chairing a session entitled [http://www.amstat.org/meetings/jsm/2008/onlineprogram/index.cfm?fuseaction=activity_details&activityid=519&sessionid=203496 The Internet, Telecommunications, and Migration]
** Wed, 8/06/08, 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM, Nicolas Christou and Ivo Dinov are presenting [http://www.amstat.org/meetings/jsm/2008/onlineprogram/index.cfm?fuseaction=abstract_details&abstractid=301649 Applications of Statistics in Finance Using the Statistics Online Computational Resource (SOCR)] in a special session on [http://www.amstat.org/meetings/jsm/2008/onlineprogram/index.cfm?fuseaction=activity_details&activityid=451&sessionid=203500 Portfolio Analysis, Exchange Rates, Microstructure, and GARCH Models]
* July 29, 2008: Ivo Dinov will give a hands-on demonstration entitled [[SOCR_Events_July2008 | Using SOCR to Motivate Simulation Experiments in Middle and High School]] at the [http://censusatschool-california.stat.ucla.edu/ Second CensusAtSchool International Workshop], [http://censusatschool-california.stat.ucla.edu/ 3:15-4:00 PM, CCLIC Lab].
* July 07, 2008: [http://www.math.ucla.edu/~lvese Luminita Vese] and [http://www.stat.ucla.edu/~dinov Ivo Dinov] are co-organizing a [http://www.siam.org/meetings/is08/ SIAM Imaging Science] session on [http://meetings.siam.org/program.cfm?CONFCODE=IS08 Computational Science and Biology: The Challenges, Data, Methods and Tools] (MS4), [http://meetings.siam.org/sess/dsp_programsess.cfm?SESSIONCODE=6978 Part I] and [http://meetings.siam.org/sess/dsp_programsess.cfm?SESSIONCODE=6979 Part II].
* June 20, 2008: Nicolas Christou will present a seminar entitled [http://trc.ucdavis.edu/uc21st/concurrent.html Web-based, Data-driven Probability and Statistics Education], at the [http://trc.ucdavis.edu/uc21st/ UC21st Century - Teaching, Learning and Technology: Past, Present and Future] Conference ([http://trc.ucdavis.edu/uc21st/schedule.html 11:45AM - 12:30PM]). Video ([http://uocatdavis.wmod.llnwd.net/a2636/e1/TLTC/TLTC_Nicholas_Christou.wmv WMP], [http://webcast.ucdavis.edu/TLTC/ FLASH]) and [http://trc.ucdavis.edu/uc21st/proceedings/christou_dinov_uc21st.ppt PPT slides] ara available online.
* June 05, 2008: [[SOCR_Events_EOY2008 | SOCR End-of-Year Event]].
* [http://cts.stat.ucla.edu/seminars 2008 SOCR/CTS '''Seminars''']:
** Thursday May 29: [http://www.stat.berkeley.edu/~stark/ Phil Stark], [http://www.stat.berkeley.edu/ Department of Statistics, UC Berkeley], [http://cts.stat.ucla.edu/seminars/ Thursday, 4-5pm, Math Science # 5137].
** Thursday, May 15: [http://www.stat.ucla.edu/~esfandia Mahtash Esfandiari] and Hai Nguyen,  Dept. of Statisitics, UCLA
** Thursday, May 1: [http://www.stat.osu.edu/~dkp/ Dennis Pearl], [http://www.stat.osu.edu/ Dept. of Statistics, The Ohio State University]. "The Statistical Buffet" course redesign at OSU, [http://cts.stat.ucla.edu/seminars/ Thursday, 4-5pm, Math Science # 5137].
** Thursday, April 24: [http://mathequity.terc.edu/gw/html/Andeepage.html Andee Rubin], [http://www.terc.edu/ TERC], [http://cts.stat.ucla.edu/seminars/rubin.html Software as a Learning Context: the Case of TinkerPlots and Statistical Reasoning], [http://cts.stat.ucla.edu/seminars/ Thursday, 4-5pm, Math Science # 5137].
** Thursday April 10:  [http://www.maths.qut.edu.au/profiles/macgillivray/ Helen MacGillvray], Queensland University of Technology, Australia, [http://cts.stat.ucla.edu/seminars/macgillvray.html Roles of Assessment in Learning of Statistics and Mathematics], [http://cts.stat.ucla.edu/seminars/ Thursday, 4-5pm, Math Science # 5137].
* May 19, 2008: Dr. [http://www.stat.ucla.edu/~nchristo Nicolas Christou] will be awarded the prestigious [http://www.oid.ucla.edu/edtech/bpcaward Brian P. Copenhaver Award for Innovation in Teaching with Technology]. [[SOCR_Awards_Christou_BC2008 | More information about this event and Nicolas' contributions is available here]]. Nicolas Christou [http://www.oid.ucla.edu/edtech/bpcaward/2008-video-christou (video-stream) Interview] and [http://www.today.ucla.edu/campus/080520_online_stats-aid/ UCLA Today] article.
* May 05, 2008: Ivo Dinov will give a [http://www.amstat.org ASA]/[http://www.amstat.org/education/gaise/ GAISE] [[SOCR_Events_May2008 | Webinar for middle school teachers in various science and quantitative disciplines]].
* January 17-19, 2008, [http://www.hicstatistics.org/program_stats.htm 2008 Hawaii International Conference on Statistics, Mathematics and Related Fields], Honolulu, Hawaii:
** Nicolas Christou and Ivo Dinov will present [http://www.hicstatistics.org/STATS2008.pdf Statistics Online Computational Resource for Education: www.socr.ucla.edu];
** Priscilla Chui, Nicolas Christou and Ivo Dinov will present a talk on [http://www.hicstatistics.org/STATS2008.pdf Numbers and Sense].
* January 6-9, 2008: [http://www.ams.org/amsmtgs/2109_program.html Joint Mathematics Meetings (AMS/MAA), San Diego, CA].
** Annie Che, Nicolas Christou, Jenny Cui and Ivo Dinov will present a poster entitled [http://www.ams.org/amsmtgs/2109_program_monday.html SOCR Analyses: a free Internet-based Statistical Analysis Toolkit], on 01/07/08, 2-4 PM, as part of the [http://www.ams.org/amsmtgs/2109_program_monday.html NSF Division of Undergraduate Education] session.
** Rahul Gidwani, Nicolas Christou and Ivo Dinov will present a paper (1035-P1-707) [http://www.ams.org/amsmtgs/2109_program_wednesday.html#2109:MAACPP2 Interactive Web-Based Probability Distribution Mathlets: www.SOCR.ucla.edu] at the [http://www.ams.org/amsmtgs/2109_abstracts/1035-p1-707.pdf MAA Session Mathlets and Web Resources for Mathematics and Statistics Education], [http://www.ams.org/amsmtgs/2109_program_wednesday.html  1:20 PM, Wednesday Jan. 9, 2008].
** Rahul Gidwani, Nicolas Christou and Ivo Dinov will present a paper (1035-62-1789) [http://www.ams.org/amsmtgs/2109_abstracts/1035-62-1789.pdf Generating Functions: Web-based SOCR Applets and Computational Library Interfaces], [http://www.ams.org/amsmtgs/2109_program_wednesday.html 3:45 PM on Jan 09, 2008].
== 2007 ==
* Dec. 19. 2007, SOCR was added as a [http://apps.facebook.com/socrapp/ Facebook Application] and made available as a tool/plug-in to all FaceBook Users. To add the SOCR App to your Facebook page follow these steps:
** [http://www.facebook.com Login your Facebook account (or create one)]
** [http://apps.facebook.com/socrapp Visit the SOCR App home page]
** [http://www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?api_key=f7ba27416638bfa874514da430932a04 Add the SOCR App to your Applications by selecting '''add this application button''']
* Dec. 07, 2007, Dr. Dinov was interviewed and quoted in [http://wiki.stat.ucla.edu/socr/uploads/f/f9/WSJ_12_07_2007.pdf An article] in the [http://online.wsj.com/article/SB119698695198016514.html Wall Street Journal] about a paper by Leif Nelson (NYU) and Joseph Simmons (Yale) entitled [http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=946249 Moniker Maladies: When Names Sabotage Success]. In this article the authors present experimental designs and data to support hypotheses that ''unconscious behavior can insidiously undermine conscious pursuits''.
* Sept. 24, 2007: The [http://www.NSF.gov National Science Foundation (NSF)] extended the funding for the UCLA [[SOCR | Statistics Online Computational Resource (SOCR)]] for another 4 years (2007-2011). This is a great accomplishment for the [http://socr.ucla.edu/htmls/SOCR_Team.html SOCR team] and recognition of the SOCR Resource achievements since 2002. In the next 4 years, SOCR will design, test, validate, and disseminate 1) tools (applets, demos, GUI interfaces), 2) educational materials (activities, class notes, tutorials), and 3) resources (Statistics Online Computational Resource Wiki, consulting, workshops, etc.) More information is available [http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward.do?AwardNumber=0716055 online].
* Aug. 22-29, 2007: SOCR [http://wiki.stat.ucla.edu/socr/uploads/c/c4/SOCR_Abstract_Lisbon_ISI2007.pdf sampling and simulation resources] are going to be presented as an invited talk (Nicolas Christou) at the 2007 [http://www.isi2007.com.pt International Statistics Institute meeting (ISI)], Lisbon, Portugal, ([http://wiki.stat.ucla.edu/socr/uploads/7/7b/Christou_Dinov_Sanchez_ISI2007.pdf PDF Slides])
* Aug. 08-10, 2007: Nicolas Christou is invited to present the [[SOCR_EduMaterials_Activities_GeneralCentralLimitTheorem | SOCR Central Limit Theorem Applet and hands-on activity]] at the [http://mic07.merlot.org/program/index.php?sort=date&date=2007-08-09#904 2007 Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching Conference], [http://conference.merlot.org/2007/ MERLOT], New Orleans, LA. ([http://wiki.stat.ucla.edu/socr/uploads/2/21/Christou_MERLOT_CLT_2007.pdf Talk PDF], [http://conference.merlot.org/2007/Thursday/merlot_clt_2007.ppt Talk PPT])
* Aug. 06-08, 2007: [[SOCR_Events_Aug2007 | SOCR/CAUSE Workshop]] at UCLA
* Aug. 06-08, 2007: [[SOCR_Events_Aug2007 | SOCR/CAUSE Workshop]] at UCLA
* Aug. 01, 2007: [http://www.amstat.org/meetings/jsm/2007/ JSM] - Nicolas Christou will present [http://www.amstat.org/meetings/jsm/2007/onlineprogram/index.cfm?fuseaction=activity_details&activityid=465&sessionid=202134 Enhancing the Teaching of Statistics with Technology Using the Statistics Online Computational Resource (SOCR)] in Session 466, at 2:00 PM at the Joint Statistical Meetings in Salt Lake City, Utah, July 29-August 2, 2007 ([http://wiki.stat.ucla.edu/socr/uploads/5/52/Christou_Talk_JSM_Aug2007.pdf Abstract #309845], PDF).
* Aug. 01, 2007: [http://www.amstat.org/meetings/jsm/2007/ JSM] - Nicolas Christou will present [http://www.amstat.org/meetings/jsm/2007/onlineprogram/index.cfm?fuseaction=activity_details&activityid=465&sessionid=202134 Enhancing the Teaching of Statistics with Technology Using the Statistics Online Computational Resource (SOCR)] in Session 466, at 2:00 PM at the Joint Statistical Meetings in Salt Lake City, Utah, July 29-August 2, 2007 ([http://wiki.stat.ucla.edu/socr/uploads/5/52/Christou_Talk_JSM_Aug2007.pdf Abstract #309845], PDF).
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** Ivo Dinov will give a talk on [http://www.ams.org/amsmtgs/2098_abstracts/1023-62-1.pdf SOCR Utilization and Assessment], Monday January 8, 2007, 2:45 PM, [http://www.ams.org/amsmtgs/2098_program_monday.html#2098:AMSCP28 AMS Session on Probability and Statistics]
** Ivo Dinov will give a talk on [http://www.ams.org/amsmtgs/2098_abstracts/1023-62-1.pdf SOCR Utilization and Assessment], Monday January 8, 2007, 2:45 PM, [http://www.ams.org/amsmtgs/2098_program_monday.html#2098:AMSCP28 AMS Session on Probability and Statistics]
=== 2006 ===
== 2006 ==
* Ivo Dinov presented two talks at the 2006 American Medical Informatics Association ([http://www.amia.org AMIA]) [http://www.amia.org/meetings/f06/ Annual Meeting, Washington, DC]
* Ivo Dinov presented two talks at the 2006 American Medical Informatics Association ([http://www.amia.org AMIA]) [http://www.amia.org/meetings/f06/ Annual Meeting, Washington, DC]
** [http://www.amia.org/meetings/f06/showdoc.asp?DID=401 Biomedical Imaging Ontologies: Design Principles Enabling Interoperability for Imaging Applications, Tools, and Data], Nov. 11, 2006
** [http://www.amia.org/meetings/f06/showdoc.asp?DID=401 Biomedical Imaging Ontologies: Design Principles Enabling Interoperability for Imaging Applications, Tools, and Data], Nov. 11, 2006
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* Juana Sanchez presented various SOCR Activities at the [http://www.maths.otago.ac.nz/icots7 ICOTS7], July 2006.
* Juana Sanchez presented various SOCR Activities at the [http://www.maths.otago.ac.nz/icots7 ICOTS7], July 2006.
* Nicolas Christou gave a SOCR Colloquium Talk at the department of [http://www.mas.ucy.ac.cy/ Mathematics & Statistics, University of Cyprus], June 2006.
* Nicolas Christou gave a SOCR Colloquium Talk at the department of [http://www.mas.ucy.ac.cy/ Mathematics & Statistics, University of Cyprus], June 2006.
* [http://www.loni.ucla.edu/CCB/training.aspx?id=2912 2006 SIAM Symposia on Brain Segmentation], May 15-17, 2006 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. Ivo Dinov organized  a symposium at the [http://www.siam.org/meetings/is06 2006 SIAM Conference on Imaging Science] entitled ''Mathematical Methods and Tools for Volumetric Brain Segmentation''.
* Ivo Dinov presented the SOCR Resource at the [http://www.ams.org/amsmtgs/2095_intro.html Joint AMS/MAA joint Meeting], San Antonio, TX, January 2006
* Ivo Dinov presented the SOCR Resource at the [http://www.ams.org/amsmtgs/2095_intro.html Joint AMS/MAA joint Meeting], San Antonio, TX, January 2006
* SOCR Home page: http://www.socr.ucla.edu
* SOCR Home page: http://www.socr.umich.edu

Latest revision as of 12:22, 26 November 2024

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This paper Statistical foundations of invariance and equivariance in deep artificial neural network learning was recognized as being of remarkable quality by the AmStat/SMI review committee.



















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